Photographing a pet can be a rewarding exercise. There are no ugly pets: dogs, cats, ... all are beautiful and photogenic. Have you ever tried to photograph your hairy and have not obtained great results? Don't worry, it's not that your pet is ugly, much less, it's you who doesn't control photography. It's okay, that's why we're here, to learn together. In today's article I will provide you with a series of tricks and tips with which you can get excellent pictures of your pet . You'll check how surprisingly easy it is. We go to them, but before and for you to feel like it, I let you enjoy this small gallery ..
Dogs, cats or any other animal do not understand photography, do not know that they are being photographed, let alone that of the flash . Using flash the only thing you are going to get is to scare the creature and run away or react in an unwanted way. Instead of flash, try to have natural light coming from outside. Of course, there is a lot of light please.2. FOCUS ON THE EYES
Forever. As with humans. Much of the animals' facial expression comes from their eyes, so keep them focused.3. LOWER TO YOUR LEVEL
Do not shoot your cat or dog from above, better get down to your level, get on your knees, or lie flat on your stomach. Adopting this perspective you will get a picture "from you to you."4. FOCUS ON YOUR CHARACTER AND PERSONALITY
No one knows your pet and its habits better than you. The photo will have much more grace and spark if it represents a typical situation typical of your pet: for example, if it is a normally lazy cat, photograph it at some point in those, so relax while doing the tug. If, on the other hand, it is a dog that does not stop running, portray it like this, running, or while entertaining with your favorite toy.5. LOOK FOR A GOOD BACKGROUND
The background is a main element in the composition. Condition the entire photo. It is not the same a background of uniform color than of several colors, a simple background that composed, a focused background that one out of focus.6. USE THE KING OF OBJECTIVES
Use a target as bright as possible. It could be a 50mm f / 1.4 for example, or an f / 1.8 even. Discover other optics ideal for wildlife.7. USE BOLD GOALS
Although the previous lens is best suited for portraits, it may be a good idea to also use lenses that distort reality a bit by offering funny results. For example, the typical fisheye target would be a good candidate.8. PLAN THE SHOT
You have to recognize that these little creatures sometimes don't collaborate, so you need to plan the photo quietly. Choose a good time, prepare the camera and let the animal see you with it for a while until it stops being strange. Meanwhile, think about the type of photo you are looking for, the composition, etc. Remember that once you start capturing the photo you will probably have very little time before your friend runs away, so plan everything discreetly and in advance.9. USE MEDIUM OR HIGH SHOOTING SPEEDS
Surely your pet can not be still, and most likely you have to do without the tripod , so you should use a rather high firing speed and thus freeze the movement .10. PLAY WITH DEPTH OF FIELD
Blurring the background and focusing on the subject in the foreground usually gives very good results in humans but also in animals. (If you want more details on how to apply this method read this).11. SEEK INSPIRATION
Before planning the session, take a look around Flickr and search with the words "pet", "animal", "pet", "cat", "dog" .. Use the photos of other photographers to find inspiration and new ideas.12. AND THE MOST IMPORTANT ADVICE OF ALL
Do it all with love and have fun during the session. Do not get frustrated, do not insist on getting a pose or photo if it resists you. After all, the important thing is to have fun and immortalize the memory of a loved one. If you achieve that end, what else does it matter if the photo is not artistically aesthetic? Fret with aesthetics. Seriously!Always use the Online HTML Converter to compose the content for your website easily.