A few weeks ago we dedicated a post to learning to master perspective as a composition element . In it we talked about what perspective is, the types of perspective that exist and how to use them. Today I am not going to repeat the same information because you already have it all here . My goal this time is to show you some images that will inspire you to try shooting from other perspectives than we are used to, that perspective that our eyes offer us and from the height at which we see the world around us. Because all the images that we see from another point of view produce a greater impact on us, since they are different from what our eyes are used to seeing and we already know that what is different attracts our attention the most, right?
Photography aside, we always say that when we try to look at a problem from another "perspective" or put ourselves in someone else's shoes or shoes, we seem to understand it better. It gives us another view of the situation and that broadens our perception and understanding. It can help us to empathize or to solve something. Well, with photography it can be similar, changing the angle can solve an underlying problem, it can help you better understand the image, give it another meaning or even enhance its attractiveness.
I will be satisfied if at the end of the post I have made you reflect and you start to look from another angle, and not only when shooting, but when facing problems or in relationships with others, especially time to judge someone ? . Will you accompany me through this gallery of images and then we will talk?
The first image that I present to you is a vertical portrait (or rather, almost overhead). As you can see, the impact it produces is much greater than if it had been done from the normal position. This angle in the portraits what it achieves is to "dwarf" the subject, and in this way makes it more vulnerable. Children are already children, however, this perspective increases their fragility much more and adds greater drama to the image.

When I saw this photo I laughed a lot because I imagined the situation in which its author had to shoot and the truth is that it did not have to be a position or a moment that was too "comfortable" , but personally I love the result and I find it very funny. This wouldn't be like that if it had been shot from the usual angle, don't you think?

Forced perspective can give you very funny and interesting results. Surely you have seen a few images of people inside a shoe or a cup, one person eating another or holding it in the palm of one hand... The options are endless, with a little imagination and moving a little to vary the angle you can achieve very attractive images.

I love this dalmatian on the checkerboard. Perspective is everything in this photo, don't you think? By shooting from another angle you can achieve an effect that you would not achieve from the usual view. If you look around you will find elements to play with, as in this case.

You will be used to seeing and photographing buildings such as churches or cathedrals from below, among other reasons because there is not always the possibility of going up to a higher floor, but if you look at the photo you will see how it changes. The sensation that this image produces is very different and the effect is very interesting. I'm afraid that the next time you enter a building that high, you're going to investigate if you can climb higher, right?

In all art one tries to stand out, to stand out from the rest, to offer original works. I imagine that, like you, I have seen hundreds of wedding photos, almost all of them the same. A small gesture like bending down or looking from another angle can make all the difference. Are you willing to take that "risk" or do you prefer to continue being one of them? I would venture to say that the first thing without risk of being wrong... ?
And speaking of girlfriends… here are other examples:

In this latest wedding image, the photographer has achieved a curious snapshot by using the overhead perspective, which has allowed him to draw a circle with both the dress and the arms. Doesn't it give you the feeling of spinning with her?

If I like this photograph, it's because with how simple it is, it counts for a lot and also does it in a suggestive and non-explicit way, and that adds even more interest. Suggesting in a way that you invite the viewer to imagine the rest is a good way to capture their attention and in this case, for example, a better perspective could not have been used to achieve it.
And here we have another really suggestive image. It may seem unprofessional to hide under a table to take a photo, this hiding under the tablecloth seems more typical of naughty children or secret lovers who steal kisses between courses by "accidentally" dropping the cutlery. But it is clear that the result is worth it.

If you think that you can only photograph the structure of a bridge, you are very wrong. A bridge can offer very good shots if you know how to look and are patient enough to wait for the right moment. And friends of the blog, it is undeniable that patience is something that a good photographer must have.

We usually see the parades, processions, parades ... from the street, at ground level, looking for the first row, but have you ever climbed onto a balcony or somewhere to see them from above? The result in some cases is impressive.
As you can see, not only people or animals win by being portrayed from other points of view. When photographing flowers from this angle you can use the sky in the background and also the view is very beautiful.
By now you have surely discovered the wonderful results that you can obtain if you know how to look at a ladder, or rather, where you should shoot from.

To get an image as nice as this one you just have to shoot through a glass.

This snail is about to jump into the "pool." From another point of view, this image would not have been so "round", would it?
To finish I will tell you that perspective is a tool that weighs little, does not take up space and you can even use it with a mobile. As an example I leave you this gallery of images made by Emilio Chulia with an iPhone.
Now I would like to know if with these examples I have convinced you to look from another angle, to bend down or look up or even to get under a table like when you were a child... ? My goal today was for you to find your camera and jump to look for other points of view, I hope I have succeeded.
If so, I invite you to share your "different" photos with us and, by the way, I also invite you to share this article with your friends and give it a "Like" on Facebook, Twitter or Google+. With this small gesture you help us grow. Thanks for reading this far and until next time! ?