Macro photography has a magical, even fantastic point. The insects become so large and impressive that you suddenly think you are living in the world of elves and fairies. As if in an instant you had diminished in size and everything seemed extraordinarily large to you.
With the macro you can see details that you could never see with the naked eye, contemplate critters that you would not dare to approach even in the middle of the madness phase or discover interesting facets of everyday objects that you had never paid attention to. The macro lens is full of possibilities, although it is true that macro lenses are usually a bit expensive, there are very cheap alternatives that can bring you closer (even closer ? ) to this fascinating world. The other day I was telling you how to illuminate your macro photographs , today I am going to try to convince you to put your knowledge into practice or at least to encourage you to try the magic of macro.
I bring you a varied gallery of macros that I hope you find so attractive that interest in this type of photography begins to run through your veins before you finish reading the article. Do you accept this little challenge?
I would go so far as to say that insects are the most fascinating part of macro photography. Only for the photos of these tiny living beings is it worthwhile for macro photography to exist. What other chances do you have of seeing an insect this size? To be able to contemplate details of its structure? To stare at them without fear that they will fly away or that they will do anything but caress you? A microscope? Well yes, and who has one at home? And what about the magic of contemplating them in their habitat and alive? Nothing to see! We leave the microscopes for the laboratories and we stay with the macro photographs, right?
Of course, touching is not the same as seeing, but what happens when you feel as if you are touching when you see? What happens when looking at a photograph you have the sensation of feeling its roughness, its smoothness or its lightness? Isn't it something magical?

The best cooks (or rather Chefs) in the world know how important appearance is when it comes to tasting a dish, and we all know that "we eat with our eyes". Maybe that's why macro food photos are so attractive.
Sorry... I'll be back now, I've been hungry ?
We have so many stimuli around us that on most occasions the beauty or peculiarities of some objects go unnoticed. Of course, our brain has to discriminate what is important, otherwise we would go crazy, it would be unbearable to perceive everything. Hence, we move in perceptive thresholds that facilitate the task of living day by day. That does not prevent us from occasionally finding ourselves face to face with an object that, no matter how everyday it may seem to us at first glance, seeing it in a giant size is a gift to our eyes.

I am going to finish with the gallery of flowers, which together with insects is the most frequently used theme in macro, since getting close to a flower is to let its beauty explode in your face.
Have I inspired you? Even if it's just a little bit? I am sure that at least these photos have aroused in you some interest in macro photography. If so, I am satisfied.
And if they have inspired you, remember to share them with your contacts, just like they can get the bug if they see them... ? Thank you and until next time!