If you have been following us for a while, you will know that we are faithful and convinced advocates of photography in bad weather , of rain photos, photos of fog, snow, lightning, reflections of puddles or clouds of sky. Because the possibilities offered by all those scenarios that are out of the ordinary, are endless. They allow us to create different narratives thanks to a new look and that is a gift for the inspiration of any photographer. Using the visual resources that rain is capable of providing, is a magical opportunity to obtain new and interesting images and help us enhance our creativity. That light magic that sometimes happens just before a storm, or that arcoríris that desires a few ephemeral moments after the rain (or during it), drops in a glass while watching the water safe as it strikes against the crystals of our home… If you have entered the bug, I recommend the following articles:

  • Tricks to capture amazing rain photographs (with inspiring examples)
  • Literary Recommendation: Photograph in bad weather (Eduardo Blanco)
  • In bad weather, good photos
  • Tips for stunning fog photography
  • 15 (Impressive) Photographs You Can Take Depending on the Climatology
And after this, not so brief, introduction ;-), I invite you to go through this gallery that I have collected for you, with twenty images of rain or directly related to it, which I hope will encourage you to detach yourself from the glass on a rainy day , grab the camera (properly protected for the occasion), and start looking for images as impressive as these (or more ). Do not tell me that you have not entered a crazy desire to leave after the raindrops of a rainy day, after the reflections in the puddles, after the drops in the glass, the umbrellas or after the rays and thunder, the rainbow and a endless images more. The bad weather means opportunity, overcome laziness and encourage to go out and capture unique and different images. Because you can also achieve images like these. I hope you found this article inspiring. If so, please share it on networks to reach as many people as possible. Thanks and see you next time .

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