I recently launched the new digital book that I just edited, Lightroom Para Todos, for presale. If you are a VIP Reader you have had to receive an email from me announcing the launch in advance.
If you didn't get my email, today's article marks the public launch of the book so keep reading.
As some of you already know, last year my Lightroom course for amateur photographers saw the light of day. Launching the course was an important milestone in my humble career as a communicator and photography educator. From that moment on, almost 1,000 students, mostly people who were fond of photography, signed up for the course through the School of the Photographer , but many people who were unable to enroll in the course were always left out, among other things, due to because many of my readers preferred the written format rather than the dynamics of an online course.
If you have always wanted to learn how to use a tool like Lightroom, but until now you have not been able to enroll in the course (due to lack of time, due to the cost of registration, or for whatever reason), this is undoubtedly your book.
LIGHTROOM PARA TODOS will allow you to access the entire course material, including all its didactic units, all the exercises, support material, absolutely everything in a beautiful digital book of more than 230 pages that you can follow and practice at your own pace, and consult in the future whenever you need it.
Prior to the book's launch I gathered a small group of VIP Readers and gave them access to the book so they could give me feedback on its content. Mostly amateur photographers, some taking their first steps in photography, although there were also quite advanced level people. The feedback we received on the book was spectacular, with an average score of 4.8 out of 5.
Yolanda Ortega, a reader who had access to the book commented:
Before discovering your blog and courses I bought a book that had very good reviews and that in theory is good, but the truth is that I find it a bit lazy and I'm lazy because it's too long. In fact, I bought it with enthusiasm on Amazon, I started it, but after a few days I left it, it stayed on the shelf unused, and therefore, I searched the internet until I found your course.
LIGHTROOM FOR EVERYONE is a guide to keep at hand that details all the Lightroom processes in an easy, entertaining and colorful way. From first the cover is showy and cool. The book explains step by step and in simple language all the modules. The appearance of the pages invites you to continue. It is a comfortable and pleasant book.
All the comments were in the same direction, emphasizing above all the simplicity of the book and the easy way in which the concepts were presented. I consider this an enormous achievement because, for a server, editing a book that is understandable, digestible and even "enjoyable" (if I may use the term) by most mortals has always been an essential need in all my publications.
So, starting right now, you can finally get your copy of LIGHTROOM FOR EVERYONE and start discovering the incredible creative potential that Lightroom offers to the photographer, whether professional or amateur.
You can take a look at the page that we have dedicated to the book, where you can find all the information you need and purchase your copy today from the following link.
Note: Don't have Lightroom? Don't worry, inside the book I explain how to get Lightroom to try it for free, 100% legal.