I bring you a series of rainbow photographs, since it is a phenomenon full of beauty, but it is also a symbol of joy. Either because of its colors or because behind a gray rainy sky the sun always rises and with it the rainbow, the fact is that it is a great element to photograph.
Recently we have seen how children painted rainbows and hung them on balconies, windows and/or social networks. There must be a reason.
I have decided to bring you a few images of rainbows, to inspire you, so that as soon as you can photograph them, go for one, for the experience, for the gratification of freezing it, for the connection with nature. Choose the reason you want ?
And if what you want is to delve into nature photography, this is our most complete guide, with tips, tricks and lots of inspiration.
Before showing you the images, I want to offer you, in summary, some basic tips to achieve better rainbow photographs.
- Photograph it in context. The rainbow is beautiful, we have already said it, but it is more beautiful if you include it in a landscape and achieve a great composition of the whole.
- Or decontextualize it. Another option is to capture a detail, it is a completely different type of photography that you can capture with a good zoom.
- Composition. The rainbow is still a line to include within a composition, use it to direct the gaze or convey the sensation that interests you the most. You can also look for its reflection to create a closed circle, or use it as a natural frame.
- Places. You will not only find it after the rain, where there is falling water and sun, with the right angle it can also appear, waterfalls and fountains are a good example.
- Polarizing. If you use a polarizer, take care that it saturates the colors instead of washing them out, play with the position by rotating it to achieve the best effect.
- Background. A neutral background will make your rainbow stand out more.
Now yes, I leave you with the promised photos, so that you fill yourself with inspiration and color.

I hope these photographs have filled you with inspiration and have made you want to go out and photograph the rainbow, a landscape, a natural element or anything else.