I bring you a new theme so that you can go get your camera and practice your favorite hobby: photography.

Our Photo Challenge aims to encourage you to practice photography, to provoke you every week to spend some time with your camera and let your creativity fly while you practice and learn.


The concept of Fotoreto is very simple: every Friday I will propose a new photographic topic. Sometimes I will show you an example photo to inspire you, other times I will simply give you a clue or a little trick that you can apply when making the Photograph.

Each time you will have 7 days to participate in the Photo Challenge of the week in question, until the following Thursday. Upload it to your favorite social network ( Instagramor Facebook) without forgetting the hashtag or label corresponding to the photo challenge in question along with the mention of @blogfotografo . This week will be #Fotoreto36

Each week we will select a winning photograph. The author of the photo will take the book they like the most from our BdF digital book library .

When you participate in the Photo Challenge, we understand that you allow the Photographer's Blog to publish your photograph. In no case do you give us your copyright. The author of the photograph and who maintains the exclusivity of the copyright remains you.

TOPIC OF THE WEEK: LOOKS (01/31/20 – 02/06/20)

There are looks that kill, others that fall in love or that catch you without knowing why. They are this week's theme for #fotoreto36.

And it's not just about photographing pretty eyes, which are also worth it, why not? It is about capturing expressive looks, that tell stories, that excite, that catch. In short, let them communicate.

With this exercise we want to awaken your ability to observe, to capture moments, to see beyond what is seen with the naked eye. One trick is to connect with the person portrayed, here are some clues.

Send your best photo and don't forget to add the hashtag #fotoreto36 and the mention @blogfotografo. One of our ebooks can be yours, what are you waiting for?!


What a marvelous Photograph! You have sent us so many and so different looks that it has been a real pleasure. Like every week, you can see the participating images on Facebookand Instagram.

This week's winning image is by Agustin Gomez.

We have loved this photograph that, beyond being a technically correct photo in terms of focus and exposure, stands out for its composition.

It is an excellent portrait in which the look is the absolute protagonist, due to the look itself, which we will now talk about, and how it has been captured. On the one hand, the absence of color and its consequent distractions, the image speaks in a language proper to emotion. On the other hand, the blur, with which its author has played really well. And last but not least, the natural framing. We liked the idea of using a mirror to isolate the gaze a lot and it has been a really attractive effect. In addition, it allows the protagonist to look at herself, far from being posed for the camera, this look converses with herself, searches inside herself and makes us spectators of an intimate moment, of self-recognition or even self-affirmation. Well, to me, at least. In addition to the sweetness that transmits what we can see face to face, determination comes to me. And I like that very much. Congratulations, Augustine!

New Photoreto tomorrow, an attractive theme that gives a lot of itself in photography, don't miss it or you'll regret it ? .

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