This is an article by the photographer Ana Díaz Garrido, a member of the TBOConsulting Marketing agency, who brings you some great advertising product photography tips so that you can sell your brand on social networks with your own photographs. Remember that to expand the information you have on the blog the mega guide to product photography full of tips and tricks.
Advertising or commercial photography has become one of the most creative fields within the world of images. Their goal is to sell, and for that you have to use your imagination.
Advertising photography is born in order to show the public your product, make it known. Before, a good photograph was enough, but in the times in which we live, this alone is not enough.
You must get the viewer to have the need to purchase your product with just one image!
Both the brand image of a company and the photographs or graphics used to communicate play a leading role in the first impression.
The brands that succeed on the networks for their audiovisual content do not do so by chance. Success almost always comes from a content strategy and detailed and meticulous planning of the content to be published. It is not about publishing for the sake of publishing, but about knowing what is going to be published, how and why.
Because of my profession, and because of how my mind is organized, I am one of those who buy by sight. Of those who think that a picture is worth a hundred words. At least, so that we begin to know each other, understand each other.
Today I bring you some tricks in case you decide to start in the world of advertising photography. Shall we go to them?
Creativity is the basis of good advertising photography.
To increase creativity, one of the first points to try should be to look at what you have already done before. This will allow you to create something new from the ground up, without losing your own style.
In these photos, taken from above or to the sides, we find a set of related products or a product with other props that may be related to it.
Less is more and I assure you that it works.
From photographing and editing lights to get the final shot, to shooting using natural light with nothing more than your camera. I do not want to say that a photograph well treated in Photoshop with 2,000 layers to work with is not correct. There is no doubt, it is hard work, it requires technique and a lot of complexity. But in that last word is the key, complexity.
When you need to get that creativity back, it would be important to free yourself from so many burdens.
Photos on social media that tell nothing often go unnoticed. Do not focus only on taking a beautiful photo, also try to tell a story.
In this way, you will not only be showing your product or service, but you will be able to provide it with attributes and values that help to transmit the personality of your brand.
Much of the success of an advertising photograph on social networks comes from choosing a good frame. Do not stay only in a totally vertical and flat frame and explore other ways of showing the products or services.
By this I mean that when you go to take pictures for a specific brand, you cannot forget about the corporate image. Use the colors and lines dictated by the brand. You can be creative and different, but you can't forget about its history.
Enhance your corporate colors. The psychology of color facilitates the work in creating a brand image when choosing the ideal color for the company, to create a good composition and arouse emotions.
Boost your colors!
If you want to find the best combinations, you can take a look at this page.
The same thing happens with the fonts you use for your publications as with the colors. Use your corporate fonts. Out of boredom, or on impulse, do not decide to innovate and include the latest free type that you have found browsing the Internet.
The only thing you will achieve is that nobody recognizes which business the image you just uploaded to social networks or to your blog corresponds to.
The backgrounds of the photographs for the networks must be taken care of with the same care as the objects that appear in the foreground. Everything counts, so don't use the first image that comes into your hands like crazy.
Take time to choose which funds will be identified with the essence of your brand. Of course, try to unify criteria and do not want to use them all depending on how the coffee has sat you this morning.
Natural light lends volume, brings hard or soft shadows, brings warmth. Take a test. Surely you stay with the photograph where you have not used the flash.
That does not mean that you cannot do advertising photography with flash, of course, in the following video you have an excellent proof of this, a recording of how it was made very curious. What I mean is that natural light brings more warmth and is easier to control for someone who is not a professional in photography.
Analyze your competition and what is the style of the photographs and designs of their publications. This will allow you to see what they have in common and how they differ and find out where your brand can fill.
The idea is that a person, just by seeing the photo, knows that it is from your brand because many times we don't even bother to look at the avatar when we go down the Facebook or Instagram feed. Use your corporate colors or elements that help to easily identify your brand.
When taking your photographs, remember that you can do them in a fun, sober, elegant way, showing details of the product, large still lifes, with real people testing the products, and so on. Everything will depend on the style you want to give to the brand image that you want to show in the social media in which you have a presence.
They are not essential, but you can play with the filters offered by networks like Instagram to give a different touch to your photos.
Work on your visual marketing by carefully preparing each photograph you publish because that is also marketing that will be transformed into sales.
These are just some tips to get more sales by posting your photos on social networks. Now it's your turn. Bring out your most creative side and be different from others.
Remember that inspiration, creativity and your own style are linked. I hope I have helped inspire you with the world of advertising.
You can follow Ana's work on her websiteor on Facebook.If you also want to participate as a guest author, click here.
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