After months of hard work (not only mine, but that of the entire BdF team), what was once a fantasy has become a reality for a few days and I would like to tell you about it.

I am excited to introduce you to my new project, PHOTOGRAPHY WITHOUT LEAVING HOME , an innovative photography book, very different from anything you have seen in photography so far. 

As you will have deduced from the title, the book is made to encourage you to take photography from the comfort of your home, far from the hassle of the mask and hydroalcoholic gel. Inside the book you will find 101 proposals for photographic exercises, all designed for indoors. In addition to the obligatory tips and tricks, within each exercise we have included the exact settings that you must configure on your camera, as a starting point, to achieve the photograph of the exercise.

PHOTOGRAPHY WITHOUT LEAVING HOME  is also our most "interactive" book to date, thanks to the innovative concept of "community" that we have included in it. No more reading the photography book alone. This is a book that you can read and practice in the company of other readers of the Photographer's Blog community.

It works in the following way:

Each exercise in the book comes with a hashtag (label) that you can use on social networks. Simply locate the hashtag of the exercise you want, search for it on your social network (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) and you will be able to see the results that other readers have achieved by practicing the same exercise. It will come in handy for inspiration.

When you're ready, practice the exercise, export your photo and upload it to your favorite social network with the hashtag you'll find inside the exercise. Thus, other readers like you will be able to see your photography, comment on it and be inspired by it.

This is the closest thing to getting the entire community of readers of the Photographer's Blog together in one place and dedicating ourselves to doing the same photography exercises, commenting on them and giving each other inspiration.

Another new feature that we have included in the book is the EXTRA content that I have recorded on video to complement the information in the book. These are small short videos that accompany some exercises, and that you can "unlock" as you read and practice the exercises. While you read and practice the exercise with your camera, you can view the video where I give you clues to get the photographic exercise right.

PHOTOGRAPHY WITHOUT LEAVING HOME is a "community" project in which I would like to count on you ?.

While you are going to rescue that camera from that drawer, I leave you the link here so you can download your copy and choose the exercise with which you will start this weekend.

Happy photography without leaving home!

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