If you want to take good nature photography , you have come to the right place my friend.

Have you ever thought about how spectacular our planet Earth is? Have you noticed the enormous diversity that it offers in terms of geography, flora, fauna, etc.? I don't know if you have ever considered the possibilities it offers us for photography, but if you haven't, I recommend that you stop for a moment and think about how overwhelming its beauty can be and the infinite opportunities it offers you and your camera.

To celebrate how lucky we are to be able to enjoy it, today I come with the most extensive guide you can find on the Internet on nature photography. A gift to you and all my readers.

I am aware of how ambitious my proposal is. But I also realize that this is one of the photographic disciplines most pursued by all blog readers along with portrait photography.

Whether you are an amateur, advanced or professional photographer, in this guide you will surely find tricks, ideas, advice or inspiration to enjoy two of the most wonderful things in life: photography and nature.

Just a moment! Get a pad and a pen, or add this article to your favorites so you don't lose sight of it, and now yes, settle in to have a good time and soak up the most authentic nature photography, because all this is what You will find yourself in this guide on nature photography:


Nature photography is a photographic genre that consists of visually representing natural elements such as landscapes, fauna, flora, but also inanimate elements such as a rock or a mountain with a photograph. The main purpose of nature photography is to capture the aesthetic part of the environment and it is currently one of the most practiced disciplines within photography, because it encompasses many subtypes.


As I was saying, within nature photography you can find many subgenres. Let's see a list of types of images that you can capture within the nature photography genre:

  • Photography of plants and flowers
  • wildlife photography
  • underwater photography
  • macro photography
  • landscape photography
  • astrophotography
  • night photography
  • still life photography
nature photos


Warning: surprise at the end of this section)

To enjoy nature photography to the fullest, you need a camera that responds not only to setting it in manual mode, but also to suit the type of photos you're going to take the most.

For example, if you know you're going to be shooting especially near water, in very rainy environments, or in places where dust and mud is as common as breathing, the body should be sealed to withstand splashing water and dust. .

If it's the desire to photograph icy landscapes or other places with extreme temperatures like the Sahara desert or the Northern Lights at the North Pole, it's important to make sure it works well under these conditions.

That you are a fan of birds and you plan to chase them all over the planet? Or the wildest and fastest fauna? In that case, it is best to look for a camera that has a fast focus and is capable of capturing a good number of photos per second in burst mode.

On the contrary, if yours is a more leisurely nature photograph, you are moved by landscapes or you are passionate about plants, none of the above should worry you especially. Your energy should go more directed to find a suitable goal.

Yes, you should look at how it responds to high ISO values in the case in which your obsession is night photography. Just like you will have to look for a specific housing to do underwater photography.

Any camera with manual controls will do for all types of wildlife photography (except for submerging in the ocean), however, if you have to buy one and you're very clear about what you want it primarily for, then that's when you can afford to fine-tune. with the choice.

If you are thinking of buying a camera and you don't even know where to start, I have prepared a list with the best SLR cameras to get started in photography .

Hey! That I do not forget that there is a type of user who is more concerned with diversity than quality. If you are one of those people who is going to enjoy photographing a mushroom as well as the craters of the moon, regardless of whether the photo is perfect and also you do not want to keep changing lenses, there is an ideal camera for you, and it is not an SLR. these are the cameras called bridge .

Ok, it's true, they don't allow you to change optics, but with the one they bring you can photograph a landscape to a lion at 300m, going through that impressive spider that has made you stop in the middle of the road. Some examples of bridge cameras for the most off-road nature photographers :

  • Canon POWERSHOT SX540 HS .
  • Nikon Coolpix B600 or the Nikon Coolpix P1000 with a zoom that will leave you much more than speechless (24-2000mm).

The final surprise is… I have created a free tool that will help you find the best camera for you! If with what you have read in this section you still have doubts, my personalized camera recommender is your solution.


The usual thing is that people are obsessed with the camera when in reality the most important thing is the lens that you attach to it. This is indeed an essential point and where you should pay more attention when assembling your equipment for nature photography.

What will allow you a more creative and complete photograph is the optics you use and the more specific your goal is, the better you will be right. Because, indeed, it is not the same that you pursue photographing birds in flight that your goal is the world of mycology. Therefore, friend, take your time to think about the type of nature photography that you are going to do the most or where you want to start.

These are the aspects that you should look at when choosing a goal. And here are some recommendations for nature lenses depending on the type of images you want to take:

  • Best lenses for wildlife photography
  • Best lenses for shooting landscapes
  • Recommended lenses for macro photography
  • Objectives for night photography


I insist once again on the need to specify, because you do not need the same accessories to photograph an eagle as a landscape with a cloudy sky.

Pay attention, because I am going to leave you a list of the most used accessories in nature photography and I will indicate when or for what type of photography it is most useful.


The tripod is essential in night photography, in long exposure photography (such as for the silky effect of water), macro photography and highly recommended when photographing landscapes or using telephoto lenses (the latter with nuances). When buying a tripod for nature photography, we recommend taking into account some aspects:

  • make it stable
  • make it light
  • allow the legs to extend independently.
  • that the feet can adapt to different surfaces.
  • Choose the head depending on the type of nature photography that you are going to practice the most.


The nuance comes because photographing an eclipse with a telephoto lens is not the same as a bird in flight.

And it is that to be able to move with agility, a monopod is much more effective than a tripod and it can give you the right stability that you need.

owl flying


When it comes to stabilizing your camera for night or long exposure photography, just a good tripod is not enough. Remote shooting is necessary to prevent camera shake. And if you want to do time-lapse , immortalize a meteor shower or perform circumpolar, you will have no choice but to have an intervalometer.


There are many types of filters : polarizing to avoid reflections, neutral density for long daytime exposure, neutral density degraded filter to equalize the difference in exposure between heaven and earth, etc. These are just some examples. But mainly you will need a filter if you are going to photograph landscapes, skies and daytime long exposure.

My advice!: if you have scratched your pocket to buy a lens of excellent optical quality, do not put any filter in front of it. Anything you put in front of your lens will detract from the quality of the image, so I recommend that you look for a quality filter if you are looking for maximum sharpness and image quality.


Diffusers and reflectors to modify light are especially useful when photographing plants and flowers. Also in macro photography.


You won't need a specific backpack to do macro photography in a studio set up at home or to capture the beauty of the flowers in your city's Botanical Garden.

Now, if you intend to scale mountains in search of the most spectacular views, walk trails in the middle of the night to capture the Milky Way, photograph the Aurora Borealis or go on a photo safari through the pools of Africa, without a doubt, you need a suitable backpack .

In my humble opinion, an ideal backpack for nature photography should be padded on the back, with wide and comfortable straps, waterproof , with a space or accessory to place the tripod and with dividers to keep all the equipment organized. This is one of my favorite photo backpacksIf you don't like it, here I will tell you how to choose the ideal backpack for your camera.


An essential accessory to photograph animals in their habitat without scaring them away is the hide . The hide is a hiding place with which to go completely unnoticed and to be able to observe the different species without being discovered. There are some professionals that you can rent or also hides to buy and use wherever and whenever you want.


Taking nature photos, on many occasions, involves photographing in bad weather, here are some recommended accessories to protect your equipment in adverse conditions.

Important! In order not to frustrate your departure after half an hour, also take into account the shoes and clothing you wear. Don't go out Frank of the Jungle in clogs, for example. Neglecting a detail like this can turn your session into something completely disastrous.

If you want to delve deeper into the subject, here is an article dedicated to accessories for nature photographers. And specifying a little more:

  • Accessories for the night photographer
  • Accessories for the landscape photographer
  • Macro Photography Accessories


Regardless of the type of nature photos you take, here are some general tips:

  • Be respectful. Nature belongs to everyone, it is our home, take care of it, for you and for everyone. Respect the environment and animals.
  • Study the species you want to photograph. Knowing the species will help you anticipate, know their schedules, their behavior, etc., which gives you the opportunity to get ahead and get better snapshots.
  • Analyze the place. In the same sense, studying the place you want to photograph will not only prevent you from having an accident, but it will help you to know the lighting, study the different angles from which to get the best shots, etc. It is also important to take into account the climate and meteorology of each place.
  • Be stealthy and silent. In addition to not disturbing the animals that may be there, you will prevent them from running away and leaving you without photographic possibilities.
  • Choose the best time, both for light and animal behavior. Some species are more active at dawn, others at noon, others more nocturnal, etc.
  • Plan your outings. So that nothing fails, plan outings as much as possible. Equipment, location, schedules, weather, type of photos you want to take...
  • Prepare the equipment well. You can always make a list or follow a workflow so that nothing goes wrong.
  • Check your camera settings before every ride. The last thing you want is to find yourself with the settings of a night photo when you are photographing a bird in flight, right? The most appropriate settings for nature photography depend on the type of photography you are going to do and the moment, so always check before you go out.
  • Patience , your best ally.
  • That you do not lack food in the backpack. Especially if you go beyond the park in front of your house or you are one of those who go to heaven when they have a camera in their hands, does it ring a bell?

Craving for more? Here you will find up to 100 quick tips for nature photography .


Flowers and plants are an excellent resource to get started in nature photography, due to their beauty and accessibility, you can have them at home, in the park or in a nearby nursery, and because such specific equipment is not required as in other disciplines. Unless what you are looking for is tips for taking macro photos of flowers and plants .

To photograph plants and flowers, what you need are these tips , which also come with a good dose of inspiration.

Macro photo of petals of a pink flower


When it comes to portraying animals we enter a very different terrain, plants do not move, animals do. And some very fast. Accessibility, without counting the photos of your pets, of course, is not the same either.

For wildlife photography, preparation is very important , especially for some species. Knowing their customs will help you. And going one step further when it comes to exciting and telling stories with your wildlife photographs will make you a better photographer.

Leopard resting on a tree branch at sunset

Special mention requires bird photography . To begin with, because it is not the same to photograph birds at rest than birds in flight . If you throw yourself into this task, we have an article with the recommended equipment for photographing birds .


You can resort to zoos to photograph animals . There are some places that go beyond the typical image of the zoo to which we are accustomed and from which many flee, with good reason. In some places, the animals are found in semi-freedom and are very frequented by wildlife photographers, such as the Cabárceno Park, in Santander (Spain).If nothing else, they are a good option to practice and photograph species that you would not find in your area in any other way.

It is very likely that when you think of wildlife photography a safari comes to mind, and that is perfect, although it should not be an impediment for you to do wildlife photography while filling the piggy bank. Do it from now!

Fauna photography is also very extensive, in your area there are native species that you can photograph. Or you may have a conservation or animal protection center nearby that you can also turn to.


The still life or still life is a representation of inanimate beings that can be flowers, food, dead animals or even objects made by man.

It is a very common discipline in painting but also in photography, and it is another territory that you can explore without having to go on an expedition, and that will allow you to practice lighting and composition.


If you are one of those who likes to collect treasures on your outings, you usually have flowers in the vases at home, you like the tranquility of your home and have a good time in peace with your camera, still lifes are an excellent option for you. Here we explain in detail how to photograph still life and in this other article you will find inspiration for still lifes.


The night, contrary to what it may seem, is as appropriate a time as any other to photograph nature in all its immensity. Have you thought about moon photography ? Well, there is more, astrophotography opens up a whole world of possibilities for the most nocturnal photographers.

Photographing a sky full of stars , achieving an impressive photograph of the Northern Lights , capturing a panorama of the Milky Way or achieving an attractive night landscape are just a few examples. In this article you will find a good dose of inspiration for night landscapes.

Aurora Borealis night landscape


If you are attracted to landscapes in which water appears as a silky blanket and you are wondering how to achieve it, here we will explain it to you step by step. A river, a waterfall or the seashore can be perfect places to practice and get impressive images.


If you like watching and listening more than reading, in this video you will discover how to achieve the silky effect of water


I know on good authority that among my readers there are a good number of mountaineers.

That is why we have prepared this article with tips for photographing mountains , this other one in which we reveal the best time to photograph mountains and this other one in which we tell you how to take photos of mountains without getting bored.

And who says mountains, says forests ? Have you ever got lost with your camera in a forest ? Give it a try, seriously.


Surely if you have ever tried to take photos on the beach you have suffered some disappointment or other and it is that it has its little tricks. There are some very common mistakes when photographing on the beach that you have to try to avoid, you will find them in the link, and in this other one, we leave you our tips to get the best photos on the beach .


If what you are passionate about is the underwater world, discovering marine species, the blue of the ocean in the depths, corals or the sunbeams breaking through the surface, follow these tips to successfully immerse yourself in underwater photography.


Hey! Wait, if it seems too long and you prefer video mode, here we have Iñaki Relanzón with one of his videos in which he gives you a quick review of underwater photography.


Macro photography is one that magnifies the motives and shows us details that go unnoticed by the human eye. To take this type of photography, the essential thing is that you get a macro lens or, to try if you like it, with an alternative to macro optics.

To get started in macro photography, we have this article for you in which we tell you everything you need to achieve impressive macro photos . And in order for you to control the lighting, we have written this other article with everything you need to know to illuminate your macro photos .

Macro photo of a frog on green leaf


The sky is not only the clouds, which also leave IMPRESSIVE images , but it is also the sun, the moon, its eclipses , the northern lights , the stars or the meteor shower (in short, what we have named astrophotography before) , and something else.

Something truly spectacular: the sunrises and sunsets. To get the best sunrise and sunset photos, take a tour of this article. But remember that you also have many other ways to photograph the sky.


No matter how impressive the landscape in front of you, the flower or the animal, a careless composition will ruin all its beauty. What a disaster, right?

It is important that you pay attention to how you place within the frame all the natural elements that you want to include. In this article you will find 100 quick tips to achieve the best photographic compositions.

Psss… A secret: whatever your nature photography is, remember that it must have a center of interest.


In nature photography, a sharp photograph always wins points. Sometimes we fail in the most basic, to avoid the avoidable we have prepared 25 ways to maintain sharpness in your photographs.


Nature is an explosion of colour, but no one has said that it cannot be seen in grayscale. There is more to remember the great Ansel Adams or the impressive work of Karl Blossfeld.

Very important tip: to photograph in black and white, always shoot in color and then convert to grayscale.


In this article you will find 18 AWESOME flora and fauna photos with tricks to achieve them , but we have more inspiration prepared for you, in case you still have an appetite for nature photos :

  • rainbow photos
  • sun photos
  • eclipse photos
  • mountains photos
  • autumn photos
  • winter photos
  • macro photography
  • trees photos
  • Photographs you can take depending on the weather
  • birds photos


Nature, in addition to boasting diversity in terms of landscapes and living beings, also has different seasons, climatologies and meteorological phenomena, which increases the photographic possibilities even more.

Don't you think it's amazing? You can photograph the same scene in multiple ways! I find it AMAZING. So here are a few ideas and suggestions.

  • photograph spring
  • photograph the summer
  • Shooting in Autumn and Settings for Shooting in Autumn
  • Photograph winter landscapes
  • photograph lightning
  • photograph the fog
  • photography with rain


When looking for inspiration, take a look at the work of the experts. I leave you some names. They will all bring you something. Undoubtedly.

  • Iñaki Relanzón. International nature photographer and tireless traveler very committed to some causes, you can visit his instagramor your website.
  • Jose Benito Ruiz. You cannot talk about nature, at least in this country (Spain) without mentioning this photographer, author of numerous books, among many other merits. His work is impeccable.
  • Marina Cano. A Canon Ambassador, she is one of the most international wildlife photographers . She doesn't photograph animals, she photographs emotions. You can check it in his instagram galleryor on their website.
  • Brian Skerry. For lovers of the underwater world I present this Nikon ambassador. His photos are unmissable. If you don't believe me, check out their website .or your instagram account.
  • Cindy Jeannon. French photographer. Indicated for lovers of minimalism and the Nordic landscape. Contraindicated for those looking for dynamism and bright colors. More on his website?

This is just an appetizer. In the network you will find many more, according to your style you will be able to better refine your tastes and interests. Later I will tell you a trick to find more fascinating authors.


Planning is important, luckily you have numerous mobile applications, one more well-known and others much less, but no less interesting:

  • Photopills: A very complete application that will help you in many aspects. Both when planning and when taking the photograph.
  • GPS Kit:  An incredible app, especially for hikers and curious photographers who like to let go and not get lost on the way, as it allows you to return to a certain place with great precision (it also works without phone/data coverage).
  • PeakFinder AR: Ideal for mountain lovers. With augmented reality, it works offline and recognizes more than 800,000 spikes. Almost nothing, huh?
  • It is essential to know what the weather will be like, don't you think? Whether you're looking for a lazy day or chasing storms and their lightning, you need reliable information like this to tell you.
  • GeotagPhotos: This application is very convenient if you want to geolocate your photos. That is, that the exact place where they were taken appears in their metadata.
  • Dofmaster: Do you need to calculate the hyperfocal ? Measure depth of field? With this app you have it done.
  • Exate Golden Hour: Free! To plan your sessions based on the sun.
  • Tides plans: If your thing is to photograph the sea, this is your app, to check the state of the tides but also lunar phases, sunrise and sunset, etc.


As a lover of photography and nature, you surely like to have books in your library to inspire you and enjoy each of the images. Here are some really interesting titles:

  • Delve into Nature Photography. I start with our electronic book, which will help you capture incredible nature photos from scratch with your camera, you can take it on your mobile or iPad.
  • Imagining worlds (by Uge Fuertes). A truly inspiring book at the level of text and images. For nature photography in general, to spark creativity in particular.
  • Inspiration+Nature (by Marina Cano). Another one of those books that is a luxury to have and enjoy. Pure poetry in nature photography and more specifically of fauna.
  • Macro Photography (by Fran Nieto) . To delve into macro photography at the hands of a great professor and expert in the field who will transmit his passion to you.
  • Nature photography (by Iñaki Relanzón). Take a walk through all the photographic disciplines with this book in which this great master of nature photography that I mentioned before presents you with 50 (spectacular) images and tells you how he has made them.
  • Natural Paradises (A creative vision) . 24 authors tell you their vision, their experiences and share with you their passion in the form of fabulous nature photographs.
  • Photographing in bad weather (by Eduardo Blanco Mendizabal) . For lovers of meteorological challenges. If yours are not the most peaceful landscapes, this is your book.


Belonging to a community of nature photographers offers you a lot of advantages. If you really get into this discipline, you will be accompanied in many ways. In Spain, for example, there is AEFONA.

You can search in your country or in your region because surely you have one nearby.


Entering local or international contests is a way to stay motivated, put your creativity to work and stay active.

The important thing about contests is not to win them, which is also (who wouldn't want to, right?), but to participate, improve yourself, learn from others, find out what works and what doesn't, and get inspired. As I told you before, it is also a great way to discover great authors.

If you know how to get the best out of all this, I recommend that you be aware of the contests that are called and to which you can have access. And in case you are interested, the best known is the Wildlife Photographer of the Year, although there is also the World Nature Photography Awardsor Nature Photographer of the Year, for example. Seeing the winners of other editions is already a pleasure.

If you dare to introduce yourself, you can start with local contests or in your region if you have just started. When you have practice and fluency and you are really satisfied with your images, you can make the leap to more international contests.


I have mentioned before, in the tips for nature photography, an aspect that is not photographic but is important, and that is the issue of being respectful. For me there are two basic aspects:

  • Respect the species. Do not disturb them and do not harm them should be our motto. Sometimes due to ignorance we can also damage them. So when in doubt, better not touch them. For example, spraying an insect with water can be very harmful because you can alter its cycles.
  • Respect the enviroment. It is terrible to walk through the bush and find it full of waste. As lovers of photography and nature, it is our responsibility to be careful and think about the three Rs (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) when, for example, preparing the lunch that we are going to take with us.

We have reached the end and I want to close this super-mega-guide on nature photography with humble advice: LET NOTHING STOP YOU. Everywhere you look, there is nature, go for it and practice. The rest are excuses.

Hopefully this complete guide will help you achieve the best nature photos you can imagine and, above all, enjoy it. Do not hesitate to write us in the comments if you have any questions.

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