Celebrations of any kind for anyone who has become "the photographer or photographer of the family" have ceased to be a more or less relaxed and idle event, to become an act that entails a responsibility (dear or imposed) from which it is difficult to escape. And although the stress scale varies depending on the weight of the social event to which we have been kindly invited (our mother's birthday is not the same as our best friend's wedding), the truth is that you have to be properly prepared to avoid blunders.
And because we know what it is, because we've been through it (and we're still going through it), because wherever we go, people hide their cameras and phones and tell us: you'd better do it, it'll look better on you, and that's how they ignore the issue . leaving you with even more pressure… As we know what is going on, as we empathize with you every second, we dedicate ourselves to writing this series of articles based on our experience to try to help you in these magical and stressful moments that social events can be.
Although any event is important because time escapes and does not return, tempus fugit as our predecessors would say, weddings are THE EVENT par excellence. It is in them where people have probably dedicated more hours, effort and surely money, of all the events that will happen throughout their lives. And it is when you are invited to one not only as a dear friend but as a photographer when you see life pass before your eyes in fast motion. But do not give up, you are not alone, here we leave you a few tips that will help you emerge victorious from the wedding of your best friend, your neighbor's, your cousin's, everything that comes your way.

- Don't Photograph Your Best Friend's Wedding Without Reading This First ?
- Your Best Friend's Wedding
- 12 Tips To Photograph Decorative Wedding Details (And Succeed)
Do not miss these spectacular and inspiring wedding photographs.
- The Complete Guide To Getting Started As A Professional Wedding Photographer (Step By Step)
They can become as stressful as any wedding, especially if there is a subsequent celebration, a banquet and the entire celebration package. But you're in luck, here are a few tips for you to go without stress to your next baptism :-).
- Tips for Photographing a Baptism [No Stress]

They are usually the friendliest and most fun environments, so the stress level decreases a lot, although not our own demand, of course ;-).
- 15 Mistakes You Should Avoid When Photographing A Children's Birthday Party (So You Don't Lose Your Smile)

All parties have elements in common, here are a few tips that will work for most parties and social events to which you are invited :-).

Social events will require more than one, two and three group photos. Do not despair, all the tricks you need are in this article.