I bring you a new topic so that you can go get your camera and practice your favorite hobby: photography.

Our Photo Challenge aims to encourage you to practice photography, to provoke you every week to spend some time with your camera and let your creativity fly while you practice and learn.


The concept of Fotoreto is very simple: every Friday I will propose a new photographic theme. Sometimes I will show you an example photo to inspire you, other times I will simply give you a clue or a little trick that you can apply when making the Photograph.

On each occasion you will have 7 days to participate in the Photo Challenge of the week in question, until the following Thursday. Upload your photo to your favorite social network ( Instagramor Facebook) without forgetting the hashtag or label corresponding to the photo challenge in question along with the mention of @blogfotografo . This week it will be #Fotoreto84 . You can participate with both a new photo and a photo that you have on file (only one).

Each week we will select a winning photograph. The author of the photo will take a book from our BdF digital book library .

When you participate in the Photo Challenge, we understand that you allow the Photographer's Blog to publish your photograph. In no case do you give us your copyright. The author of the photograph and who maintains the exclusivity of the copyright remains you.

TOPIC OF THE WEEK: FEET (01/15/21-01/21/21)

Have you noticed how many foot photos there are on social media? Why do you think that is? Indeed, they are photogenic. Some more than others, it is clear and, above all, depending on who captures them and how. That is precisely what we want to check this week. What photo are you capable of achieving with feet. They can be yours if you don't have anyone or someone else's. The important thing is that it serves as an excuse to dust off your camera, to practice technique, composition or creativity.

May your feet take you as far as your imagination dictates ? .

Add the hashtag #fotoreto84 and the mention @blogfotografo to your best photo. One of our ebooks can be yours, what are you waiting for?!


We are impressed by your creativity with your feet! Congratulations to all those who have participated! You can see all the photographs presented on Instagramand Facebook.

This week I prefer «Red Shoes» by Natalia del Amo. In this photograph creativity and technique come together to give us a beautiful and powerful image. Red is a color that inevitably attracts the eye, which can be the protagonist by itself, and here, of course, it captures all the attention.

I like that he has used the long exposure to tell us a story, to infect us with the movement of the dancer, to remind us that our feet take us wherever we have our dreams.

A creative idea, a great composition and a good execution result in this beautiful image. Congratulations Natalia!

Tomorrow we have a new photoreto, a song that will make you jump with... joy? I don't give any more clues ? You'll have to see for yourself. Are you going to miss it?

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