Don't miss this. Today I bring you a selection of the best photographs of this year 2010 captured by the cameras of the photographers of the&n
Actually what matters is the final photograph. It's what you stay with. It doesn't matter what photography courses you enroll in, the art
Friday is the typical relaxed day in which I don't want to overwhelm you with tutorials or analysis, but rather encourage your creativity and activ
Tonight is Halloween and, whether you like it more or less, the streets are filled with photo opportunities. Maybe you are one of those who en
One of the photographic techniques that I like the most is undoubtedly achieving the silk effect in photos whe
Who among us has not gone on a vacation trip, excited with the idea of taking magnificent photographs, only to discover on the return that no photo
If you are reading this article it is because the macro world has already seduced you (and no wonder). You may have already taken yo
Today I bring you a more technical literary recommendation than usual. But it is that, when editing your photos in Lightroom, this is a refere
Some photographers are able to achieve real wonders with a normal camera and starting from an ordinary landscape or scene. Have you wondered w
Last week I invited you to dance, this week I encourage you to fish, but with the camera, no hooks. The only hook here is your camera lens.&nb