Few brands have innovated on their DSLR lines like Canon has . In the last year and a half, this brand has been launching cameras like churros (Spanish expression cañí ;-P), which has allowed it to respond to the needs of a wide audience, from amateurs to professionals. One of their latest releases is called "Canon 600D".

My love for Nikons (irrational, by the way) doesn't stop me from acknowledging the good parts that Canon puts out from time to time. A good camera deserves all the respect, bear the name of the brand it bears. That's why I decided that today I would talk about the new Canon 600D camera (known in some countries like the US as the Canon Rebel T3i ).

It is a camera very similar to another that I told you about on a previous occasion, the Canon 550D, but that complements it with some extra features.


The new Canon EOS 600D is now in stock and already selling fast!

  • 18 Megapixels.
  • 22.3 x 14.9 mm CMOS sensor , self-cleaning with automatic dust removal.
  • Video recording in Full HD at 30fps or less, up to 30 minutes or 4GB.
  • Articulated screen (to see you while you record yourself).
  • 9 autofocus points.
  • Automatic exposure braketing.
  • Real ISO 6400 maximum values.
  • Maximum shooting speed 1/4000.
  • Support for SD, SDHC and SDXC memory cards.
  • USB connection, video output, HDMI, and external microphone port.


The Canon 600D (or Rebel T3i) is a camera designed for the beginner user , for example, someone who has never touched an SLR in his life. If you are that user, the 600D could be ideal for you. But it also happens that, if you have never had an SLR camera, it is more than likely that the technical details that I mentioned above do not tell you anything. Too technical perhaps, especially for someone who doesn't know where to start yet. Don't worry, that's what the Photographer's Blog is for ? Below I will try to "translate" for you in summary what makes this a good camera, without hassles, numbers or strange abbreviations, because there will be time to learn them over time. Let's go there:

To begin with, the Canon 600D is a beginner-focused camera, from the point of view of ease of use as well as price. However, it has very advanced features, which makes it a "durable" camera. Most people who start with a cheap or beginner DSLR eventually outgrow it and need to upgrade to a higher performance DSLR, while with the 600D this can happen but much less so because of its performance and its performance puts it very close to any semi-pro camera.

Other things: the camera works with a type of SD memory cards, which are so to speak the memory cards usually cheaper on the market.

It is very prepared to not only get good quality photos in normal conditions but also at night or in low light conditions. Its video functions are also some of the most exquisite there is (it records Full HD at 30 fps, you couldn't ask for more).

One very important thing: there are people who want to get great photos but refuse to learn the technique, either because they don't have time, or because they have a hard time assimilating how cameras work, or for any other reason. But then when they see a good photo they feel envy (healthy) inside, they wish they could get similar photos without having to rack their brains. Well, with the Canon 600D this is POSSIBLE! And it is because the camera comes equipped with a new function called Basic+ , which what it does is let the user decide what type of photo he wants to obtain and it is the camera itself that modifies its own settings (as if a friend did it for us invisible) so that we get the photo as we wanted.I warn that this is not the best way to learn , but it is for those who want to learn. If, on the other hand, what you want is to get beautiful photos with as much talent and professionalism as any established professional photographer but without complicating your life too much, with the Canon 600D you will have it easy .


Never buy anything without trying it first. Well, either you try it yourself, or you see the results of others who tried it before. So below I leave a video recorded with a Canon 600D , in which you can appreciate the quality of Full HD recording. I recommend you choose the 720p quality for example and watch it in full screen:

I also invite you to take a look at a selection of photosthat other users did with their Canon 600D camera. That's not to say that anyone could take photos this spectacular, but at least it gives you an idea of the capabilities of this camera.


Its price was around €700 when it went on the market (well paid for the truth) with a stabilized 18-55mm IS lens. Right now you can find it on Amazon for less than 500 Euros, which is a real bargain for the benefits it brings. You only have to look at the more than 170 opinions on Amazon that recommend it at 4.5 stars out of 5.

That said, very good camera. If you decide to buy it, tell us in the comments below.

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