Not long ago, aquatic photography was virtually prohibitive. Buying a water camera (until the disposable ones for the just came out), was something that was available to very few fans. Times have changed (and much). Now there are even smartphones that you can immerse underwater without fear of spoiling it. One pass, right? And if we have that wonderful option, how is it possible that we let it go?
In this article I have proposed to give you some tips to encourage you to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity that technology offers us. Although this blog is aimed at SLR photography, do not hurry, because these tips will help you have the equipment you have (with its corresponding protection, of course ).
Before focusing on the photographic matter, let me make a stop in this (fundamental) aspect of adaptation to the aquatic environment. And when I talk about adaptation I mean the team and the photographer.
The team. Unless you have a water camera at your disposal (congratulations, what luck) or a water smartphone, you will have to protect it from its fiercest enemy, water. Evidently. How? There are several ways:
Fishbowl. This option is somewhat rudimentary, if not quite enough, but if you are looking to take a picture half under water half out of water, it suits you perfectly and what you put in front is a glass and not a plastic, so the quality The photo will be better.
Submersible disposable cameras. This option is only to play a little and have fun, because the quality does not give much.
Submersible analog cameras A somewhat more sophisticated possibility is a compact analog submersible, such as this one .
Waterproof covers. They are soft plastic cases, for the smartphone you will have to find a suitable one for your model, here you have for example one for the iPhone 6 . For SLRs and the like they are more standard, although you have to take into account the measurements of your camera and the lens because there are several sizes. Here is an example model .
Waterproof submersible cover for reflexTo make sure that it works perfectly, it is not that they are the safest option on the market, before you submerge your smartphone or camera underwater, fill the toilet paper case and put it in a bucket of water (cold, huh? for an hour or two). If the paper comes out completely dry, you can put your equipment quietly under water, if not, I would talk to the manufacturer about you and snort with relief for having tried before
Waterproof case for SLR: finally we have the most sophisticated option of all, and also more expensive (around 300 euros), these are the cases for SLR cameras. You have to find it compatible with your camera. This option is the most expensive but also the safest and the previous step to more professional teams. You can find specialized products on sites like Sea & Sea or Ikelite (notice, they are in English).
Check out this video, it's about a photo shoot in a pool. Ok, they are not amateurs, but they can give you ideas, right? Yes, it is also in English, but if you do not understand it, with the images you can also learn a lot
Your. Yes, yes, you. You also have to adapt to the environment. When taking pictures in general you should be comfortable, relaxed. Under water it was not going to be less. The point is that something is complicated here, because we don't have gills. If you are a great diving expert (now, do not get excited going down many meters deep with the equipment mentioned in the previous point). If you are not, you will have to think if you feel equally good in the sea than in the pool, if you swim easily when you do not stand, if when there are aquatic animals your whole body tenses ... Take these factors into account when of planning your session. And also keep in mind that in a pool the water is much more crystalline. If you are looking for sharpness ... I recommend chlorinated water
Trick: for your comfort and to take away a worry, wear diving goggles that cover the nose.
If you get in the water with a case or a case, forget to easily adjust the parameters at the moment. You will have to do it beforehand. Anticipate the conditions and adjustments you have to make and make them before submerging your camera. Even if you have a submersible smartphone, the touch screens do not work underwater.
White balance : Adjust the balance in daylight mode, especially if you use the fill flash. Or directly shoot in RAW and save yourself a worry
ISO: try to put the ISO value as low as possible, to avoid adding noise, the water already steals quite sharpness. Upload it only if you have no choice.
Opening: the approach under water and with covers in between is not what is said very accurate. Avoid very wide openings, better use between f / 8 and f / 16 to have a greater depth of field.
Focus: don't even consider the manual approach, directly set it to automatic.
Speed: this parameter will depend on whether you want to freeze the movement, like a splash, for which you will have to use very fast speeds; or if you intend to transmit the movement, in this case use slower speeds, such as 1/15, for example, but try to stabilize your camera as much as possible.
Water is a medium that stands between the subject and your camera, the greater the distance it will be more distorted, the colors will go out and the subject will lose prominence, the closer you get, the more impact your photography will have. Especially under the sea, where the water can be somewhat more murky and where if you go deeper you lose a lot of light, get close to everything you can (as long as the motive is not a dangerous animal of the shark type ).
Photo by Elena Kalis
Under water the availability of light is considerably reduced and this reduction is also proportional to the depth. If you are in an indoor pool you will need flash. Outdoors, pool or sea, the more light there is better, especially if you want to go down several meters or if the sea water is a bit cloudy.
If you have low light, use the flash or stay close to the surface. Getting close is also a good option, but you will also have to stay close to the surface. And, although the noon light is not very suitable for many photographic cases, this time it will be a great ally.
In the case of photographs that include the seabed and the surface, the best is first thing in the morning, because the water is calmer (from the sea, of course) and the light is similar inside and outside the Water.
Surface and background by Elena Kalis
I just told you, near the surface you will have much more light, in addition, at some depth the colors begin to get lost.
Being close to the surface also allows you, among other things, a portrait in which the subject has his face out and can move more comfortably, capture reflections and sun rays, photograph splashes and achieve photos like these (all of Elena Kalis ).
Enter any object you can think of in the water, from a guitar to a swing. Out of water portraits win with accessories such as a magnifying glass, a hat ... imagine this underwater, the effect is really impressive. Any object whose usual place is out of water will make your image spectacular.
When it comes to portraits, in addition to the props of props, to achieve dreamlike images, of great beauty, ethereal, impressive ... take great care of the costumes. Vaporous tissues are the ones that move best in water and those that will create the best effects. Also choose colors based on what you want to convey. Do not leave anything to chance.
Take care of the locker room
Being under water does not exempt you from making a good composition . It's no use controlling parameters such as light, shutter speed, etc., if your composition is not good enough. Take care of her (and much). There lies the difference between a good photo or a spectacular photo.
Pamper the composition
As with photographs outside the water, your image will gain interest if it tells a story, because yes, stories can also be told underwater . It is also a good idea to make a series, like that of Elena Kalis de Alicia through the mirror that I have shown you in the gallery of point 6.
Tells a story
In addition to everything you can bring with your models, accessories or creating a stage, the underwater world is full of wonderful treasures, and I do not mean galleons sunk with gold, but natural treasures. Photographing them gives excellent results, although you also have the possibility to combine
The possibilities of the underwater world
I advise you to take a look at the galleries or get to know the work of Bruce Mozert , Zena Holloway and Elena Kalis (from the latter I have used to assemble this article, surely you have already fallen in love). You can also get to know the photos of Adam Opris wedding and pregnant.
Without a doubt this is one of the most important tips. To achieve a spectacular underwater photography, plan everything you can in advance, rehearse (if possible) the session, anticipate all the inconveniences that may arise and get ahead of the needs. Without good planning, you may achieve an interesting photo, but it will be more the result of chance than of work.
And this is the star tip, in addition to creativity, submersible equipment, stage, etc.… you will need a good dose of patience (and lungs) because your photos will not come to the first, or the second. Persevere and have fun trying, otherwise you will have a frustrated session and little desire to repeat, and after seeing all these photographs ... you will not want this to happen to you, right?
Don't forget to have fun
I am not going to tell you to go out to “create” aquatic photographs right now, because as we have already said it requires planning and some other things, what I am going to ask you, is that if you have found it interesting, that you treasure this information well and that you propose, before getting up from your chair and turning off the computer, a date to perform this session. And in the meantime, dedicate yourself to prepare yourself. By the way, if you liked the article, share it so that your contacts discover the enormous possibilities of underwater photography. Thank you and see you soon!