Taking photos of children can be a task as arduous as it is satisfying. Who hasn't ever tried it? To our children, nephews, children of friends, etc.... And who has not been disappointed after another? Blurred, moved photos, with impossible backgrounds…
In this article I leave you with 100 quick tips, but if you want to go deeper into children's photography, you will find many more in this other link, as well as tips, inspiration and professional recommendations. Now to the mess:
- Be patient.
- Before a session, study the place, the light, the backgrounds, etc.
- Don't ask them to smile or laugh, it never works. And for a good photo of children, a smile is not always necessary. Better…
- make them laugh If you want a laugh, provoke it, it will be authentic and it will spread joy.

- Always wear a pom pom outdoors. It can save you from any trouble, no little one resists making or exploding soap bubbles.
- If you have a camera that looks like a toy, a loin, an old one that doesn't have much value, let them play at taking photos and hunt them down at that moment.

- Always keep the camera on during a photo session with children, even if you take a break, so you won't miss any "great moment".
- At home always have the camera ready and at hand.
- Use fast or very fast shutter speeds if there is a lot of action. In this video Mario explains very well what shutter speed is, in case you are still not clear about this concept.
- Set your camera to shot priority mode if there is a lot of movement and you don't want to miss a gesture.
- In emergencies use sports mode. It is the automatic mode that best captures the activity of children.

- Set the camera to focus priority mode if you are looking for a lot of sharpness.
- Use dynamic zone focus mode .
- Shoot in AI Servo (Canon) or AF-C (Nikon) whenever they're awake, if they're not moving they'll likely be within a nanosecond.
- Shoot in burst to achieve your best gesture.
- When it comes to shooting in bursts, if you need more speed, it's better to shoot in JPG. RAW format slows down the burst speed . Although keep in mind that you will limit the editing options.
- If you don't use a tripod and you have a fast hand, activate the image stabilizer whenever you can.
- Upload the ISO if necessary. In some important moments, it is better to have a photo with noise than not to have a photo. Or have a completely blurry one.
- Choose the right objective, this can be a great example.
- Use large openings, you will have more light and you will give it more prominence.
- But be careful with openings that are too large, any slight movement of the little monster can end up focusing poorly.
- Learn to hold the camera well.
- Diffuse the harsh light from the window with a plain white curtain or white tissue paper on the glass.

- Never use a flash when taking pictures of very young children. Whenever you can, use natural light. Smile, always. Try to tell a story, with a single photo or several.
- Indoors, get as close to a window as possible.
- Or go out on the balcony, but look for the light. If you have to turn on lights, keep an eye on the white balance.
- Outdoors, photograph them in the shade.
- Except in exceptional cases, try to use soft light in photos of children. Convey tenderness.
- Make sure that in the portraits of children there is a sparkle in their eyes. A nearby window, a reflector, etc. They will help you to let the light reach his eyes and give him life.

- With the little ones you can attach a doll to the lens, so you make sure they look at the camera.
- Let them play. Let them move as they please.
- Have objects for them to play with on hand.
- For a children's photo session, invite them to bring their favorite toy.
- Plan the session. Everything you have planned will help you, even if half of things fail at the last moment ?
- Use costumes, or accessories that they may like. A hat, a cape, huge glasses...
- Use games to collaborate.
- Play hide-and-seek with the children. They will give you great photo moments.

- Have fun with them, they will give you their best smile.
- Don't force them into anything. Better let them move naturally.
- Always focus on the eyes.
- Never cut at the joints or fingers.
- On the face, never cut around the ears, chin or neck.
- Come closer. More.
- Try to capture them in everyday moments.

- Pay attention to all gestures.
- Try to catch his most characteristic gesture. When he grows up he will love to have it immortalized.
- Tell your child his story through photos. Pregnancy preparations , the first bath, his first smiles, the first time his foot was discovered, his first tooth...
- Capture their emotions. It is the only way to excite.
- Use a macro to photograph the mouth or other details.

- Make sure the background doesn't distract attention.
- The protagonist is the boy or the girl, not the toys, furniture or people around. Eliminate everything that gets in the way.
- If the above is not possible, change perspective .
- Get up to their height to portray them.
- Don't be afraid to drop to the ground.
- Nor will you climb up to capture them from an overhead perspective.

- Look for different shooting angles .
- If there is a horizon, please, let it be straight or it will take away the role of the child.
- Take care of the composition, that his smile does not make you forget what is important, it is a photograph and a good composition is always the key.
- Look for suitable locations for what you want to tell.
- Do not always take photos of your children in the same park. All photos with the same background are boring.
- Take them to a place that they like a lot and where they can run free. Without elements in the background that spoil the photograph, or where the context counts for something.

- Hide some surprise. Use it in case of emergency or to close the session and leave them with a good memory.
- If you see that they are very bored or do not want to collaborate, try playing dolls. Who will be able to make the funniest face, you or the child? Laughter is guaranteed. Have your camera ready!
- Get Inspired: Marta Schmidt, Elena Shumilova, Claudia Cabrero, Charo Diezor our friend Alexa de Blois, are some of the "must-sees" in terms of children's photography.

- Show them a photo from time to time, especially the older ones. You will take them to your land
- That the clothes do not detract from their prominence. No large letters, or exaggerated prints, especially in the smallest ones. The protagonist of the photos is the child, not the clothes.
- In summer, better clothes in soft or neutral colors.
- In winter, better clothes in bright colors to contrast with the landscape.
- His well-being is the main thing, and if he is uncomfortable for the session, you will not get the best photos either.
- If a newborn pees while sleeping, dry him better with tissues, the wipe is wet (and cold) and will wake him up, then you will clean him up.
- With newborns, put a plastic protector under the first blanket.
- If you're taking photos of a young child with no clothes or minimal gauze, make sure the room temperature is right.
- Photograph the parts and details of the newborn, such as the mouth, feet or hands, with a very large opening. More newborn photography tips and tricks in this mega guide .

- Be careful with the photography of newborns with older siblings, if the protagonist is the baby, do not steal the spotlight (or vice versa).
- Put a newborn to sleep in the position in which you want to photograph him.
- With newborns, start the session with clothes and remove them little by little until leaving them with the gas or whatever you have prepared. Or with nothing...
- Choose a good time, especially one in which you are not sleepy (except in newborns, who should ideally fall asleep), or hungry. If it's not receptive, don't expect much. Well yes, let him get angry and you despair.
- When taking photos of very young children, help yourself with creative accessories .
- With children who are already crawling (or crawling) use buckets or baskets to get them to stay still. Of course, do not forget about your safety.
- Because… safety comes first.
- Whenever you can, take an assistant to your children's photo shoots .
- Never post photos of children without the express consent of the parents.
- Never photograph a boy or girl (other than your own) without permission. And if it's your son or daughter and they don't want photos either ? .
- Dress in white clothes, you will reflect the light.
- Wear comfortable clothes.
- And comfortable shoes.
- Never place a tripod where there are children running around, you run a serious risk.
- Never leave the camera within their reach.
- Photograph them with mom and/or dad.
- Mom , if they are your children, try to go out from time to time.

- Capture the magic between siblings .
- Go with black and white when it's clear, but shoot in color and then convert to grayscale when editing.
- Learn to be flexible and improvise.
- Develop photos on paper.
- Learn to delete, it is difficult to delete photos of your children, but having ten identical photos is useless, well yes, so that you are lazy to edit them and to fill up hard drives without meaning .
- Develop your photos with Lightroom or any other program, the difference can be important. Don't let the camera decide how the final photo will turn out.
- To edit the photos, the RAW format is better.
- When everything seems to go wrong, be even more patient .
- Never give up ;). Extreme sports, like this one, are hard, but when you manage to reach the finish line, you become the happiest person.
- And to finish, I leave you an extra trick in this video by Julian Marinov. You will like!