Whether you like summer more or less, surely you love the longest holidays of the year (usually associated with this season). And, what can you do with so much free time apart from the beach and the pool or excursions in the mountains? Of course, what you like the most: photography ? . Free time and the outdoors are perfect allies so that you can squeeze your hobbies. And you know what? The great thing about photography is that it is also compatible with all those other hobbies of yours. Now this is not like any other season; We are usually close to the water and the sand, we usually go in a group... For this it is necessary, on many occasions, to get some photographic accessories specific for summer that make your life easier (in the link you will find a mega guide with all types of photographic accessories and buying advice).
That is why I have dived a bit to recommend a few accessories that I think will be very useful this summer. Do you want to know which ones? Keep reading ? .
Because yes, because you also have the right to appear in a vacation photo. And the most important; you have the right to go well, not all disheveled with a face of speed caught at the exact moment when the self-timer of your camera jumps ? .
A self-timer will allow you to shoot at the precise moment without having to run up and down, but it will also be very useful for, for example, landscape or long-exposure photography where we are looking for extreme sharpness and want to avoid any jitter at all costs. the picture.
You can find the best-selling model on Amazon (in the right image) for €9.49.
Another essential accessory in photography. If you don't have one yet, don't wait too long. This summer it will be very useful for you to practice in situations that may be unusual for you if you are not a fan of, for example, night, landscape or long-exposure photography. Or are you going to miss the meteor shower ?
Also, if you intend to take a photo, in addition to a self-timer, this is the best accessory you can get to frame it comfortably, easily, safely, and effectively.
Here you have 7 very good tripods for less than 100 Euros.
It is not only essential to avoid flares or sparkles in your images, it is also very useful to protect your optics from a possible fall or scratch.
They usually come with the optics when you get one. If for whatever reason you don't have it, you can easily find it on Amazon, for example. You only have to pay attention to the diameter of the objective (Ø mm) so that it is compatible with your lens.

If you are going to be near water, it does not hurt to get a waterproof case to protect your camera, whatever type it is.
You have from diving covers to be able to submerge the camera, to other simpler ones for those who simply stay close to the water. That will protect it from splashes.
If you don't have anything at hand, protect it even with a plastic bag and some rubber bands. It is not the most recommended, but it is much better than nothing ? .
Remember that salt water is the worst thing that can happen to your equipment, so really, be very careful if you go to the beach with it. Any precaution is little.
It is true that image editing allows us to fix and change many things, but any photographer who uses a filter believes that the image should be as perfect as possible from the moment it is taken. And he is totally right. The image is worked on at the moment.
I once read (I don't remember where) that it was better to spend 1 hour in front of a beautiful landscape than 1 hour doing touch-ups on the computer. Seen like this... it seems worth it, right?
The polarizing filter is used to eliminate reflections on surfaces such as glass or water. It is also very useful for increasing the contrast between the sky and the clouds.

The most puritanical will tell you that if you have spent 400 euros or 1,000 euros or whatever you have spent on your optics, putting something worth 20 euros in front of it is sacrilege.
It's true. If the engineers have spent a good season turning each nut of your lens, the thickness of the glass, eliminating aberrations and flares... putting something in front of 15, 20 or even 50 euros does not seem like a good idea.
Now, the truth is that this filter is used to protect the optics from scratches or blows, which is no small thing. My advice: if you're going to use the lens with the filter on, get the best you can afford. Another option is that you wear it for transport-storage of your camera, and remove it to take photos.
The neutral density filter is another accessory that you can squeeze this summer, because surely at some point you are going to be near water, be it a mountain river, a lake or a sea. And I guess you will love to try the silky effect of water , am I wrong?
Well, with this filter and a tripod you'll get it ? . Because the neutral density (ND) filter has the function of subtracting light without modifying any other parameter, which allows you to work at slow speeds in broad daylight and, therefore, to capture movement.

Let's not kid ourselves, this summer you're going to take a lot of pictures with your mobile, because you can't always take your camera everywhere, but your phone is always with you. And you already know that the best camera is the one you have with you ? .
So, if you want to appear in your summer photos, the selfie stick is very useful ? . And if you are encouraged as far as mobile accessories are concerned, I recommend that you take a look at this article as well.
In summer there are many hours of daylight, many, but only a few with soft or diffused light. For this reason, you will have to deal with harsh lights most of the day (and I am not telling you the typical images of the beach at high noon with the sun above and those beautiful black circles that it gives us... ? ).
So a reflector can be very useful to eliminate unwanted shadows, absorb light, add warmth, etc.
This pack of 5 is highly recommended. You have it on Amazon for €27.49
Having an uncomfortable and ugly strap does not help awaken the desire to go all day with the camera in tow. But if you don't carry your camera with you, the photos just slip away... So why not give yourself a good strap that will make the task of obtaining lasting memories of your vacation more comfortable and happy? ;-).
Take a look at this article and you will see the amount of possibilities you have.
You should have it all year round, but especially in summer. The sand, the drops of water, the fingerprints of the fingers, the remains of ice cream ;-)…
Cleaning your equipment is something to keep in mind if you expect it to last a good season, so you know, pamper it and take good care of it this summer with a good cleaning.
Another essential accessory, especially on vacation, is an extra memory card (or two or three ;-)). For many reasons, the main one is because we have a lot of free time and we probably take a lot more photos than usual ? . It's easy to run out of space on the spur of the moment, and it's a hassle (and a mistake) to start deleting photos on the spot.
The photos must be deleted on the computer and discarded on the big screen. Sometimes we nervously delete photos that could be fine or worse, we delete them all accidentally. So space shouldn't be a problem. It is better that you have cards left over than not enough.
Another reason, of course, is that your card can be damaged and you can find yourself in the place of your dreams without being able to take photos because there are no photo shops nearby. Terrible.
Whether or not you need an extra battery on vacation , yes or yes, but especially on vacation. For the same reasons that I recommend carrying extra memory cards. You can run out of battery in the middle of the day, in the middle of nowhere, and at the most inopportune moment.
To go out for the day with your camera you will need at least two. If you use them well and, if not, it's better than not missing, right? Although I'm sure you'll end up using the extra one, you'll see.

The night should not impress you when taking photos. If you have a tripod as I suggested at the beginning, or very bright optics, or enough inventiveness to solve the lack of both… you will be able to obtain amazing images. How about some night light painting ? Or star photography ?
There is no worse enemy of photography than having uncomfortable equipment. Everything you have should be designed to make your life as easy, practical and manageable as possible and the volume of equipment you carry with you.
Getting a good backpack that ensures protection and comfort is essential so that going out with the equipment is not hell ? .
Well that, take care, because the most important part of photography is simply you. The rest are accessories, but you are irreplaceable, so take care of yourself, don't take absurd risks and enjoy your vacations and your favorite hobby.
How about? Are you missing any of these accessories? Would you add any more?
I hope it has been useful to you. If so, feel free to share it on your favorite social network to try to be useful to more people. Thank you and see you next time.