Christmas is coming, the time to think about gifts for our loved ones or on our wish list (in this case, gifts for photographer, or photographer). Sometimes we lose the illusion and we don't know what to ask for or what to give. We want to hit, surprise, excite ... and we want others to succeed with our gifts. There is nothing sadder than spending the next few days changing gifts (that two-size pajamas smaller, that perfume of which you already have two boats or that reminds you of your ex, the book that you read last summer and on top of that you didn't finish like, the huge sweater or the small slippers). To avoid this, today I bring you a long list of gift ideas, whether you have to give a gift to a photographer or if it is you who has to make the letter to be given to you. At the end of the article you will find a bonus, in case you prefer to search by budget or by type of photographer. There I go:
It is the star gift for many new fans and many others who want to change. The choice of a camera is complicated, more so if it's a gift, but in this blog we love helping you. We have some articles that will help you in deciding which camera to put in your letter:- The million dollar question: SLR or EVIL?
- Do you really need a “Full Frame” SLR Camera?
- The 8 Best DSLR Cameras (For Beginners)
- The 10 Best Compact Cameras (For All Pockets)
- The 10 Best EVIL Cameras, Recommended By Photographer's Blog [Updated]
- Supercomplete Guide to Buy Your First SLR Camera
It is the perfect complement, ideal and necessary for an evil or reflex camera. It will be the window to creativity. There are many objectives and types of lenses, it can happen as with the camera and, again, we can clear your doubts here. And here 3 tricks to help you choose. And Mario's recommendation, if you follow us, you'll know what this is (and if you didn't know it now, yes);)3. BACKPACK
Gift not suitable for study specimens;). It is a gift for the most explorers photographers, who like to make photographic escapades, travel , always load with all the equipment or with a large part, night photography or go out to capture the impressive images of bad weather . If you are one of these people or looking for a gift for such a person, a good backpack is a perfect gift. And if you already have one with which you are happy, you will give me the reason, in addition, you will surely find your gift among the following ideas To choose the most suitable backpack, check out this article. Here are a couple of recommendations:
Not every photographer needs a tripod, you can live without it, except ... you want to take night or long exposure photography, or self-portraits;). In that case, yes, you need one. To photograph the night, the stars, the night landscapes, the silky effect of the water, the movement, etc ... it is essential to have one. If it is for night photography, here are some recommendations for your choice. If you are looking for something economical (with the risks involved or because you simply want to go out in the group photos or self-portray), check out these.5. DRONE
Yes, yes, you read that right, a drone can be a fantastic surprise for someone who loves photography. Photographing from an impossible perspective is a really seductive. Ideal for lovers of heights, landscapes and remote control pots. Before choosing, I recommend you read this .6. BOOK
It will be why I enjoy a book in my hands that seems like an ideal gift. There is no year in which I do not add one to my letter. And that I have a lot in line. This year I ask this one, I put it here in case my magician reads me . But if this does not convince you, you can take a look at these essentials or these others . In the bonus you will find more ideas.7. COURSE
For newcomers to photography, what better way to enter through the big door, through a course that saves many hours of trial-error, headaches and headers against the wall because you do not understand something;). Check out the course Mastering SLR Photography , from Photographer's School. And if we talk about a more experienced photographer who wants to take another step with the editing of his photos, this option is more successful, it is Ligthzoom. Knowledge does not take place ;).8. GOPRO CAMERA
The most adventurous, extreme and water sportsmen are the ideal recipients of the GoPro cameras. As there are all types and prices, in this article you will find advice to choose the most appropriate. But I also leave you with a recommended one for a first contact and at a very affordable price.
For those with fast finger and those with millions of accumulated photos and no longer have space on the computer. Free space is like finding a source of crystal clear water in the middle of the desert;).10. EXTRA BATTERY
For those who complain continuously that the battery is short-lived, or that at the most inopportune time the camera is turned off. I recognize that it has happened to me many times, so I think they should not be missing on this list. If you decide on this gift and want to know more about extra batteries, click here .11. STRAP
Customizing your camera strap is a necessity that comes with time. Either for comfort (fundamentally) or for aesthetics, but there comes a time in the life of every photographer in which the strap that comes with the camera does a little damage (to the neck and / or sight). That's why I add it to this list and, for that very reason, we dedicate an article to it in its day.12. MEMORY CARD CASE
Not suitable for those who only have one card. But with several cards and, above all, for the most disorganized and / or clueless, a card case is ideal for placing a little order and not losing cards and photos; like, for example, this one.13. MEMORY CARD
If the complaints are aimed at the lack of memory, if more than once you have had to delete photos before you can shoot, the perfect gift can be a replacement memory card. Tips to buy one you have in this article.14. FLASHLIGHT
Night photographers are a booming photographic species. And there is no night photographer worth his salt without a flashlight . At least one front to illuminate and to find the way (among many other things).
There are those who express themselves through t-shirts, with their favorite music groups, their favorite movies or even their favorite hobby, photography. For them these photographic shirts are designed .16. REMOTE TRIGGER
Very suitable for lovers of night or long exposure photography, also for those who like to self-portray, alone or in company. Make sure it is compatible with the camera.
For the more nocturnal, those who have already squeezed the natural light and want to try other light sources, for those who like to photograph in studio or achieve creative images with the flash, or play with speed. A flash can be a much appreciated gift. Here a help guide to buy it.18. POLAROID
Luckily, there are still many lovers of Polaroid . It is not a very suitable gift for those who love the latest technologies and the most sophisticated devices. However, it is ideal for the most romantic, nostalgic or retro lovers. They also suppose an excellent exercise. You have to think a lot about what photo you want to take, because pressing the button is not free;).
Another way to get Polaroid type photos but with your smartphone is with a printer like this. Print the photos of the mobile as when you were little and left the camera at the time. Do you remember the emotion? Do not? Then you are very young20. CAMERA CASE
Some people have a compact, an EVIL or a reflex with a pancake to fit in the bag or in the bag that is usually carried on top. They don't need anything else, they carry a light equipment and that's enough for them. The problem (and I know from my own experience) is that it is not highly recommended to carry the camera bumping into the keys, the mobile phone or any other object with which you have to share space. A case becomes a necessary element to protect the camera of any kind. There are many types, here you can find the most suitable for yours (or yours;)).21. CLEANING KIT
Since we are talking about camera care, a cleaning kit can not be missing among the accessories of a photographer.
For aspiring professional photographer, lovers of studio portraits, newborn photography, etc., a window of light is undoubtedly a good idea.23. FILTERS
Those who look forward to capturing landscapes and are dying to achieve a heart attack sky will be glad to have a filter that gives their camera a shot. Important when buying one: that the diameter matches that of the objective.24. CAMERA-SHAPED MUSIC BOX
I found this music box shaped like a camera and I thought it was an ideal gift for my daughter who would also look great on the shelf in my office. If something similar happens to you, copy the idea;). It can also be a very romantic gift .25. CAMERA-SHAPED PEN DRIVE
And speaking of toys , have you seen this pendrive? You have it up to 32 GB!
For the most ecological photographers, because it is necessary to leave the plastic bags, here a very cute and personalized solution (if you want).27. CUP
For the coffee growers (or dairy, or whatever they take). A detail to give or self-gift. This is an option, but you can also customize one.28. A PRINTED PHOTO
There are many surfaces to print a photograph. Here you have a lot of ideas and here even more creative ones. What if you surprise him with a photograph of him turned into a useful, beautiful object or a painting? Or you make that self-gift yourself. So you don't fail in the choice;).29. RUBBER STAMP
Ideal for signatures, letters, cards. A camera-shaped seal to personalize what you want / s.30. PLAYMOBIL PHOTOGRAPHER
To me this was a gift that made me very excited, I love it, I have it on my shelf and it often serves as a model;). If you like playmobil, you have to have your own photographer. May this Christmas return the child in you.
Suitable for the most comfortable budgets and the most generous hearts. If you really want to make a photographer happy (who likes to travel, of course) give him one of these experiences to live, enjoy and photograph. I will thank you for life. Baltasar, take note, would be happy with any of those destinations;). For asking that there is no XD left.BONUS:
If you still have doubts or want more ideas, I leave you with this bonus of articles by budget or by types of photographers, maybe you will find your perfect list below;).GIFTS ACCORDING TO BUDGET
Although we would love to have an unlimited budget to give away or to ask for, unfortunately this is not possible for most mortals. And since I am very aware of this, from my own experience, I leave you with these links of ideas for prices; from the tightest budgets to the most comfortable pockets:- 15 Very Useful Photographic Accessories For less than 20 Euros!
- The Best Photographic Accessories For Less than 40 Euros [My Favorite, Number 14]
- 8 Accessories (For Less than 100 Euros) To Take Advantage of Your SLR Camera
- 16 Photo Gifts For All Budgets
Because no two photographers are the same, because each one has their own personality and preferences, I leave you these articles designed to:- The most careful and meticulous with their team
- Lovers of extreme weather
- The most Christmas
- Vintage lovers
- Macro photography fans
- Passionate readers (they will also like our Literary Recommendations and our ebooks )
- Mobile photographers (I'm sure our ebook «Mobile Photography in the Palm of your Hand» )
- Who have an EVIL ...
- … Or a Sony camera
- Scuba divers or water lovers
- Those who want to set up a study at home