Actually what matters is the final photograph. It's what you stay with. It doesn't matter what photography courses you enroll in, the articles and blogs you read, the tips you write down. It doesn't matter what camera you have. The objectives do not matter, the tripod, the flash, the accessories. Believe me. Everything doesn't matter. Ultimately, what matters is the final photograph you get. The rest are means to that end.
When you manage to produce that photo that you wanted so much, that's when a small moment of pleasure occurs. It is what we all seek.

Things being like this, then, as of today, the business of entering the Photographer's Blog just to consume is over. From now on I want to see you “produce” ? We are launching a new section: welcome to the “Weekly Challenge” .

The theory, if it is not put into practice, becomes useless. The Weekly Challenge is an invitation to practice everything learned in the Photographer's Blog.


Every week I will propose a new challenge, it is a topic that you will have to capture in a photograph and upload it to the Facebook page of the blogPutting in the description the keyword that I will indicate for each topic.
The themes will be varied, from portraits to Macro photography, going through landscapes, black and white photography, or babies.
The topics will be proposed on Saturdays, so that you have the whole weekend to work on them. You will have one week to upload your photos, until Friday of the following week. On Saturday I will update the article with the photo that has captivated me the most and I will propose a new topic, and so on...
It's not a contest. Just an excuse to dust off the camera, give it a bit of life, and practice everything you've learned.


The first Weekly Challenge is about Black and White Photography . You may recall that I recently published an extensive article on the subject, with tips and steps to get stunning black and white photos . Now I would like to see how you put it into practice. Take some time this weekend to explore this topic and see what results you can achieve. Share them on the Facebook page of the blog.
IMPORTANT: in the description of the photo, mention the keyword “B&W Challenge” followed by a title of your choice.
Did you already have any photos previously on the theme of the challenge? Great, please upload it. It works for me too.

I think that we are not happy to have a great reflex camera of 3,000 Euros. Creating a striking, vivid and expressive photograph is what makes us feel great.
Are you up for the challenge?


I have loved the enthusiasm and participatory spirit that you have shown regarding this first challenge. It's amazing to see how willing people are to learn and practice, but what really impressed me was the quality of the work you've posted. What are people like you doing reading a blog for beginners like this? Seriously, I have enjoyed visualizing the works, techniques, compositions and stories behind each of the photos you have produced. ALL have their merit. I would love to group them all here and see them together but it would be a bit technically complicated (especially given the gratifying avalanche of photos with which you have participated). What I would like is to highlight a few photos, just as an example. I want people to see a small sample of the readership level of this blog. It's to be proud guys. Congratulations.

Like I said, I like them all, but if I had to pick one, maybe it would be this one, of the kissing couple. It tells a story, moves, transmits, relaxes, pleases. I'm a lost sentimentalist, it's a problem I have. I know.

Stay tuned, tomorrow I propose a new challenge.

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