Who doesn't feel like a few happy and fun images from time to time, that feed the smile and the spirit and make us feel the wonderfulness of positivism? Because no one is bitter about a sweet, right? ? Well, keep reading, because in the next few lines we will weave a few images that we hope will convey a little bit of the joy that all the people who took these photos wanted to show.
If you don't know how to make a person smile, try asking them to put different "faces". Surely a good and natural smile escapes you between one and the other.

The jumps never fail when it comes to transmitting joy and vitality. I don't know what the ingredient is, but the truth is that it is difficult not to convey positivity in these types of images.

This is the result of being at the right time, in the right place, and with your eyes wide open ?

The contrast between elements always makes them enhance each other. Someone serious next to someone laughing will make the emotion by contrast more evident in both cases than only showing one of the emotions.

There are classics that never fail ? Dressing up or complementing the image or portrait with some fun element will make the image convey joy or fun in a simple way.

Being attentive to everything in front of us, to feelings, to relationships, is what will allow us to capture spontaneous scenes full of emotion like the following.

You don't have to be a great Photoshop master to make some fun montage. With a little knowledge of layering and some imagination you can get by quite happily. And I'm not telling you what can be done with some other smartphone application, I'm sure you know better than me ?

Not only the model is in charge of transmitting happiness or joy, the environment can enhance that feeling in a radical way. Look at the next image. Don't tell me you don't smell the expectation, the joy of a child about to make dry leaves fly everywhere. Not only that adorable smile that sneaks under the hat makes us happy, it is also the story that surrounds the image.

Well that, when the image breathes love everywhere it is difficult that it does not also transmit a feeling of joyful happiness.

10. PETS
What patience some have, right? This little ET has enchanted me. And it is that pets are a bit like children, spontaneity, patience and scenes capable of making even the most grimace smile.

Originality does not have to be funny, but since it is surprising to us, it is closer to being so than a bland image that tells us nothing.

If you manage to keep your pulse from shaking in the middle of a fit of laughter, you can get very happy images. Laughter is contagious, if you can capture it in an image, few will resist smiling ?

They always give so much of themselves, they are spontaneous, happy, sincere and crazy. Whoever has a child nearby has a treasure, and not only photographically speaking, but also ? If you follow them a bit in their madness, they will give you endless happy and fun images

If you are one of those who with time and imagination can transform the most bland into something funny, what are you waiting for? ?

If you have someone willing to clown a bit in front of your camera, don't miss it ?

We always say that photography is emotion in its purest form. Light too, yes, but above all emotion. That's why it drives us crazy, moves us, frustrates us, makes us laugh and leads us down the path of bitterness ? Emotion is everything and, if you are able to convey exactly what you wanted at the time of taking your photo, that's it you have more than half an image made. So now you know, to get excited and to excite others, and if it's with some joy then all the better.