Today I am going to open (or reopen) a debate, and warm, I know. Like the one who opens an open wound knowing the risk he is running. But I can't hold back. I'm going to get smacks from all sides and more than one (or one) is going to put me on their blacklist.

I assume.

But since I always speak from respect, I hope that my opinion is also respected. And I am going to defend mobile photography.

Because yes, this is a photography blog, we write a lot about SLR photography, but that doesn't mean that photography is exclusive to DSLRs, or EVIL or Bridge.

And yes, mobile photography is also photography, it is also art. If you want to know more about mobile photography, we have prepared this mega guide for you, with tips, tricks and much more .


All this comes because the other day, a good friend told me something like to stop taking photos with my cell phone because that was not photography and I was wasting my talent. And he said it out of affection, I know, because he loves me a lot and he wants me to take pictures with the camera because he thinks I'm wasting time with my cell phone. And I didn't understand it, because for the type of photos he takes, ingenious, brilliant, original and creative for my taste, he doesn't need an SLR. I could do them with a cell phone or even with a camera made from a cardboard box. Because he has that gift, that photographic eye . That's why I'm writing this article today, to demystify “good” cameras and support mobile photography. And to encourage all those people who have a photographic eye, but not a SLR, to continue creating photography.


There are good photographers who have discovered photography thanks to their mobile camera and, in fact, their iPhone has taken them very far in this world.

Does photographing with a phone make you a worse photographer? Not at all. To be a photographer, what is truly important is to have the sensitivity and the photographic eye to reach the public and excite them. Today there are phones on the market with very good optics. There are also some with very bad cameras, or that don't work simply because you press the button and it takes two seconds to shoot, so goodbye photo!

Now, before continuing I have to make a clarification . I'm not talking about professional photography. Obviously I'm talking about photography from a creative, artistic point of view . Of course you are not going to cover a wedding report with a mobile phone! Not a fashion catalog or a newborn session. The SLR camera offers a type of professional-level performance but that does not have to be essential at a creative or artistic level at all.


I have been moved by photos taken with my mobile phone and yet I have remained impassive with others taken with one of the best cameras on the market. I have seen empty SLR photos, without a soul, in which I have not stopped for a nanosecond. The art is not in the quality of the camera but in the sensitivity of the person who holds it. It is so.

I myself have noticed that some of my best photos are taken with my mobile phone (and that is not one of the smartphones with the best camera ). Or at least the ones that I like the most and the ones that have praised me the most. Because sometimes it's not about pixels or sharpness, but about the moment , knowing how to see and capturing an emotion .



Like everything in life, shooting with a mobile phone has advantages and disadvantages, and everyone must weigh which side the scales lean to. Well, an advantage that weighs a lot on me , the same for you it doesn't weigh anything.


  • Is light.
  • You always carry it with you.
  • It's fast.
  • You don't have to be adjusting values, the automatic ones work very well.
  • You can edit on the same phone.
  • There are a lot of applications to edit photos, filters and so on, free and very easy to use.
  • You don't need technical training, just vision or knowledge of composition.
  • For the same price (one of the cheapest) you have a phone, computer and camera.


  • You cannot play with the aperture of the diaphragm, nor with the shutter speed to transmit the movement.
  • Some have too short a focal length, a 50mm is fine, but with an SLR to blur the background, etc., but on a mobile it falls a bit short on many occasions. I noticed a lot of the difference when I switched to the iPhone more than because of the pixels because the lens is wide angle.
  • You can't do big enlargements.
  • You can't change optics. Well yes, there are games for Smartphone lenses but they are more for playing than anything else.
  • You need a lot of light.



  • The infinite range of lenses that you have at your disposal, from fisheye, to telephoto lenses through macro.
  • Its possibilities are much (infinitely) greater in terms of aperture, exposure speed, and so on.
  • It is for professional use.
  • You can make extensions.


Did you think it was all advantages? No way! Here are a few drawbacks.

  • Its price, no matter how much you can get a body for less than what an iPhone is worth, you will end up spending a lot of money to continue expanding the equipment.
  • It's heavy, you can't carry it in your pocket.
  • It is anything but discreet.
  • It requires much more maintenance than a phone.
  • It requires a long apprenticeship to manage it.


Mine, of course. If you are going to dedicate yourself to professional photography, well, there is no doubt, but does it mean that if you do not make a living from it, you cannot be a photographer? Can't you be an artist like the top of a pine tree? Did Vivian Maier live from photography? Well no, she was a babysitter. However, she is considered one of the best photographers in history. Did Van Gogh live off of his paintings? Does anyone doubt that he is "a painter"?

Photography is art , and anyone who manages to move or provoke a feeling in the public can be considered a photographer, regardless of the quality of the image, whether it is salable or not, or whether or not they make a living from it.

In many articles I have included as an example photos of Emilio Chuliá (@ejota_seventyeight), which has an awesome gallery created with your iPhone. She doesn't shoot with an SLR but she has a gift and knows how to create art with her phone.

And just like him there are a lot of photographers hidden in social networks like Instagram. And honestly, for me, if they move me and make me stare at their photos for more than two seconds, they deserve my respects. Even if they don't shoot with an SLR, even if they don't understand shooting speeds, flash curtains, reversal rings or focal lengths. But they know composition, light and sensitivity.

And to show a button, here are a few photos taken with a mobile phone:

To finish, I leave you some galleries that you should visit. Sometimes they shoot with another type of camera, but most are with a mobile phone:

  • @V14zco
  • JA Consentino (@murcielaguillo)
  • Nazareth Sanchez (@nazareth)
  • Emilio Chuliá (@ejota_seventyeight)
  • Olga (@olgavimo)
  • Gabriel Samper (@kainxs)
  • I know that when I publish this more than one and one of you are going to cry out to heaven. I await your comments, because they are enriching, because everyone has their reasons and this is an infinite debate, with no solution, but in which each contribution is worth it. There are many extremes, although we should not fall into them, because life is neither black nor white. It is full of grays and infinite colors.

    My humble opinion is that both DSLR and mobile can coexist in a world of people who love photography above all else. And you do you think?

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