If technology advances by leaps and bounds, I dare say that it is in mobile telephony, specifically in the cameras that accompany these small computers that are our phones, where this technological race is most noticeable.
If you think about where we were just 5 years ago and where we are today in terms of camera quality and the MP they are capable of supporting, it is clear that progress has been stratospheric.
5 years ago, no one could have imagined having in their hands a mobile phone with a 40 MP, another 24MP and another 20MP camera. Yes, what you hear. Three cameras and not with any lens, but Leica optics, no more, no less...
At least, if they had told me 10 years ago that phones would end up being the beasts they are now, I would have had a hard time believing it.
If you want to take a look at our analysis of this specific model, the Huawei p20 and the Huawei p20 Pro, you can do it here .
And after this little introduction, let's go to what we promised you in the title, ? to show you 17 images taken with a Huawei P20-P20Pro that will surprise you (on the cover you have number 18 ;)).

Mind blowing, right? We already warned you when we analyzed this phone, which was the one that any photography lover dreamed of having ;-). And, although 98% of an image is the person behind it, it is also true that a good camera, in the hands of a good photographer, is capable of real wonders.