Some time ago I presented you with a mini-gallery in which the protagonists were levitating on their beds quietly, performing acts of meditation or daily activities such as reading a newspaper or making a phone call. In today's tutorial we will see the simple steps that must be followed to be also protagonists of a levitation photo.


«Bed Jumping» . This is what this photographic practice is called. His own name indicates it: people who jump on a mattress, giving free rein to their creativity and imagination. In a short time, Bed Jumping became a fad that caused (and continues to cause) rage among not only "geeks" but every person eager to experience feelings of freedom, fun and stress. Jumping on a bed has never been as creative, artistic and fun as with this practice.
Next, I will detail the material that must be available as well as the steps to follow to achieve a photo of this type:


To carry out a successful levitation photo we will need easy-to-get material:
  • Digital SLR camera (with a compact camera you could also try).
  • Remote trigger (or a friend who does us the favor of shooting the photo).
  • Stable tripod or adjustable table, or any support that helps us to support the camera.
  • Bed with mattress and structure resistant. Attention: the beds with wheels are not worth, nor the folding ones. They can break. Make sure the structure and mattress of your bed are sturdy.
  • Room with high ceiling, to avoid possible accidents by hitting our head against the ceiling.


Step 1: The first thing we need to do is configure the camera settings to get the photo we want. Due to the complexity of shooting here we cannot afford to play with manual and semi-manual modes. This is one of those few situations in which we will put our SLR camera in automatic mode. Step 2: If the picture is taken by a friend, but if we take it ourselves, this is the time to activate the remote shutter mode. My advice is to activate it with a delay of 2 seconds, this will give you time to shoot the photo and prepare for the jump. Step 3: Open the flash. It is likely that when you are in a closed place (room, bedroom), the flash will jump on its own automatically, but just in case you have it open expressly. Step 4: We regulate our objective at a focal length as narrow as possible. If our goal is 18-55mm we choose 18, and if it reaches up to 16mm better, etc. Remember, as open as possible. We need the photo to look spectacular, for which a wide angle will be of great help. Needless to say, the approach has to be set to automatic. Step 5: Get on the bed. Jump and shoot.


  • Position the camera from a perspective that helps give magnificence to the photo. Perspectives from the corner, or from far below, will help make the protagonist of the photo look taller than it really is.
  • The first photos will be horrifying and incorrect. You will need to take a few pictures, see them on the camera screen to be able to decide what you were wrong about, and then take a few more jumps. You will notice that at the fifth or ninth jump the photo is already coming out more accomplished.
  • If you want to convey the feeling of levitation, make sure your legs are not upright.
  • Once you have caught the trick and you have synchronized correctly with the camera shot, you can start introducing accessory items such as a newspaper, a landline, a toothbrush ... Things that suggest everyday and normality in the photo.
  • Clothes play an important role in conveying that feeling of "fantasy." Choose clothes that will have a big impact on the final photo.


To the delight and inspiration of the readers, here are four photos I took last month while "levitating" at a hotel in the French Cote d'Azur , near Nice.
Postscript 1: If you dare to practice your own Bed Jumping, do not hesitate to upload the photo to our wall on Facebook so that we can discuss it with everyone. Of course, very careful please. Make sure the bed is moderately resistant before practicing Bed Jumping.
Postscript 2: If you enjoyed this article or found it minimally useful, do not hesitate to recommend it to your friends, giving you a vote on Google Plus or Facebook. THANK YOU as always
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