Some families don't really like posing all the time and feeling like a camera is pointed at them all the time. Or some members yes, but not the rest. And that ends up influencing the session. It also happens that there are those who prefer to carry out more spontaneous reports and not ask the protagonists to look at the camera, turn around, put their arms like this or "like that", etc.

For these cases, I propose some resources to energize the session that will allow you to capture more spontaneous images while playing, having fun or being entertained with the task at hand.

Before I get to work, I recommend that you find out what they are like. What do they like, what hobbies do they have in common, if they are serious or joking, etc. Everything you can know in advance will help you to guide the session, to conclude which of the following ideas will be best for you or to include others.

And if there are children, surely this mega guide to photographing children with all the tips and tricks comes from the movies. Or this one for baby photography , if they still haven't reached two feet from the ground ?


If the family has a pet, suggest that they bring it to the session. In the event that they are encouraged to bring it, playing with it at the beginning of the session will help to relax the different members and will allow you to achieve spontaneous images. You can even capture some cute or funny photo. Once you have a few images with the animal, you can continue the session with the rest of the family already more relaxed. Of course, you will have to anticipate what to do with it while you finish or agree if it will participate in the entire session.

Photography couple with dog
The pet, one of the family


Some shy people are more confident with an object in their hand or with something to "dress up" with to hide or face the camera with support. A hat or several can help you, while they try to exchange it, steal it or try it on, you can capture gestures, looks, smiles, etc. An umbrella, a magnifying glass, a pipe, a pretty scarf, or even an old suitcase, for example, can also be useful.

photograph of a girl in the park
Hats and other accessories. Always have some on hand.


The idea of balloons, when there are small children, is always an easy and photogenic resource. Although first you must make sure that there is no small member of the family who is afraid of them. Remember to fill them with helium if you want them to stand tall. If it's just to play for a while and relax the atmosphere, it's worth inflating them to your lungs ;).


A resource that you can use, especially when there are children (which will be the majority of the times in which you have to throw ideas) is to look for a treasure. Hide an object, for example a pompero, you can give them clues, have a treasure map made if it is a place you know well or that you usually use for your sessions, or play "hot or cold" as they get closer or further away. The whole family can either participate in the search or one member can hide it and the rest can search for it, so that you can concentrate on the photos.


I have given the pompero as an example of a treasure because it is another resource that can help you. And it would be introduced naturally. Well, be sure that if a child finds a pompero he will want to use it no matter what;).

Some tips: use sunset light, make sure the background is not distracting so that the bubbles can be seen well, underexpose a little to make the bubbles more visible and freeze the action with a shutter speed of at least 1/200 sec and with an AF-C or Al servo focus (depending on the camera model).

Photograph of a mother with baby and bubbles
Soap bubbles


How about you make them fly a kite? You will be able to play with backlights, capture the movement, the laughter, the races. Look for interesting perspectives and you will get very attractive photos without the need for them to pose.

mother and son photography with kite
The flight of the kite


Does anyone in the family play a musical instrument? If possible, take it with you to the session. Music calms the beast ;). Now seriously, it can be a good connector. I am not going to talk about the properties of music, but I will tell you that if you get them to sit down and listen to how their son, sister, mother or grandson plays, for example, you will achieve very beautiful images. Listen with your viewfinder and your heart and put yourself in a very low perspective (basically drop to the ground ? ). You will be happy with the result.

photograph a boy playing the guitar
Photography by Laith Abuabdu


How about a few paints and brushes? The game is secured. The photographs too.

photography feet of a family
battle of paints


  • only valid for fun, brave and daring families.
  • not recommended with very young children.
  • use easily washable paints and clothing suitable for getting dirty.
  • Be very careful with the camera in case there are paint splashes ;).


To use in places where it is easily cleanable, if it is not the case, forget it. Don't leave the beach or the field full of confetti ;). If you're indoors or anywhere else that can be cleaned, a confetti war can be very engaging in color, laughter, and movement. It uses very fast speeds to freeze the confetti in midair.


If the children are big, you can try a pillow fight, but the ones with feathers that end up flying through the air. Follow the confetti tips for speeds and cleanup. You wouldn't want to get to a beach and find it covered in feather pillows, would you?


The little ones love making strange faces. If you see that they don't collaborate too much, you can propose to the whole family as a game that they make different gestures, close their eyes, wink, stick out their tongues, make scared faces. In this they surely collaborate. You can capture the gestures or the laughs and knowing glances between grimaces.


Here's another idea to entertain the whole family, surprise the little ones and help you capture original images.

photograph a father with his daughter and sparkler
Photograph by Caleb Jones

If the sunset lengthens and the ages of the family members allow it, you can try a light painting image to end with a smile;).


Use a large mirror with a pretty frame to capture reflections or to play with. Very interesting and original images can be achieved. You can also use an empty frame, to "frame" your models in a natural way.


If you are one of those people who loves to capture emotions through looks and gestures, you will like this game. Ask them to say nice things in each other's ears. You will be able to capture the moment and, best of all, the reactions.

photograph a mother whispering to her daughter
London Scout Photography


If the place allows the family to play hide and seek among trees, rocks or whatever, take advantage of it. Faces that appear, feet that are discovered, laughter and races.

photograph a girl with a stuffed animal


Whether it's music, gardening, cooking or sports, if there is a hobby common to the whole family, try to take advantage of it. It is not about focusing the entire session on it (or yes, if it is the family's desire), but about taking advantage of what everyone likes so much and that unites them in one way or another.


Forced perspective can be another game to achieve original and fun images if you feel like participating. Obviously, not everyone is interested in this type of photography, but there will be those who prefer it to a traditional pose.


The last idea that I want to share with you is that you propose to the youngest members of the family to become photographers. If you see that they get tired and lose interest, leave them a camera from your collection, if you have a Lomo, or an old camera, try to leave it and have the others pose for him or her.

photograph a child with a lomographic camera
little photographers

If after this you need some tips to plan your family session, click here . To get inspired, you can do it in this other link .

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