It seems that over the years there is something that never ceases to amaze me in photography; the power that light has to completely transform an image. Have you ever experimented, for example, with the high key in a photograph? Doesn't ring a bell? I am sure that when you see the images that I have selected as inspiration, you will know exactly what I mean.
But first, let's go with some general notes to put you in the situation.
When you look at a high key image, what you see is light, lots of light, and a white cast. They seem complicated professional lighting scenes, but the truth is that they are relatively easy to achieve.
The high key is based on white backgrounds and homogeneous lighting (without shadows), resulting in a clear image with positive connotations such as peace, purity, happiness, or life.
If you look at the histogram of a high key image, most of the information should be to the right of the histogram; in the area of lights. Although, be careful, that it has a lot of light, it does not mean that the image should be burned or overexposed.
A good high-key technique must keep the information in the highlights , that is, it must not go outside the histogram or, what is the same, it must not (in principle) be overexposed.
Oh. And great news, you don't need an SLR to give free rein to your imagination and start practicing with this technique. Here are a few tips for high key photography with your mobile phone .
And now yes, I am going to show you what you can achieve with this wonderful (and simple) photographic technique (more photographic techniques in this guide ). Open your eyes wide and let the inspiration sneak into your photographic being .

What did you think? I suppose you have noticed the themes that best accompany this type of photography, right? Childhood, macro photography, flowers, objects, snowy landscapes, portraits...
Didn't you have a crazy desire to get one of these beautiful images? He left you, because I did ;-). But first, remember that sharing is the best way to reach everyone who needs it. Thank you and see you next time.