It is inevitable, when you have a hobby, you dive deeper and seek to complete your team. As it happens in photography. Of course you can photograph with your camera and a lens. You don't need more. But sometimes you want more. For comfort, to keep taking steps, to treat yourself for your birthday, to give a gift to a photographer or even to protect your equipment, to give a few examples. And you may or may not be clear. Do you have a Sony camera and are you looking for a photographic accessory ? Well, here are some clues (and many more for any type of camera in the link). Ideas to complete your team. I hope they are useful to you ;).
A goal can open up a world of possibilities. Normally, the one that comes with the camera kit is usually enough to start, but there comes a time when it may fall short, you ask for more to experiment, you are looking for something brighter, and so on . A good lens can give your camera a lot of life, if you have a budget ;).
In this article you will find 5 of the best lenses for Sony SLR cameras.
Filters can be of many types and with different uses. There are protectors, to reduce light in long exposures, to give color to your photos… To give you a more general idea, here are 11 filters that will brighten up your camera .
I leave you with some ideas, although remember that you should always look at the diameter of your lens when buying a filter:
The world of tripods is a very particular (and delicate) world. It would be great to be able to say "this is the best tripod in the world" , but it is the same with lenses, cameras, etc. There is the most suitable one for you, for your needs, your budget, your team, etc… Here are some ideas.
for GoPro
For SLR or similar
Of course, remember that if you want quality to achieve clear photos at a professional level, you will have to go for an excellent tripod.
I also leave you some articles that can help you when choosing:
- The Tripod Your SLR Camera Would Like To Have
- 7 Very Good Tripods For Less Than 100 Euros (Choose Yours)
And while we're at it, don't miss How to Correctly Mount a Tripod ?
Some people choose the strap for design, others for comfort... The important thing, in reality, is the safety of your camera, so whatever you choose, make sure to wear your camera around your neck or in your hand ;). Here are some suggestions:
shoulder or neck
Maybe you take a type of photography that consumes a lot of battery. Or you may be planning to take a long trip in which you are interested in taking a spare. Whatever your reason, an extra battery is never a bad investment. If you have doubts between buying an original or a cloneI advise you to read this article .
And if you are looking for original click here or here.
Always remember that the battery must be compatible with your camera model , no matter if it is a Sony SLR , evil or compact .
And speaking of batteries, some cameras come without a charger. You have to load them directly from the camera and not everyone likes it or works for it. Is it your case? Well, you can choose compatible chargerswith Sony cameras or by an original charger.
The flash is sometimes a dreaded accessory. At first it can instill a little respect ;), however, if you lose your fear of the flash you can discover all its creative capacity. Here you have a complete guide to buy your flash if you don't know where to start ;).
If you already have a Nikon, Canon flash... but it doesn't fit your Sony, maybe you can try the hot shoe adapter. It may only work manually or some functions may not be available, but better than nothing, right? The investment is very small.
Sometimes, the success of a photo session does not lie in the camera, nor in the photographer, but in something that has nothing to do with it. This occurs when the session involves a long walk, a trip, etc. It is the backpack, the place where you transport your equipment, and you not only transport it, but also protect it.
Imagine that by not carrying it in a suitable backpack the lens hits itself, or the camera gets wet. Or that it is so uncomfortable that after carrying it 5 km you arrive with back pain or fatigue that you hardly feel like photographing the wonderful spectacle in front of you. A pity, right? And if the equipment breaks down, there are no photos ? . If you need a backpack for your gear, make sure you choose the right one .

If you have a GoPro or one of the wonderful Sony Action Cams , the closest thing to a backpack is this. You will like ;):
If you don't go very far or you have a small, compact camera , GoPro ... you won't need a backpack, but you will need a case to transport, store or protect your Sony camera . Here are some ideas:
For your Cybershot
Do you have a Sony A5000 type?
And if yours is a sports camera...
Speaking of sports cameras... have you seen this complete kit for your GoPro?
And while we're at it, have you thought about protecting the screen of your action camera? Here are several models.
Leaving sports cameras aside, a screen protector is highly recommended for any type of camera, be it SLR, EVIL or compact. Choose the right one for your model.
Yes, there are other ways to shoot a photo . One of them is with the remote shutter release. Very useful for self-portraits, for when you want to go out in group or family photography, for long exposure photographs... You have them:
- With cable
- wireless
Remember to check that they are compatible with your camera model ;).

I hope this compilation of accessories has been helpful to you and has saved you some work searching the net. If so, I will feel very satisfied. I also invite you to share it on your favorite social network, in case there is a contact out there who is looking for ideas. That's how we give him a cable, do you think? Thanks and see you soon!