"Impossible". It is the first thing you will think when reading the title of this entry. It's very clear, if I have no ideas ... how will I get creative photos? It seems logical, right? Well, in this article I will show you that it is possible. Do you want to know the tricks?
First we must be clear about creativity, which according to the RAE dictionary is "the ability to create," obvious. But creativity is something else, it's turning things around, it's getting an original, different result.
Do you know that we are all born with a torrent of creativity that we put out over the years? Children have an overflowing imagination capacity that we have gradually limited. At the end of the article I will give you more specific tricks, but your first step is to recover a part of that creativity. How?
Cuando comienzas en este mundo de la fotografía lo primero que haces es aprender el manejo de la cámara y las técnicas para lograr imágenes perfectas. Si es lo que hiciste, está bien, no te asustes, pero siempre y cuando no te obsesiones. La mayoría de las veces uno se centra tanto en que la foto quede perfecta que la deja vacía. Controlas la luz, el encuadre, la profundidad de campo, las reglas de la composición… ¡TODO!, pero miras la foto y no te dice nada. Es aburrida o tan falta de interés que te vuelves loco pensando en qué has fallado. Es muy simple, te has olvidado lo más importante de una imagen: ¡que transmita algo!
Remember that the first enemy of our creativity is our ruthless criticism. Let your imagination fly and experience without fear that your photo does not go well, one of the greatest advantages of digital photography is that we can shoot as many times as we want without revealing, that is a luxury that you should not miss! Shoot as many times as necessary until you get that photo that surprises you, excites you or makes you smile.
This is not just a photographic advice, it goes much further. The only way to achieve great achievements in your life is to put passion in what you do. When you work with your heart, everything becomes different, it is transmitted in your creations, you enjoy what you do and it shows. Have fun, laugh, get excited about what you are doing and you will see everything from a much more human point of view. Your photos will reflect it.
Put feeling
You may already know, but inactivity calls for inactivity and when you stop taking photos, the same thing happens when you stop playing sports, the desire disappears, ideas stop flowing just as muscles atrophy. Never stop shooting ( Stop Pretexts. Get out and take pictures ).
That you can't go outside because there is a rottweiler threatening you at your door, do you have a child to take care of or is it raining heavily? Use the objects you have at home, combine them, give them a thousand laps, let your child fill with paint or disguise it and make funny portraits while you both go to the movies, try to take pictures with water, take an object and give it all the crazy profits you can think of ... Everything goes, the important thing is to stay active and let the ideas flow.
Homemade creativity - Photographing a drop of water
Of course, inspiration will not come to you sitting on the sofa in your house watching TV or staring at your camera as if you were in a duel of swords. Many times the "muses" surprise you in the most unexpected places, in the shower, in the middle of a work meeting, shopping, in the cinema, on the bus ... and what a coincidence that in those moments you never have the camera at hand Or, of course, it is not the right time. A very simple trick is to always carry a small notebook with you and every time the muses visit you, write down everything that they cheat you for when the ideal moment is.
Write down your ideas
Another tip I can give you is to soak up the work of others, not to get tired of visiting photo galleries because they can be a great source of inspiration. It is not that you copy your work, but it is true that you can get very good ideas or even realize the mistakes you do not want to make or the style of photography that does not fit with you.
Taking a good walk or talking to strangers who tell you new stories can also be very revealing. Create a “corner to dream”, choose a space where you can have the ideas you can think of, photos that have inspired you, themes you want to photograph…
After these tips to improve creativity, I'm going to give you some more specific TRICKS with examples so they can help you.
Break the rules: the other day I left you 9 Tips and Tricks to Improve Your Photographic Composition , where I commented that sometimes the rules are to skip them. First you have to know them and then experiment by breaking these rules with intention, if you do it this way, your photos will be much more creative. This post can help you: The Art of Transgressing the Rules of Composition in Photography .
Change the points of view: Shoot from another point of view to which you are accustomed and you will see how the effect is very different.
Normal point of viewChange the viewsNotice the big difference between the first and the second image. The girl seen from above gains much more strength and the photograph is more original.
Play with fun perspectives. You can use the sun, clouds ... or play with distances between people to create fun effects.
Fun outlook
Use the movement effect. Capture moving images, ask your models to jump or take photos of multiple subjects. Your photos will be more original.
Movement and Multiexposition
Look for the gestures and feelings of the people around you. Poses can be extremely boring and uninteresting. Let others behave as they are and watch those gestures that differentiate them, make them unique and arouse some emotion in the viewer.
Make lists of topics that interest you and every week dedicate yourself to look for images that fit in some way in it.
Choose one of your favorite songs and create images related to that theme that excites you so much.
Read this post: 5 Extremely SIMPLE Creative Photo Ideas
In portraits, use an object such as a hat, a cane, a fan or a colorful scarf with which the model can play. With children you can use a toy, a ball or soap bubbles. You can also let them get dirty with mud, paint or chocolate, then you will have to clean it, but the result will be worth it!
Accessories that enhance the photo
In short: experiment, put passion and have fun.
I hope I helped you, now ... to practice!