Car drivers know very well when it's time to change gear. They know their car so well that, while driving it, they feel as if the engine is "talking" to them asking for a gear change to a third, fourth or fifth gear.

I don't have a pet , and it never ceases to amaze me to see how pet owners usually communicate with their animal in a natural, spontaneous way, as if it were a human. They know how to tell you if your pet is hungry, happy, lazy or angry. It's amazing. But if they can even guess if the animal feels sorry for some mischief it has done. How do they know if the animals do not articulate any words? Ok, in the case of the Parrot, maybe yes ?

Similarly, you should know your camera inside out. Whatever the brand, whatever the model, no one should know how to handle your camera better than you. No one should stand behind you, hands in pockets and looking smart-ass, telling you the manual settings you should apply to your camera while you wrestle with it as if it were the first time you touched it. It's your camera and you should know it better than anyone, better than its manufacturer if you push me.
Obviously, this understanding and compenetration are not achieved overnight, this is not achieved by buying "the best camera in the world"and leaving her bored to death in a sad drawer. Achieving these levels of complicity and rapport requires getting intimate with your camera often, exploring it patiently and with great attention. You should "converse" with her frequently, listen to her. How is that done?
Using it in manual mode .

No more no less. I know that there is a high probability that you do not know how to handle the manual mode of your camera, but nothing happens. The important thing is that you try. Use it frequently, dare to tinker with all its features, let nothing stop you. Little by little you will get to know her and you will begin to have that extraordinary ability to "guess" her behavior. You will begin to know how your little girl reacts according to what situations, and therefore you will learn to handle her depending on the context.

I have the feeling that, other things being equal, a child would know our SLR camera sooner (and better) than ourselves . Have you seen the excited and curious face of a child who is given a camera for the first time? He gropes her, holds her without fear, as if she wasn't the least bit afraid of him. He discovers her, messes with her without fear, explores all her buttons and functions. He does it with passion, with desire, as if he were looking for something, as if he needed answers.

Like a child

Dare to tinker with your SLR camera, explore it without fear and get to know it like the back of your hand. I promise you that the result will be gratifying ?

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