I bring you a new theme so that you can go get your camera and practice your favorite hobby: photography.

Our Photo Challenge aims to encourage you to practice photography , to provoke you every week so that you spend some time with your camera and let your creativity fly while you practice and learn.


The concept of Fotoreto is very simple: every Friday I will propose a new photographic theme. Sometimes I will show you an example photo to inspire you, other times I will simply give you a clue or a little trick that you can apply when making the Photograph.

On each occasion you will have 7 days to participate in the Photo Challenge of the week in question, until the following Thursday. Upload as many photos as you want to your favorite social network ( Instagramor Facebook) without forgetting the hashtag or label corresponding to the photo challenge in question along with the mention of @blogfotografo . This week it will be #Fotoreto122. You can participate with new photos or tag old ones.

Each week we will select a winning image. The author of the photo will have free access to the Photography Masterclass of their choice.

When you participate in the Photo Challenge, we understand that you allow the Photographer's Blog to publish your photograph. In no case do you give us your copyright. The author of the image and who maintains the exclusivity of the copyright remains you.

THEME OF THE WEEK: INTIMACY (08/10/21-14/10/21)

Deep down we are all a bit voyeuristic. I know it sounds bad, but it doesn't have to be a sensual or erotic scene . We like to observe others, gossip about their lives. We are like that, if not how would social networks exist.

Have you ever looked through a lock? Or interested in what happens through the window of your neighbors? Gossiped a gossip magazine? That's right, one way or another, we love it. And that carries over to the photos.

Those images in which we are spectators of an intimate moment call us. There are several ways to achieve this: with a natural framing, using a very out-of-focus foreground object, taking a very close-up of the scene, with a perspective that puts you in the thick of the story, etc.

Today I want to challenge you to photograph intimacy using any of these tricks or another that occurs to you. The objective is that you transmit with your image that we are facing an intimate moment and that we are secret spectators. Do you accept the challenge?

Add the hashtag #fotoreto122, the mention @blogfotografo and don't forget to give your photos a title. One of our Masterclasses can be yours, what are you waiting for?!


Today I felt a bit like a peephole spy looking at your photos… Thank you for making the Photo Challenge possible for another week. You can see all the participating photos on Instagramand Facebook.

Today's photography belongs to Silvana SBB Boccardo ( @sbb_boccardo) and is titled «Nostalgia for you».

When looking at this photograph, which unquestionably represents an intimate moment, and reading the title, you realize that in this sense it is round. Missing you . What greater privacy than a statement like this?

I liked the message, but I also loved the visual part.

Its simplicity and its beauty. It is a minimalist, delicate composition, close-up, to get inside the story, but without seeing everything, just a small detail of the scene. More than enough.

A hand in the right place, the ideal perspective, a light that highlights the volumes, a smooth background that does not distract and a skin in which emotion can be distinguished.

This is one of those photographs that you don't see, but caress. Congratulations Silvana!

Tomorrow new Photo Challenge, we are going to put to work a part of your brain that is very necessary for a photographer. Are you going to miss it?

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