More than once and twice I have commented on the blog that the best time for photography is during sunrise and sunset and that is something in which many professional photographers agree. This is so, but to some extent. The light at this time is very similar to the diffuse light that is usually sought in a study. However, the same effect is not always sought, you may look for a hard light to get a very specific type of image and in that case your ideal time will be noon, or you may want to take night photography, for example. Therefore, throughout the article today I will tell you what kind of photographs you can take according to what time, or what is the same, what time is better to achieve the image you are looking for. Because there is no perfect moment for photography, there is the perfect time toYOUR photography.
Just that moment before the sun rises over the horizon and when the sky begins to clear, it is known as the blue hour. It also happens right after the sun sets at sunset. This is the perfect time to achieve those photos of cities in which the sky shows the warm tones on the horizon and they fade away while giving way to the increasingly dark blue cold where artificial lights also take on a great role. And as a picture is worth a thousand words (and I don't say it alone) I leave one that expresses much better what I want to tell you.
Blue hour at dawn
If the saying goes: "who gets up early, God helps" (today I feel refranera). And in this photography is a "true" truth. As much as you like to sleep and that the sheets retain you as if you were their prisoner, you should know that sunrise is an ideal time for several types of photographs, their conditions are very similar to those of sunset, although with small differences. The images you can take during sunrise are the following:
Macro photography
The sunrise offers very suitable light conditions for macro photography, since it is a diffuse light that wraps around the center of interestof your photography and illuminates it in a homogeneous way, causing a very pleasant effect to the eye. But this is not only the reason why dawn is ideal for this type of images, there is more. At that time there is no wind, so you take away the problem of the air ruining your picture. In macro the sharpness is really important and a little air for a tiny being is like a strong wind for a larger element, which means that you can move your animal or your flower and annoy the result. In addition, the animals are still stretching, still very calm and it will be easier to portray them. If we talk about flowers, you will catch them with the attractive dew of the night.
Macro photographyLandscape
The color and softness of the light at dawn (as well as at sunset), make the dawn an ideal time to capture attractive landscapes, because the excessive light of a very strong sun causes contrasts that spoil the photograph and make it much less pleasant to the eye
Landscape at dawnLong exposition
A very common mistake when you start in this photography, is to try to achieve long exposure images with lots of light. Wanting to achieve the silky effect of the water at noon with the radiant sun will only make your picture burned or, what is the same, overexposed. Therefore, the first and last hours of the day are much more adequate, because the light is softer and still not so bright, so you can have the shutter more open time without the danger of overexposure.
Long exposure photographySilhouettes
Do you want to photograph a silhouette? This (or the sunset) is the ideal time. You can understand why and how to do them step by step in this link .
Sunrise silhouettes
At noon, or in the central hours of the day, the light is much brighter, harder. This causes a transition between the lights and the shadows much more marked and evident. This light may seem to be inappropriate for photography, but nothing is further from reality, it depends on what type of image you want to achieve, because if what you are looking for is precisely high contrasts, highlight textures or color, this is your ideal time . Here are some examples of photographs you can take:
Portraits with force
It is not the ideal light for all kinds of portraits, but for a more dramatic portrait in which what you want to convey is strength, aggressiveness, roughness ... we go the opposite to a tender and sweet portrait This light creates more defined shadows in the face, as you can see in these two example images.
Low key portraitOutdoor portrait with hard lightHigh contrast photographs
High contrast photographs are those in which there is a big difference between lights and shadows. In these images the textures stand out and are ideal for black and white . I leave you two examples, in color and black and white and if you like them, you can read how to capture photographs with high light contrast .
High contrast tea High contrast images look great in black and whiteInfrared photography
For infrared photography you need sun, you cannot help yourself with artificial light because it is useless, that's why the central hours of the day are ideal with the star king as your ally. If you have never done this type of photography, do not miss how to make your first infrared photography .
Infrared photographyWater
Now that the good weather is coming and that around the corner we have summer (at least in the northern hemisphere), you may want to photograph the sea water. Well, take advantage of the noon hours to photograph underwater or the sea itself, because this light favors you and you will also need it for images in the water, because it is a darker medium.
UnderwaterThe sea at noon has a special color
This is not necessary to tell you, surely you already know
The peace of the sunsetCities
In addition to the typical sunset landscape photographs that you already know are wonderful, you can portray your own city dyeing gold. Here you have a lot of ideas.
Cities in the golden hourCouple photographs
The sunset is a very romantic moment I know very well, well, you've probably I realized that in all the films we remember what So when gold is a perfect time to add romance to an image couple, this Fran Russo knows much, here you have one of his wonderful sessions as an example.
The romanticism of the sunset
Has the sun set yet is not yet a closed night? You have a few minutes to capture images like this.
Capture the magic of blue hour at dusk
Photography needs light, it is true, but ... who said that there is no light at night? The moon , the stars or the lights of the cities are waiting for you. Here is a guide to get started in night photography .
Starry skyJason's moon OX4City lights
Seen the seen (or rather: read the read) I think you no longer have excuses to take pictures ... any time is good if you know what you can get If you liked these photos, do not stay looking at them, look for your camera and go hunting your own, photography is learned by shooting
And if you liked the article, share it on Facebook, Twitter or Google +, you do me and your photography lovers a favor. Thank you and see you next time!
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