Taking photos of babies is one of the most important jobs that we can have as photographers. Because, if time flies in general, with babies it flies multiplied by a hundred.

Throughout my photographic path I have been able to experiment with many hits and misses in baby photography. As a father and as a photographer in general, I consider that every second invested in photographing your baby is a unique memory of an unrepeatable moment.

That said, I'm sure you'll do your best to get it. For my part, I want to accompany you on this exciting path by offering you this guide where you will find everything you need to get unforgettable and everlasting photographs of your baby.

And if you need advice for photographing children from 2-3 years old, either now, or when the baby you have in mind grows up, you cannot miss the very complete guide where I gather absolutely everything you need to know about children's photography.

Returning to the photographic discipline that concerns us today, as it is going to be a very complete guide, perhaps it would be a good idea for you to keep it to be able to refresh concepts and tricks whenever you need it.


Lighting for photographing babies is key As you may already know, when we talk about lighting in photography, we find different types of light depending on the source that originates it, as well as its direction or orientation. But I'll give you a quick summary:

  • Light intensity is determined by the size and distance from the light source.
      • Hard light: originates from a small and intense light source, generates a lot of contrast and very marked shadows.
      • Soft light: it is a diffuse light coming from a wide light source, it generates little contrast and soft shadows.
    photo of baby in arms with tattoos
    Baby photographed in soft or diffuse light
        • The orientation of the light is the angle of illumination with which this light is projected. Surely concepts like overhead, lateral, frontal sound familiar to you...
          • In portraits, the most used angle is 45º or the lateral angle. A side angle enhances the textures and volume and added to a soft light, it is very photogenic. The 45º one generates a little less shadows.

    When it comes to photographing babies, soft and lateral or 45º light is the most suitable, here are some tricks to get a beautiful light very easily:

        • Through a diffuser (they are very cheap and give very good results in portraits. You have this 5-in-1 reflector that every portrait photographer should consider having ? ).
        • Indoor window light is idyllic. Move the baby to the window and you will see how the light changes as if by magic. In addition, you will be using a lateral or 45º angle of lighting (depending on the angle in which you place the baby) so with this simple gesture, you will obtain the best type of light and angle with little effort.
        • If the light coming through the window is direct and too harsh, draw the curtain. Especially if it's white, you'll have a very effective diffuser.
        • Forget about the flash, it is unpleasant for babies, instead look for corners with good light.
        • Instead of flash, try continuous lighting sources.
        • If the baby is awake, look for the sparkle in the eyes. If a baby has something, it's life;), she fills her eyes with life simply looking for the reflection of light.
        • Be careful with the white balance especially when working with different light sources such as natural light and a simple lamp on. Ideally, you should always have the RAW format configured.
    pictures of babies with reflection in their eyes
    Portrait of a baby with a sparkle in his eyes

    Since lighting is a key issue in portrait photography, I recommend you check out our articles like this one on 15 ways to master light , or these 23 ways to use light when you're not inspired .

    Other interesting lighting techniques for photographing babies that I recommend you try are high and low key . The first is associated with purity, life and goodness. The second is more mysterious but at the same time very elegant. Both are creative ways of playing with light to achieve images that are somewhat different from those we are used to seeing on a daily basis.


    Leaving aside the irrepressible desire to take extreme close-ups all day long, to gawk at the details of their features, I recommend you keep a cool head and try to achieve interesting compositions . With that being said, here are my tips for baby photography composition:

        • Try to see beyond the grace of the baby, even if it costs ;).
        • The frame varies. Look for different points of view, fleeing from the classic chopped (from above). Stay at eye level.
        • Fill the frame. If you go for close-ups, remember to place your eyes on a point of interest.
        • Look for interesting details, dare with the very first close-ups and even the macro.
        • The diaphragm aperture is one more compositional element that can help you highlight the center of interest thanks to the depth of field. To blur the background, remember that you must open the diaphragm (low f/value).
        • Try not to always focus, it is preferable that you place your protagonist in one of the strong points of the rule of thirds. you do not know what it is? Do not worry, in the link we explain it to you.
        • Play with the size scale . Adult hands or feet next to those of a baby quickly convey the scale of their small size.
    baby photography, scale hands detail
    A simple way to show size and arouse infinite tenderness

    Composition is key in photography, if you need a lot of extra advice, this guide with the best tricks on photographic composition will make you an expert in the field.


    My first piece of advice is that you don't get overwhelmed with the equipment, with desire, motivation and creativity, you can take cool photos of your baby even with your mobile.

    That being said, it is clear that better photographic equipment, well used, will give you better results. This is the one I recommend for photographing babies:

        • A camera with interchangeable lenses: it will give you much higher quality than a mobile phone or a compact one but, above all, it will increase your creative possibilities. If you are thinking of getting a new camera and don't know which one to choose, I have the customized solution for you.
        • A tripod: it should be part of every photographer's photographic equipment. We help you choose one if you need it. If you don't have it, don't worry, it's not essential to photograph babies, except to take a self-portrait with it, as I'll tell you later.
        • An external flash: Although I have already told you that it is not recommended to use it directly on the baby, having a flash with a rotating head would allow you to bounce the light off a surface so that the light reached it indirectly.
        • Light shapers like reflectors and diffusers are very useful for transforming light and redirecting it.
        • A good goal. It is so important that I am going to dedicate a specific section to it, keep reading ?


    For me, after yourself, the second most important element of a photograph is a good lens, even more than the camera itself ;). To choose a good objective you must take into account:

        • If you want it fixed or zoom.
        • The luminosity (f/value).
        • The weight and the size.
        • The focal length (always keep in mind the conversion or crop factor ).
        • Your budget.

    With this information you can choose, but if you want to get more to the point, this list of recommended objectives for photographing babies will surely help you .


    I'll explain the key settings so you don't get confused with too many variables, but at the same time get great results:

        • If you don't master manual mode, I recommend the Aperture Priority mode. In this case, you will choose the aperture and the camera will choose a shutter speed to adjust the exposure.
        • An aperture like f/4 is fine for portraits with a blurred background. Abusing the aperture can make it hard to focus.
        • Use a low ISO value whenever you can to avoid noise in the image and gain sharpness.
        • Shoot in a burst if you are facing a “boisterous” baby ?
        • Do not choose low speeds or the image may be blurred and therefore not very clear.
        • Use a matrix metering mode when the light is soft and even.
        • Use a spot metering mode when there is a marked difference between highlights and shadows.


    The best way to do a baby photo session is good planning. As a general rule, the more aspects you control, the better the result will be.

    Because, think about it, if we add our own disorganization to how unpredictable babies are... Can you imagine? I don't even want to think about it! So let's see how you can plan a good baby session. You will see that most of the tips that I am going to give you allow you to do a baby photo session at home, so you do not need large infrastructures:

        • Look for inspiration on the net and write down some ideas that you want to carry out. It will help you get organized and have an idea of where to start.
        • The baby's clothes and props are important, don't leave them to chance.
        • Depending on the age of the baby, always have a toy or distracting element ready to make them smile or to save you when they start to get a little fed up with your camera.
        • A doll stuck on the camera can ensure that it looks at you.
        • Some neutral colored fabrics can help you find a good background when you don't see anything photogenic around.
        • If it is not your own baby or that of someone well known, earn their trust little by little and without pressure, each baby is different and many need a reasonable amount of time to be receptive to new people.
        • Look at the camera screen just enough, let the session flow.
        • Don't forget to bring empty memory cards and fully charged batteries. Nothing worse than staying in the middle of a session without being able to take photos.
        • In general, stick to the less is more rule . The baby is the great protagonist of your images, she needs a few more decorations ?
        • Take care of the lighting, remember that soft lighting is the most suitable.
        • The environment is key to transmit, take care of the background and the elements that appear around the baby. It doesn't make sense for anything to appear that does not provide information or has nothing to do with babies.
        • When you think of babies, also think of the outdoors, a park, a walk in the woods... They can be great places for a photo session (if the weather is good, of course ? ).


    Most of the tips in this mega guide are designed so that you can apply them in a photo session at the baby's own house (yours or someone else's), and in some cases outdoors as well. If you have a studio, you will be able to better control the light, the props or the background, but that does not mean that if you follow these tips you will not get very interesting and decent images at home:

        • Prepare the clothes that you are going to use whatever the age of your baby.
        • Find a smooth background with good lighting.
        • Take a look at this article to illuminate your portraits indoors.
        • I insist, an ideal place is near a window.
        • Control well what appears in the frame. At home it is more difficult to find plain backgrounds or scenes without distorting elements (plugs, chairs, televisions, etc.). Your job is to identify them and push them away or move to make them leave the frame, without mercy.
        • What you can't get out of the way, you can remove with some editing.
        • Close-ups will help you eliminate those distractions if you have to.
        • The diaphragm opening will also help you to blur the background.
        • Prepare a small stage where to place the baby. A basket, a play blanket, her crib, the parents' bed... surely you will find the ideal corner
        • The best thing about working at home is that you have everything the baby needs: food, comfort, spare clothes, toys... take advantage of it.
        • Try interesting compositions with items you have at home:
          • compositions with mirrors
          • through a window
          • Reflections on different surfaces
          • Projections of different shadows, etc.
    photos of newborn babies with lilac headband
    Take care of the costumes and props to achieve harmony


    In any type of photography, there are always some useful tricks to keep in mind. Each teacher has his booklet, and with your own experience you will surely expand this list. For now, I propose these infallible tricks for photographing babies:

        • Browse networks to find ideas and seek to capture them in your photos.
        • If you work indoors, look for light from the windows.
        • Plan outdoor sessions, locate interesting and photogenic places before your session.
        • The afternoon or early morning light is the most photogenic, try to take advantage of it.
        • If you can, find yourself a helper.
        • The best time to photograph a baby is when it is calm, clean and not hungry or sleepy. If any of these variables are present, it is very possible that your session will be complicated.
        • Help yourself with a toy to catch their attention or as a surprise element for when they lose interest.
        • Bring a pump to make soap bubbles outdoors.
        • Clothes can make a difference: look at the color, how it combines with the background, help yourself with hats or fabrics...
        • Give light to the look and focus the eyes well.
        • For smaller babies, you can use baskets or buckets, they are very photogenic and add a creative touch to your photos.
        • Let him play and try to capture his essence.
        • Not everything is posing, look for fresh moments and everyday moments.
        • Control expectations, it is normal to feel frustrated at first.
        • What today may seem like an "imperfect" photo, tomorrow may be your favorite photo, do not underestimate the spontaneity of the moment.

    In the mood for more tips and tricks? Here are these 12 easy baby photography tricks , and these 13 simple tips for photographing your baby with impressive results.

    beach babe photography mother
    The first experiences of a baby immortalized forever


    From my own experience, I would like to give you some ideas regardless of technique so that your baby portraits last over time and are filled with meaning. Will you join me? Wait… before continuing, I would like to recommend this mega guide, where you will find absolutely everything related to portrait photography , in case you want to delve into the subject. I continue ?:

        • Picture the preparations. Do not wait for the birth, you can start photographing the preparations or show the illusion that this future new life generates.
        • In this sense, I will make a paragraph to recommend you (although we are not talking strictly about the baby itself), that you do not miss our tips on pregnancy photography.
        • Photograph the baby with the family. Make sure that everyone has a photo with the baby, separately, in pairs or in a group, but that they have a memory of when he met her family and the happy face they put on. And if she has little brothers or cousins, you can't stop photographing them together. I will return to the family issue immediately, which deserves special attention.
        • Immortalize the data of your birth . Make a reminder of the day and time she was born, how much he weighed and measured...
        • The importance of details.  When they are so small, their size varies almost from one day to the next, immortalize all those details because they go very quickly.
        • Gifts or "wanted" objects.  Is he wearing clothes that were yours or that a relative has knitted for him with all the love in the world? Or a toy? Well, take a photo with this, tomorrow those clothes or that toy may no longer exist, but the photo will remain for the memory.
        • gestures.  Each baby has her own gestures and expressions, and these can change for days, weeks or stay for life. If you can capture any, when she grows up she will be amused.
        • moments.  All moments are special, they have their more or less beautiful side, but it is a luxury when time passes to be able to have photographs of all of them, the moment of bathing, of food, of the story, of laughter, of sleeping in your arms... Always have the camera at hand, enjoy your baby and the photography, and above all, don't stress that this is not the goal. 
        • His first time. There will be a first time in which he bites his foot, in which he crawls, in which he shows a tooth, in which he claps... if you portray those moments, your photographic album will also serve as a graphic diary of his progress.
        • Projects (one photo per day, one photo per week, per month…). You can propose projects, for example, take a photo a day during the first month, or a photo a week at different times of the day, this also serves as a graphic diary and as a personal challenge. 
        • self portraits. Mount your tripod, grab the remote shutter release and while you spend some happy time with your baby, take a shot from time to time. If you are the one who normally takes the photos, over time you will realize that you have hundreds of photos of your baby and many others of your baby with the rest of the family, but you will have few. I'll talk about it again below.
        • Foreign.  Do not limit yourself to photographs at home, when you go for a walk, the first time you see the sea, or go on a field trip. Capture all those moments so when he's older you can tell him while he sees the images.
        • Take close-ups. Babies change for weeks, or almost for days, take many close-ups so that all those faces are portrayed forever. If you try to remember them it will be impossible, but when you see the photos you will remember those days perfectly.
        • Capture emotions. If in photography it is important, in baby photography emotion is everything.
        • Be creative. In the following video you have ideas for photographing the baby's birthday .


    You can show the growth of the baby by photographing it every month (or even every week if you have time and feel like it), then you can make a montage and see how it has changed.

    photography babies evolution
    Evolution of a baby by months

    There are different ways to portray their evolution, these are some ideas for baby photos month by month :

        • In the same place, with the same decoration, as the photos you see above.
        • With the same little outfit, when he is born, he buys several sizes of the same clothes.
        • With the number next to it, there are very beautiful wooden ones, although you can also form the number with flowers, leaves, little cars or any object that you like or is significant.
        • Using a blackboard to write a message.
        • Capturing the milestone of that month, his first smile, the first time he sucks his foot, when he starts to crawl, when he sits...
        • By colors, each month a color, or by themes, placing decorations around it related to said theme.

    In short, any idea that crosses your mind, as long as the comfort and safety of your baby prevail, will be welcome. Here is a video with photo ideas month by month for babies:


    A baby does not come into the world alone ;), as I have suggested to you before, do not forget to accompany your images of the protagonist with some good portraits of your family. My recommendations for best results:

        • Try to play with the scale of each other (the size).
        • Captures the contrast of aging hands with the soft, smooth skin of babies
        • Brothers and sisters offer you endless creative possibilities, add freshness, spontaneity and give you spectacular images. Let them interact and the magic will happen.
        • Babies breastfeeding or taking a bottle together with their mother/father is another image that you must have, it is a precious, calm moment of connection and peace together ?
        • Don't forget the magic of everyday family moments: bath time, the baby playing on the floor while the adult prepares dinner...
        • Take great care of the narrative of the images.
        • Grandparents, uncles, godparents and all those who have an important role in the baby's family will also deserve their portraits.
        • As if it were a wedding, try to have all the variables depending on the type of family.
        • Then try photographing the whole group together.
        • And even the family pet if there is one.

    I leave you with these ideas to energize a family photo session , or these 13 tips to master family photography , as well as a good dose of inspiration for your family photo sessions .


    Newborn photography deserves a separate chapter, for this we have created this other very complete newborn photography guide , so that you know how to photograph a baby in the first 15 days of life, whether you are a professional photographer or his father or mother.


    If you are the official photographer or photographer of your family, I am sure that you do not lean too much in your photos. This fact becomes vitally important when the baby is yours, so I encourage you to take the reins and decide to be part of her story also through photography.

    To finally appear in your family album in the form of wonderful self-portraits with your baby, follow these steps.


    The best way to avoid a mistake is to know it;). These are the most common mistakes we make when photographing a baby:

        • Use the camera's direct and built-in flash.
        • A bad background.
        • Inappropriate clothing.
        • Little planning.
        • Choosing a bad moment for the baby (sleepiness, hunger, nervousness, etc.).
        • Bad lighting.
        • Unfocused eyes.
        • Take all photos from the same point of view.

    You want to know more? I leave you with 20 typical mistakes in baby photography to prevent you from making any irreparable ones ? .


    Editing in baby photography must be very subtle. From my point of view, a baby may have few "defects" that need to be edited, so this one should focus more on finishing giving it the atmosphere you have in mind or removing some aspect of the background.

    With this clear, it is also true that you can use some resources to emphasize, for example, the look, add warmth, etc.:

        • You can play with the white balance or tint very lightly to add some atmosphere to your image, always keeping a true skin color.
        • Try adding some sharpening to the eyes if you need to.
        • Correct the shadows and highlights if necessary.
        • Do not abuse the contrast or clarity, they do not usually flirt with the image of a baby.
        • The skin shouldn't lose texture, don't abuse the smoothing options either, you can see quite retouched images and the baby doesn't need it;).
    creative drawn crown baby photography
    The power of creativity in baby photography


    If you are a lover of black and white, you are in luck because black and white in baby photography offers spectacular results.

    Its timelessness, elegance, and the way it emphasizes the essentials and the form, make it a perfect ally for photography of all stages of a baby.

    Become an expert in black and white photography by delving into our guide to black and white photography.

    baby black and white photography
    Black and white is timeless and focuses on history and emotion


    An essential part of planning children's photography sessions is to dive for a while between images with this theme. Write down those that inspire you, the ones you like the most, analyze why those and not others, surely it is because that is your style and that is where you can (and should) focus.

    Since you already know that I like to try to save you work, I leave you with these two articles:

        • Ideas for taking baby photos
        • Baby photo gallery, beyond the baskets

    I don't know if I have missed any advice, but I would say no ;). Just to tell you that the best way to boot is… to boot! Surely, the first photos will be normal, but do not despair, be patient and little by little you will see how the photos improve. You know, camera in hand and practical, there is no other formula.

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