I bring you a new theme so that you can go get your camera and practice your favorite hobby: photography.

Our Photo Challenge aims to encourage you to practice photography, to provoke you every week to spend some time with your camera and let your creativity fly while you practice and learn.


The concept of Fotoreto is very simple: every Friday I will propose a new photographic theme. Sometimes I will show you an example photo to inspire you, other times I will simply give you a clue or a little trick that you can apply when making the Photograph.

On each occasion you will have 7 days to participate in the Photo Challenge of the week in question, until the following Thursday. Upload as many photos as you want to your favorite social network ( Instagramor Facebook) without forgetting the hashtag or label corresponding to the photo challenge in question along with the mention of @blogfotografo . This week will be #Fotoreto115. You can participate with new photos or tag old ones.

Each week we will select a winning photograph. The author of the photo will have free access to the Masterclass of their choice.

When you participate in the Photo Challenge, we understand that you allow the Photographer's Blog to publish your photograph. In no case do you give us your copyright. The author of the photograph and who maintains the exclusivity of the copyright remains you.

THEME OF THE WEEK: HOLIDAYS (08/20/21-08/26/21)

The summer period ends for many earthlings, the holidays are beginning to be left behind and from the team we are still resisting a little.

That is why I challenge you to share your vacation photos, from this week if you are still enjoying them or the ones you have on file, remember that they are also valid if it is not possible for you to take them these days.

Make us remember those moments of relaxation, fun, enjoyment, lethargy, rest and all those sensations that vacations produce. The style and rhythm are set by you with your experiences.

Add the hashtag #fotoreto115, the mention @blogfotografo and don't forget to give your photos a title. One of our Masterclasses can be yours, what are you waiting for?!


What can I say after diving through more than 660 images of your vacations? Nothing more than thanks for sharing with me and the Blog del Fotografo team, a little piece of your lives with us. Remember that you can see all the images on Instagramand Facebook.

This week, we want to highlight this image of Sara @saradean.ph.

I really like the composition of this image, where the child and the reading are surrounded by natural elements that envelop them in a beautiful way.

The staging also perfectly accompanies the composition: the little reader's hat, and the light that falls on the open book, invite us to dream of a summer afternoon in the countryside. Haven't you thought of Alice in Wonderland when you see it? You almost stay waiting for something magical to happen when you look at it.

Technically speaking, the backlighting is very well achieved, texture can be seen in the sky, and the child's profile is perfectly outlined.

In short, a formal image that works very well and with a nice story behind it. Reading gives wings and this image even more. Congratulations Sara @saradean.ph!

Is your vacation over? No crying, tomorrow a new photo shoot to distract your mind from going back to work for a while ? Don't miss it!

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