Canon is undoubtedly one of the brands that have had the most impact on the way we conceive photography today. It is not for nothing that many professional photographers, from different disciplines (sports, journalism, fashion) and of recognized prestige choose to make a living with a Canon SLR or other type of camera.
Every day I get questions from readers asking for a recommendation to choose an SLR camera. If this is your case, in today's article I am going to present what for me are the 4 best Canon SLR cameras for amateur photographers, both beginners and more advanced.
When choosing an SLR camera, the usual thing is that we want to get the most advanced model possible, however, many amateur users are obsessed with the issue of benefits and end up getting into 2,000 EUR "tractors" that, In addition to leaving the user "dry", they take away agility.
An SLR designed for professional use is an ultra-heavy camera that is supposed to be mounted on a tripod in a studio, etc. Not to mention the difficulty of learning photography with a supposedly "professional" and complex SLR camera.
That is why I have always insisted to my readers and students on the need to choose an "ideal" SLR camera for the type of photographer we are. The list that I have prepared for you in this guide is aimed above all at amateur photographers.
For the elaboration of this guide I have based myself on my own experience, on the camera models that Canon send us many times for testing, and I have applied a rigorous filter to include here only cameras that are economical, that include a good level of benefits, but above all that they have a good level of user satisfaction.
You will see that the 4 proposals that I include in this guide enjoy a user rating above 4 stars.
To make your task easier I have also included, for each of the models included here below, a sample of photographs taken with the Canon camera in question, so that you can see a bit of the quality and features that you could get with said SLR camera. .
I have also included the link for each of what I consider to be the 4 best Canon SLR cameras in the store where I usually make my purchases on a personal level.
Without further delay, I leave you with the list.
I have limited myself to 4 Canon cameras that for me are the best proposals of the brand for the amateur photographer, and that cover all needs and satisfy all pockets. Let's go there.
The quintessentially recommended Canon camera for anyone looking to take their first steps (and second and third ? ) in the world of SLR photography without spending a lot of money.
The Canon EOS 4000D offers more than enough 18-megapixel resolution, 9 focus points for more than decent autofocus, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity, among other features.
Here are some examples of photos taken with the Canon 4000D, where you can appreciate the incredible quality that you can achieve with this SLR:

The Canon EOS 4000D camera allows you to enter photography through the front door, hand in hand with a great brand like Canon, to be able to access the brand's wide ecosystem of lenses, and above all to be able to do all this for a very affordable price ( about 500 euroswith target 18-55).
If you're on a tight budget and want a good SLR from a great brand, you don't need to keep reading, this is your camera;). You can see our review of the Canon EOS 4000D at this link.
If you are looking for a little more power, you may want to consider the Canon EOS 2000D camera, an SLR with no less than 24 megapixel resolution, Full HD video recording, Wi-Fi connectivity and NFC.
Its price, lens included, is around 500 EUR approx ..
Here a small gallery of sample photos of the 2000D:

If it catches your attention, we will tell you more in this review of the Canon 2000D .
A Canon camera specially designed for the photographer who is beginning to take his first steps in photography but wants to stay for a long time. The Canon EOS 250D is one of my most frequent recommendations when someone on the blog asks me about a good SLR camera.
In its favor, it has an ultra-small weight and size, something positive for mobility and day-to-day use, as well as features typical of a higher-class SLR camera: 24-megapixel resolution, folding screen, ideal for taking selfies or self-portraits with the family or as a couple, fast shooting of up to 5 fps (up to 5 photos per second), very helpful if you are going to photograph children/pets/sports, ISO up to 25,600 that are expandable up to 51,200, offering thus an incredible quality in conditions of lack of light, and a long list of extras that I am going to save so as not to lengthen this guide.
On top of all this, the Canon EOS 250D is one of the few SLRs in this (hobbyist) segment that offer 4K video recording. These and other features make it a great photography machine even in a small and manageable body.
If you're looking for a cutting-edge SLR camera at a budget price, the Canon 250D is currently going for around EUR750 with lens included, which makes it one of the best alternatives available right now.
And here is a small sample of photos taken with the Canon 250D. An amazing level of detail and color preservation:

You can purchase your Canon 250D from the following link.
For those looking for a very complete camera at the level of benefits, and compact in size, this Canon EOS 850D has some characteristics that make it ideal as a long-term travel companion.
It is designed for an amateur who enjoys photography above all, but also to take their first steps in the world of video.
With a 24.1 MP sensor, it allows recording videos in 4K, allows immediate connectivity via Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, shoots in bursts at a speed of up to 7fps, has an impressive 45-point cross-type AF system, tilting touch screen, HDMI output and compatibility to use as a webcam.
Here you can see a sample of the photographic quality of this great SLR camera:

If you are looking for a serious Canon camera with advanced features, the EOS 850D can be an excellent option. Its price at the moment is around 1,200 EUR with an 18-135mm lens.
In that case, and if you don't mind whether it's from this brand or another, we recommend taking a look at our recommendations for the best SLR cameras for beginners.