Do you want to be a photography PROFESSIONAL? Why? Have you ever stopped to think about the meaning of being a photography professional? Many times we confuse terms and concepts. Today I would like to have a small relaxed talk (I invite you to participate through comments, as usual) on this topic. Let's see if we think the same. Many times the use of the word "amateur" suffers completely wrong nuances. Many times we use the word "amateur" as to refer to homemade things of very low level, which lack any quality. Phrases like "They're just an amateur gang" or "You're just a poor fan" sound like something negative to us. And they are. But in photography the subject is a bit different. In photography there are 3 types of profiles:
  • The occasional
  • The fan
  • The professional


He is the typical one who has no idea of photography but also is not even willing to bother to learn concepts, techniques. You don't even need an SLR camera. It is enough with the compact camera, which also uses it only once or twice a year to shoot photos of parties, birthdays, and little else.


It usually has a reflex camera. It doesn't have to be a very expensive or very elaborate camera. Moreover, it is sometimes possible to find this profile with simply a compact camera. The fact is that the amateur photographer has a sensitivity to photography, light, scenes. He gradually learns things. You are attracted to SLR cameras but because it is just a hobby and does not bring you any economic benefit because you can not invest much in expensive photography equipment. Of course, you feel great satisfaction when you take a picture worthy of praise. He likes photography but only as a "hobby." At the most he could try to participate in a photo contest and maybe earn a small amount of money but he really does not devote himself to earning monthly ground with his camera.


He generally likes photography, or at least he liked it at some point in his life. His biggest reason behind having an SLR camera is being able to earn a salary. In other words, he works in photography, has a studio or at least rents one, specializes in portrait and model photography, weddings and communions, documentary and journalistic photography. He manages expensive equipment because his profession asks for it and because he can afford it. As you can see, there are 3 totally different profiles and therefore each profile has an appropriate camera. Unless you are rich and you get over the money, why do you want a Nikon D3x SLR camera of 25 megapixels and 6,000 euros (real price, no kidding)? I often hear people saying "I want to buy a professional camera ..." and I think "for what?" If the love that binds you to photography is pure hobby, what will 20 megapixels of resolution, an ISO of 24,000 and a 600mm telephoto lens do? What do you think? I would like to read your opinions below please. Happy photography

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