If bad weather has ever stopped you from going out with your camera, I recommend that you read this article carefully and above all that you look at the photographs that you will find. Have you ever heard that saying that says that "bad weather makes a good face"? Well, this time it's not even painted, in fact we can "rename" it with "bad weather, good photo" ? Today I present fifteen photographs of the different meteorological phenomena that you can come across and, after seeing them, you will want to find them instead to run from them. If you don't believe me, stay here and tell me at the end of the article ?
There are five types of phenomena related to meteorology depending on the element involved: water, light, wind, electricity or solid materials. Most likely, you do not have access to all of them in your city, but surely more than one experience it from time to time, take advantage of every opportunity they offer you.
And if what you want is to delve into nature photography, this is our most complete guide, with tips, tricks and lots of inspiration.
Rain is surely the phenomenon that we have the most at hand, since it does not depend on extreme weather conditions, or living in the pole, or anything like that, I am sure that where you live it rains from time to time ? If the photos that I put below do not help you convince, the article Tricks to Capture Incredible Rain Photographs (With Inspiring Examples) that we dedicate on the blog at the time will surely encourage you to "get wet".

Those of us who see the “grapes to pears” snow love it. We adore snowy landscapes, all white, they are so beautiful…!! But if you ask someone who lives in a place where snow is very frequent, they probably don't like it that much... So you can see the power that photographs have ? Here are some examples and if you don't know where to go To start photographing snow when the opportunity presents itself, read these Tips for photographing winter landscapes or these others .

Or when it rains stones... Be very careful, these are one of the photos that you must take safely, and this must be proportional to the size of the ice stones ? If it hails in your city but it doesn't snow, take advantage of these moments to photograph something similar to a snowy landscape
Foggy landscapes are fascinating. There are some that evoke mystery, others are very dreamlike or even scary. Bundle up and go in search of her to photograph her by following these tips for an impressive fog photography.

Some meteorological phenomena have to do with light. They are the rainbow, the mirage and the auroras. I am going to show you some examples of rainbows and auroras that are the most interesting to photograph.
Few things look as pretty in the sky as the rainbow. It is so brutally beautiful that everyone falls in love with it. You can find them single, double or even 360 degrees. An absolutely unmissable opportunity to practice and capture one of the most beautiful natural phenomena that exist.

The aurora is called Boreal or Austral depending on the hemisphere in which it is located, but whatever it is called, it is the most beautiful thing you can see in the sky. If the rainbow is precious, this cannot be defined with a few simple words. Only the best poets in history could do it justice when defining it. I better leave you a picture, which is always worth a thousand words ?
It is a storm of strong wind and snow. Although it is better to "catch" it from afar or by protecting your equipment (and your own person) well, here is an example so that fear does not paralyze you.

Here we could talk about the hurricane, but for obvious reasons we skip it (your physical integrity is above any photograph) and move on to the next one ?
Of course, it is not about you getting inside one, we want you to tell it and see your photograph, so we ask you to photograph it from far away, which also looks better and more beautiful. Don't you think?
Other phenomena are the consequence of electrical discharges in the atmosphere, such as lightning or lightning. Lightning is like a giant flash so you don't have much to photograph either, however lightning can leave spectacular snapshots.

The phenomenon involving solid materials is the sandstorm , another time to protect your camera well, but still take advantage of opportunities like this.
You will not tell me now that after seeing these images I have not convinced you to go out with your camera to hunt these phenomena despite the bad weather because I will not believe it.
And if what defeats you is laziness, at least try to photograph the rain from behind the glass;P, but cheer up because if you really like photography, these moments are a litmus test for your learning ?
What I hope is that laziness does not prevent you from giving "I like", that these images and their authors/authors well deserve it, don't you think? You can also share this article on Facebook, Twitter or Google +, so more people can enjoy them. Thank you for reaching this line and until the next one!