Our Reader of the Month visits us from Galicia. Gabriel Ferri, a young reader with an innate ability to turn his photographic curiosity into creativity.
He loves 2 documentaries and learning in general. His fondness for learning was what led him to the Photographer's Blog. And although his professional interests lead him towards Engineering in its broadest sense, he acknowledges that he would not hesitate to become a professional photographer (of those on the street) if the opportunity arises.

«Photography […] is something I really like, as a means of expression, some sing… I take photos.»

I find his photographs full of a high level of creativity and involvement. Gabriel produces his photographic work with an Olympus E-1 (for those who were wondering if there were no other good brands apart from Nikon and Canon), on loan at the moment.

And I wonder... How can there be people who, without having their own SLR, ask to borrow one from a friend, look for information in blogs (like ours), ask for advice and criticism, while others spend 1,700 euros on one? Professional SLR to hang around your neck and take photos in automatic mode?

I am pleased to have readers like Gabriel. I know that there are many of you who come to this blog, eager for new knowledge and eager for more learning.
You are the hidden gems of this blog.

I leave you with a photo of our reader this month.

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