That time with children flies is something that everyone who has ever had one around knows perfectly well. If this is the case in childhood, with babies it is something that seems like a matter of the blink of an eye. Babies change from day to day, in a way that takes your breath away.
For this reason, I invite you to photograph your baby with all the passion that you have left in those hours of insomnia, because one day it is a newborn baby and, the next, it is already walking ? .
If you are looking for ideas for original baby photos, in this article you will find a few because, as photographers of whatever level we have, we are going to try to give the best of ourselves.
I start with some basic tips for photographing babies beyond the final style you want to give to your photos.
- Prepare the session in advance. Think about some of the photos you want to take, so you will avoid being blocked at the time of the session. Then don't forget to let yourself go and improvise.
- The room should be a comfortable temperature.
- Take advantage of the moments when the baby has just eaten and is deeply calm.
- Have all the accessories ready and at hand.
- The safety of the baby should always be above all else.
- Make the mother feel comfortable too, have water ready, a place to rest or feed the baby if she needs it: calm mother-calm baby.
- Never use the flash.
- The best light is soft and diffused, but you can experiment with it in an artistic way.
- Focus on the eyes.
- Play with different perspectives and frames.
- Indoors, move closer to a window to take advantage of natural light.
- RAW photography to have the highest quality and to be able to adjust, for example, the white balance.
- Use a wide or medium depth of field to keep the focus on the baby.
- If you have a bright goal, it's time to put it to work ? . A 50mm or 85mm may be ideal for these types of photos.
- Look for details: ears, mouth, lanugo (body hair in the case of newborns), feet, etc.
- Take care of the background, especially if you are photographing at home: no cables, plugs, thrown clothes... Look for a smooth background like a wall, a light curtain, etc.
- Take care of the wardrobe if there is one.
- Capture all their expressions: smiles, yawns, anger...
- Experiment with different types of light, I recommend that you try the high and low key technique, for example.

If you want to go deeper into baby photography, in these very complete guides you will find absolutely everything you are looking for in this regard: material, tricks, lighting, composition, etc.
- Baby photos: Guide with all the tips and tricks to photograph a baby
- Newborn photography: get some photos full of tenderness
I am one of those who thinks that inspiration comes to you when you are working, so to achieve creativity in your baby photos, the first thing you should do is encourage yourself ? .
Personally, I love this type of collage where you can see the evolution of your baby month by month. I didn't do it at the time, and now I would love to have something like that, so if you have time, don't miss the opportunity.
- Use the same scenario in all the photos. To do this, try to make it beautiful but simple, so that it does not cost you to assemble it every time.
- Dress the baby in the same or similar way in each of them.
- Control the lighting, try to make it homogeneous in all the images.
- Take care of the white balance.
- Always use the same orientation: if you start vertically, do not change later or vice versa.
- Make sure that the baby is always in the same area of the frame.
- Use the same equipment and distance, so that attention is focused on the baby's changes.
- If you want, add a number to the image indicating the month. You can write it on a blackboard, create it with flowers, with cardboard or whatever you can think of. So you can see the age with the naked eye. Hereyou have a sample
I leave you with this example of a month-by-month composition:

If you are the king or queen of creativity, you will love these types of artistic baby photography ideas. It is about creating magical worlds through scenarios that you can perfectly assemble at home.
Choose a scene you want to recreate, find a background (a blanket or cloth), think about the different elements that will appear around it, and how you want the baby to interact with the scene (do you dress him up to match?).
In this video you will see very funny examples that will surely inspire you. As you will see, some are very easy to do and others are more laborious, but not complicated at all. If you want some really original baby photos, press play ? .
If you want to be creative when photographing a baby, sometimes it's as simple as simply changing your point of view of the scene in front of you.
When we photograph a baby, our physical superiority invites us to always photograph it from above. It's okay, you have to have those photos and they give a lot of themselves, but I invite you to look for other points of view.
Use a normal point of view, at eye level, which is what we use with adult portraits but often forget with babies.
Photograph the feet in close-up or the hands, look for different approaches, ways to portray it, don't set limits, turn it around, look at it at 45º, from below... you always have time to delete what you don't like, right?

Sometimes with very simple editing you can get the most creative and cool results. It is a mistake to believe that because we do not know Photoshop we cannot get original photos, many times less is more and a good idea does not have to be complicated to execute.
I leave you this super creative examplethat I have loved. A great way to get a series of original baby photos, right?
If you liked it, you can see more examples of this style in the account of this Japanese father, or taking a look on Pinterest.
Sometimes we focus so much on babies that we forget about the importance of the newborn's relationship with their families.
Try to include them in a creative way as well. It can be simply through your hands, fingers, back, full body, etc.
You will be able to play with the size scale, with the contrast between the skin of a newborn and adult hands, etc. and above all with a whole love story behind that relationship.

The everyday is not only what we have closest at hand, but also represents the day-to-day reality of that baby and, in addition, allows us to comfortably work on our photos.
The day to day is full of opportunities that you should not despise. Not everything is a set, a perfect moment with perfect clothes or an incomparable light.
Personally, I think everyday photos make for the most beautiful memories, so don't overlook them. First baths, naps, meals... Giving context to that story that is beginning to be written is in your hands ?
EXPRESS TIPS!! For a spectacular result without making your life too complicated, look for the light from the windows, focus your eyes well, use an aperture around f/4, a speed above 1/125s, a low ISO (if you can), and a lens with a focal length of around 50mm.

Finally, an inspiration gallery is always good, many times the images are worth more and are stored better in our retinas than all the theory that can explain to you, so here we go with some original and beautiful baby photos ? .
If you look at the images you will see that some are original due to the props and costumes, due to the creation of some spectacular scenery, but there are also some that simply use light to create a beautiful backlight or those that use focus or composition to stand out.
You do not need great efforts of time to get artistic, original and creative baby photos ? .