The arrival of a new member in the family, as is the case with a baby , is a historical fact worth documenting. Babies are responsible, on many occasions, for their parents to enter this fascinating world of photography. I know many couples of parents who bought their first SLR camera in order to portray their baby and got stuck there.
If you or your family have been graced with the arrival of a baby at home, today's article will come with luxury: here are a series of very easy tips to follow with which you will be able to highlight the most photogenic side of your baby .
Naked baby1- Get inspired, observe, plan: If you want to save time and leave with advantage, take a few minutes to observe photos of babies on Flickr . There are really impressive photographs, so try to keep the ones you like best. Get inspired by them and get ideas, poses and angles, and go writing it down. Decide what photos you want to take before even taking the camera. So, when you start shooting photos your effort will be worth it.
2- Choose the best possible objective [For SLR cameras only]: Each situation has a suitable objective . For portraits, including those of babies , generally any objective between 50 and 85mm with wide aperture will give you excellent results ( here I speak of one, magnificent, excellent, which I call the King of the Objectives ).
3- Highlight the small protagonist: To give the prominence that your baby deserves in the photo, a very effective technique would be to focus it to the maximum while blurring the background completely. In this article I explain how to apply this technique step by step. You will get all eyes to focus on him.
4- Semimanual mode [For SLR cameras only] : Surely all the modes of your camera will work fine but if you really want a good result without messing with too many manual controls, I advise you to use the semi - automatic mode of your camera called «Opening Priority » . On the mode dial it has the symbol "A" on Nikon cameras and " Av " on Canon. Once in that mode, select a value f as low as possible (f / 1.4, f / 4 or f / 5.6 ... the minimum you can get).
5- Ideas that always work: Photograph it in full body, and then try photos focused on specific parts of your small body, for example the soles of the feet, hands, nose or mouth. This type of photos always works.
Baby foot6- Photography from the same height: Unless you want to give free rein to your creativity, it is normal to photograph your baby from the same height . Get down to the level of the bed, cradle or where he is and shoot from there, that will create a feeling of closeness and intimacy between the viewer and the small subject.
7- Avoid the flash at all costs: The flash will be your baby's greatest enemy. It scares them and makes them cry without stopping. Please unless you want your photo session to fail, disable the flash completely. Instead, try to use natural light from a window for example.
8- Take care of the accessory details: Eliminate all objects that have nothing to do with the theme «Baby»: for example, what is the point of a baby photo with a pot of lentils with sausage behind in the background? Remove everything that may be foreign to the photo and decide if instead you are interested in adding children's items such as toys, Legos, and things like that to contextualize the photo.
9- Try black and white photos : The photos of black and white babies are irresistible, they are very tender. If you do not know how to process the photos on your computer, you can configure your camera to shoot some photos in black and white, however, if you know how to process them in Photoshop or any other photo editing program, I strongly recommend that you shoot in color, normal, and that you change them to black and white later once you process them on a computer. So you can always see both results and decide which one interests you most, whether the color, or the black and white.
10- Shoot without stopping: Do not cut yourself when taking pictures. Fortunately , today's SLR digital cameras do not require a reel, so when in doubt or lack of ideas shoot. The more disparate photos, the more chances you have of getting good photos and even finding inspiration for other photos that you had not thought of before. Of course, it is not necessary to reach 2,000 photos either.
11- Show your proportions: A newborn baby is such a small and cute thing , of very small dimensions. This is sometimes not seen in the photos. If you want to draw attention to the smallness of your body, include an adult (or part of it) in the frame: for example, let the baby rest his hand on his mother's, or have his head rest on his shoulder , and things like that.
Baby of small proportions12- Do not go cold, please: If you are going to photograph him naked or half-naked, put on his skin by. Do not let it get cold, regulate the heating beforehand if necessary. Make him feel comfortable, that will make him happy and provide you with excellent photos.
13- The best time to photograph your baby: After it has been fed and when you start having some dream it is usually the most convenient time to photograph it. It is a quiet moment in which he will almost not pay attention to you, he will not notice the camera, and you will even be able to gently move his hands or feet without any resistance, being totally asleep, or almost.
Babies grow very fast, so take the opportunity without hesitation. Please, if you have a baby at home, promise me that you will do the photo session he deserves. You will enjoy it and he will thank you when he grows up.
Black and White Baby
Did you like today's tutorial? Have you LOVED? Are you excited or excited about the idea? Well, now comes the time when I ask you two small favors:
The first, that you write a note in which you put “PENDING PHOTOGRAPH TO MY LITTLE” and that you hang it near your crib, in some visible place and do not remove it until you have not done it.
The second, to help me spread this article: give it a vote below by recommending it on Google+, Facebook or Twitter, so other readers (and babies) will benefit.