Unless you are someone like Mozart or Leonardo Da Vinci, you usually need inspiration. Some people are born with a special talent and find it on a leaf that falls from the tree, in the texture of the peach they are savoring, in a little bird that perches on the windowsill or in their own mind that speaks to them. But that is not normal, it is normal to find it in other people who work or enjoy the same discipline as you, even The Beatles had their inspiration in another band called The Crickets.
Searching for inspiration is not copying, it is learning, it is seeing beyond what your eyes can see on their own, it is letting you be guided by paths that are still unknown to you, it is absorbing ideas when your creativity is inactive ...
Today I will introduce you to a group of photographers and photographers who work the gray scale in such a wonderful way that after observing their work, the only thing you will want is to go out with your camera in search of black and white images.
Why black and white? Well, because (we have said it many times in the blog), among other things, black and white seduces, falls in love, impacts and never goes out of style ... We are few people who love photography that we do not succumb at any time to this type of Photography.
Before continuing I will tell you that these are not the best, it is simply an example list of some great, classic and contemporary (according to my opinion and my humble knowledge). Just as I could not make a list of the best musical groups without leaving me some out or not including others that should be out according to other people. What is clear is that, whether or not all who are or are or not all who are, all are really inspiring
And now, here I present to you your next inspirations in black and white, as if it were frames of a dream ...
1. Chema Madoz. I start with him because he has a very peculiar way of seeing reality, of doing poetry with everyday life, of achieving something complex and beautiful from the simple. And why it makes me crazy
Chema Madoz2. Cristina García Rodero. Another Spanish whose main interest is the human being, something that is very clear in his photographs.
Cristina García Rodero3. Dorothea Lange. American photojournalist whose humanist photographs caused a great impact and became icons of an era.Dorothea Lange4. Ansel Adams . If landscapes are your thing, you have to know his work. Yes or yes.
Ansel Adams5. Sebastião Salgado. Surely you've heard before the name of this Brazilian photographer Prince of Asturias of the Arts in 1998. And if not, it's time to do it and take a walk through his work (which is not exempt from criticism).
Sebastiao Salgado6. Munem Wasif. A Bengali whose work is also clearly humanistic. The lights and shadows and the high contrast in the edition characterize his work.
Munem Wasif
7. Sebastian Liste. Alicante sociologist who works primarily in black and white and whose best known projects have a deep social draft.
Sebastian Liste
8. Fan Ho. This Asian is a teacher in the discipline of Street Photography . Lights, silhouettes and reflections are some of its most recurring themes. Really inspiring.
Fan ho9. Tomasz Gudzowaty. A Pole who has dedicated most of his work to photographing sports all over the planet. He takes special care when editing his photographs in black and white.
Tomasz Gudzowaty
10. Erin Hensley. Not everything in black and white photography is photojournalism, documentary photography or street photography. Life is full of small great moments that occur around us, in our homes, with our loved ones ... And this photographer knows a lot that manages to capture color without color.
Erin Hensley
11. Joel Tjintjelaar. Every lover of architectural photography should know the work of this Dutchman who takes long-exposure photographs, some of up to ten hours. The most spectacular is that it does not use touch-up programs.
12. Harold Edgerton. Pioneer in high speed photography. A really fascinating job.
13. Vivian Maier. She was a nanny who photographed by pure hobby and whose wonderful work was discovered by chance. Fate could not allow its jewels not to see the light or be enjoyed by our eyes.
Vivian Maier
14. Stephanie Mason. When familiar and everyday scenes become art, that is what this photographer does.
Stephanie Mason
I could go on and list you many more, but for today you have enough inspiration. Do not just observe the work of each of them superficially. Better that you choose two or three and study them in depth, that you review all his work and learn to discover what differentiates them from the rest, what makes them stand out beyond the technique, what their style is. This exercise, besides being a pleasure and a delight for you, will be an apprenticeship and a chute of inspiration.
And remember, to inspire you is not to copy. It is to let yourself be impregnated by the art of others so that your creativity flows and your mind is activated.
Before saying goodbye, I would like to ask you if you wanted to go find your camera and put your photographic eye on #modoblancoynegro. If not, something is failing, maybe it's because black and white is not your thing or because we have very different tastes. But let me doubt it, if you really like photography, I don't think the work of these fourteen people has left you indifferent. So if what is lacking here is laziness, stop it and launch yourself to shoot, if you want to become a teacher someday or be someone's inspiration, you will not get it from the armchair of your house
And if you found this article interesting, do not cut yourself when sharing it on your favorite social networks, both your contacts and I will thank you infinitely. Thank you and see you soon!
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