Are you planning your trip or about to leave? I bet that your camera is one of the first objects (if not the first) that you have added to your list of things to throw in the suitcase. It is so, those of us who love photography are not able to leave home without our beloved companion. And you do well, because it is a wonderful opportunity to practice, have fun, enjoy and, above all, bring back bits of that extraordinary place that you visit and bits of memories so that over time they are not swallowed up by treacherous memory.

Now I ask you... are you one of those who limit yourself to photographing yourself (or your companions) in front of each monument? Or do you prefer to narrate your trip in another way?

Note that you can choose both ?


What I want to say is that if you limit yourself to the first option you will lose many of the possibilities that a trip offers you at a photographic level, it will be fine as a reminder that you have been there, but if you want to show your photos, surely these are the ones that the less they will end up interesting your public.

Whoever is interested in seeing your photographic series on the return from your trip will surely prefer a more documentary photography , that is, knowing what the site is like, its people, its customs...

Tell him about your trip and what the place is like through a few images. Because that's what you do best, right? Tell and show through your photographs.

That is why today I am going to leave you some ideas so that you can take a written list of what you cannot forget to photograph to recount your trip. You can modify the list depending on what you want to tell, what you want to photograph or where you are going. This is an indicative list, the final one is written by you. The thing on the list is so that you don't forget it, so that you are clear about your goal and your ideal goals ?


The locals have so much to tell about their land that it is the first thing you should photograph if you want to talk about it. Their features, their clothing, their work, their looks... are a faithful reflection of their culture and society. On many occasions it will help you to say where you have been without mentioning it, to present your album and your trip without having to use words, let them be the ones who open the door to your journey through photos.

Indian people
thai woman


Architecture is another element that you can use to start your graphic series and place the viewer in the place you have visited. Along with the portraits, it will help you locate your audience quickly. He also uses architecture to tell how they live, what their towns or streets are like, if it is modern or traditional, if it is a rural, coastal or city environment.

Greek architecture
norwegian houses


What have you eaten? Food is another of the aspects that speak without saying, part of the culture of a country, tourist destination for the most culinary, adventure for the tasty and daring, torture for the most delicate, inspiration for those who seek beauty or color... The Food is an indispensable ingredient on your list. As? That's up to you, although here are some tips for food photography . I personally recommend an overhead perspective .

japanese delicacies
Mediterranean dish (Emilio Chulia)


And closely related to gastronomy, although not exclusively, we find the markets. Icon in some cities, center of interest in others, full of charm, floating or on land. There are all kinds of them but they all provide certain information, offer many aesthetic possibilities and can be a lot of fun. Practice detail photography or even use a wide angle, play with perspective and take the opportunity to capture portraits and gestures.

fruit stall in bali
japanese market
floating market in thailand


Anywhere you travel you will find a special, mythical, well-known or visited place, a landmark in the city and I am not referring to monuments or cultural icons, I am referring to that hundred-year-old cafeteria that has covered the entire city or the entire country, the place where the inhabitants or visitors gather to watch the sunset, the fountain where most of the legends of the place are based, the park where a famous singer composed his best song, the forest where goblins inhabit, the grotto of mysteries that the locals fear or the pastry shop where they bake the richest cakes in the country. Any of these sites has a special reason to be immortalized with your camera. Tell everyone.


There are some very curious means of transport, strange to our eyes or very characteristic of that place. I still remember the look on my face when I saw the first Beer-bike in Germany (a beer-bar bike) pass by. It was most curious. Just as it is inevitable to think of Lisbon and visualize its trams. What means of transportation have you seen? What have been the most curious or strange?

Trams in Lisbon


As much as you try to avoid the typical repeated photos of the monuments, you will end up taking them because they are part of your trip and icons of that place. And that's not that it's wrong or right, just that a widely viewed photo can lack interest if there's not something else that attracts attention. To do this, you can use a different perspective, photograph it from another angle or side, focus on its details or play with the light to make it look more striking or different.

Easter Island


You will come across objects and details worth immortalizing, for their beauty, their idiosyncrasy or their colouring. These details are also part of the trip, they also narrate about it and about the site you are visiting. If I were you, I would put them on the list ?

Details of Morocco (By Emilio Chulia)


How is that city at night? Sleep? Go out party? Is it luminous? Do you see the stars? Or can you enjoy the wonderful Aurora Borealis? Perhaps it is the moment in which religious rites, popular festivals are carried out or in which the streets are filled with life. Count it. The night is also part of your trip.

colony at night


Religion is in many countries something so important that it marks their character, their customs, their architecture and even their laws. We could open a debate about this but it is not the place, the important thing here is that reflecting religious rites or places of worship in your photographic series on the trip becomes almost essential.

Prayers in Vietnam


Religious or not, the customs of that country or territory will help you tell more about what it is like, so that your audience understands a little more about that place you have been to, so that they understand that anecdote that you have just told them. Pay attention and catch them.


A natural or city landscape will help you show its beauty, the environment in which the people you have shown at the beginning move, locate those customs or the architecture that you have portrayed.


If you could spend some time with a native family, you would have the excellent opportunity to photograph what their life is like. Who cooks? How do they sit at the table? How are the meetings or in which part of the house do they spend more time? From tea time in the English countryside to Argentine barbecues, passing through henna dyes in India. Are you going to miss them?

henna tattoos


Wild, domestic, typical, cargo or transport, animals are also part of the place, of its essence. Some are so characteristic that they will know exactly where you've been without having to say it. Or are you going to travel to Australia without photographing a kangaroo or to Mijas without photographing a donkey?

Traveling through Morocco (Emilio Chulia)


To contextualize your trip you can also portray these ideas:

  • Your suitcase: what do you have in your suitcase? This can give an idea of the destination you are traveling to.
  • What transport are you traveling on: land, air or sea?
Your means of transport
  • Who do you travel with: a group photo to end your series is not the same as boring your audience with a hundred photos of you, your partner or your children in front of each site, it is a memory and a part of how you have made your trip.
  • Curiosities: Any gesture, object, action or detail that catches your attention or seems curious to you is worth including in your series. But remember, it has to have interest if you want to show it off and get attention.
  • Where you sleep? Photographing the place where you are staying is also a good item to add to the list if there is something special about it. Will you sleep in the open? In a luxury hotel? A cabin on the sea? An ice room? Everyone will want to see it!


And to finish I will tell you that in the end the important thing is that you enjoy your trip, that you have fun, that you soak up the culture and its customs. If you do all this, the photo will come out naturally. You carry it in your veins.

Some extra tips: try not to bore your audience and avoid certain very typical mistakes . Now find a pencil and paper and… customize your list! Have a good trip!

More tips and tricks for your next travel photography in this mega guide that we have prepared for you.

Pss, pss, wait a minute, I'm going to ask you a favor before I say goodbye. If you found this idea useful, share it so your contacts can make their own list. Thank you!

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