Everyone who has a brother or sister knows that there is a special relationship between them, a love, a competitiveness, an understanding, a game code and even their own personal language. Siblings are more than just children placed together at a specific time in their lives. They have a unique relationship that many times not even their own parents are able to understand. They adore each other, sometimes they hate each other, sometimes they kiss and sometimes they bite each other, they attract and repel each other and they forgive each other everything. And all this complicated relationship can be tried to be expressed in images, we can try to explain their history, the history of their intimate moments, their games, their anger... Because memory is erased, but the images remain to remind us of the magic of those moments. that we live. Want to see a few tips for capturing that magic? Keep reading then ? But first, don't miss the mega guide that we have prepared for you withall the tips and tricks for photographing children and this one for photographing babies .
First of all, I will make the difference between posed or spontaneous images, the first ones I recommend for photo sessions in which the children are not yours and, consequently, you have limited access and a set time to try to get a good image of them. The latter are the most recommended when you have unlimited access to their day to day, it is there where you will have the best opportunities to capture the essence of their personalities and their relationship.

I usually say that the background can enhance or destroy an image. If you are going to make your little ones pose, you must first choose the right place to do it. The background must accompany your protagonists and beautify the image, make them stand out and never hinder the message you are looking for. You can look for smooth or textured walls, a landscape, a bright complementary color that contrasts with the children's clothing or skin tone, etc.

Since you are going to prepare the photo session, you can try to get the little ones to dress in a combined way. Jeans and light shirts, dresses in similar or contrasting colors... As you like, but with an artistic intention ?
Try to work in the last or first hours of the day to avoid harsh light and unwanted shadows under the eyes. If this is not possible, look for a shady area or one of these places .
Natural light will allow you to work with higher speeds, an essential requirement for anyone who wants to photograph children, and it is also more photogenic and gives better results than other types of lights.

Don't be scared, you can do it ? If you don't dare with manual mode, use some semi -manual mode . You can decide to work with the aperture priority if what you value most is the depth of field of the image or the amount of light input. Or you can decide to work with speed priority if you need a minimum speed to work with because your little ones are very active. It will depend on the ambient light and your needs at the time.
Children usually have little patience, so only when you have everything ready, call them to your session. Keeping them waiting while you decide parameters, framing, background, etc. will make them lose patience before starting, and I assure you that this is not good for you at all ?
You can start by asking them (always respecting whether they want to do it or not, of course) to:
- they embrace
- They sit next to each other and look at the camera
- they look at each other
- They kiss (if they want)
- The eldest hold the youngest on his lap
- They stand back to back looking at the camera
- They are ordered from tallest to shortest (if there are more than two siblings)
- If there is a baby, find a comfortable and safe place for the children (for example, your bed), stretch them out and pay attention to looks, gestures, etc.
- Put on funny faces (games will end with laughter and there are few better things than a good natural laugh ? )
- Play with something (photogenic) to distract yourself and improvise

I often think of those images of "expectation vs reality" that make me laugh, because it has happened to us so many times that I think I have given up posing for life ? Because nothing ever comes out of what we had planned , not even remotely, but when we let them begin to be themselves, it turns out that it is when we begin to have better images, the ones that best show the character, complicity and personality of each one of those who appear in the image.
This type of image is the one I like the most and the one I think ends up giving the best results (at least for me ? ). Of course, it usually works better when the children are yours, because you have access to infinite situations.
This technique consists of spying and constantly chasing them with your camera in hand, trying to anticipate the action ? Just kidding, well, no, it's not, but you can do more to get good pictures of your offspring ?

Yeah, don't be scared by the title. I mean that you know which are the best places and the best hours of light within your own home. What light is in your children's room, the game room, the kitchen... And at what time is it better, warmer, lateral, etc. Light is everything in photography and if you master the light of your environment, you already have half the job done. Oh, and don't forget how useful windows are in portrait photography ?
When children play abstracted, when they play hide and seek chasing each other around the house, when they appear under a blanket with a radiant smile from ear to ear, when they imagine faraway places full of adventures together, when they talk, when they get angry... Those moments when those who only own the world, two or three of them or whatever brothers they are, is pure magic. So always keep an eye on his games because that's where the great images are created.

The key to getting those candid shots of their private world is to be as discreet as possible. Don't ask them to look at you or smile at you, or at least not all the time. Sit down to observe their dynamics and try to anticipate situations that you think will give you good results. A laugh, a look, or a disapproving face. Everything is capable of a good image.
As complicated as your family logistics may be, don't forget your camera at home. Family excursions are unique occasions. You can be inspired by a new environment, look for suggestive backgrounds or lights that you would be unable to achieve in your four walls.

Yes, don't hesitate, if you want to capture unique moments, the only key is perseverance and perseverance, so it's better that you have a few photos left than you don't lack ?
There are those who do real fancy things with seemingly simple situations such as a family snack, a bath before going to bed or a scooter ride. Do not forget to take a tour of Instagram, Flickr, or the social network that you usually feed on in search of inspiration.