On many occasions, in the Photographer's Blog, you will have read the importance of an objective in photography at a creative level. We often recommend buying a cheaper camera and investing in lenses, as they are the door to creativity, the instrument that will allow you to take very different photos, either because of their focal length or their aperture. The fact is that a goal opens up a whole world of possibilities. In mobile photography it was not going to be less ? . That's why today I bring you this article dedicated to mobile lenses (if you want to delve deeper into mobile photography, you can't miss the mega guide that we have prepared for you with all the tips and tricks or this other one with the best photography applications for your mobile ).

It is clear that we are not going to compare these lenses with the range offered by SLR cameras. It's not my intention, not at all. However, it is true that these lenses also expand your creative possibilities when taking photos with your smartphone. And this is what interests us. Taking into account, above all, the low price they have. For very little money you can have fun and experiment to see if you like, for example, photos with a fisheye effect. 


Before continuing, I am going to present the advantages and disadvantages of these accessories.


  • Price. I think that is the biggest advantage of him. For very little money, as I said at the beginning, you can try, experiment and open up a range of possibilities with your mobile camera.
  • Universality. These objectives are usually universal, so they are valid for any smartphone, if you change your mobile, you will have no problem, they will be valid for you as well. They are hooked with a clamp.
  • Portability. They are so small that you can carry them with you whenever you want. They usually come in a cover or a case to store them better.

  • Quality. Obviously, you cannot ask a lens that does not reach 10 euros the quality of one that costs 300 euros. Don't expect to do macro like you would on an SLR with a macro lens. They have a fairly decent quality, but according to the price and the quality of your mobile camera. Miracles still don't do ? .
  • If you use a protective case, especially if it is a shockproof one like mine, you will have to keep removing it and putting it on. I don't use them anymore for that reason, but I admit that the day I take off the casing and use them, I end up delighted and I have a great time.

    The lenses that you can find for smartphones usually come in a kit that contains all or several of these types.


    To increase the motive. There are them with different magnifications, so if this is one of the objectives that you plan to get the most out of, I recommend that you look at the magnification number. In the following image you can see the difference. I think it's worth a try at least, don't you think? In this case it is a 10x magnification.

    comparative image with and without macro lens for mobile
    On the left, the image taken with the mobile camera, on the right, with the macro lens.


    With this type of lens you can capture distant objects as if they were closer. It may seem to you that it is like the zoom that your mobile incorporates, but it does not work the same. Unless you have a high-end mobile with a specific telephoto camera, which really zooms in, like the one on this mobile , what you will achieve with the zoom is to enlarge. It is the same thing that you can achieve with the editor by cropping and enlarging the photo, with its consequent loss of quality.


    It allows a wider viewing angle, that is, it captures a larger part of the scene. Ideal for landscapes or large group photos. You will notice this more or less depending on how the focal length of your mobile camera is. For example, in this comparison you won't notice the difference so much, but this mobile that I have now covers more scenes than the one I had before. I know that with the other one I would have noticed the difference much more. If you often complain that the group of friends doesn't fit in the image, or that you always have to move away to fit the subject, this objective will be very useful for you.

    comparative image taken with wide angle for smartphone and normal
    On the left an image taken with the mobile camera, on the right with the wide angle.


    Fisheye is like a more extreme wide angle that also has a creative effect. The images appear distorted, with very curved lines. To continue with the example of the plant, here is the comparison.

    Comparative normal image and with fisheye for mobile
    On the left is an image taken with the mobile's native camera and on the right with the fisheye lens

    Now another scene where you can better check the difference. This is as far as I could get from the door because there was a wall behind it. In these two photos you can see the difference between shooting with or without the fisheye. Forgive the quality of the photographs, but the idea was for you to check the part of the scene that this mobile lens was capable of covering.

    fish eye for mobile
    Left image taken with the mobile's native camera, on the right with the fisheye lens.

    Here I leave you with another image taken with a fisheye.

    smartphone fisheye
    Image taken with fisheye for smartphone


    I discovered this option thanks to a familiar Agricultural Engineer who works looking at bugs in plants, who gave it to me. It is perhaps the least creative at the photography level, but I find it very interesting for those who want to see the smallest things enlarged and, also, be able to photograph them. The only thing is that you will have a photo like the one in the example, a circle with the motif and the rest black. At least as far as I've been able to test. I leave you with a sample.

    smartphone microscope
    Images taken at the same distance: left with the native camera, center with the macro objective, and right with the 60x microscope objective.


    A polarizing objective helps to eliminate reflections, either from glass, water or any metallic or reflective surface.


    I leave you with some recommendations. Take a look, the offer on Amazon is quite wide and with affordable prices. The examples that I have given you of the plant have been taken with this first kit.


    Three lenses in one, these are the ones I have (when the Three Wise Men from the East brought them to me, there weren't so many on offer, much less telephoto lenses ? ). The clamp is very comfortable, it comes with a bag. Macro and wide angle go together, you have to screw or unscrew to use one or the other. The bad thing is that I lost a cover the first day and of course, inside the bag with the tweezers it's easy for it to get scratched ? . For the rest, very practical and I am very satisfied. It is that for the price they have ( (price not available at this time)) offer you many creative possibilities, as we have already mentioned.

    snail with smartphone and macro lens
    Taken with Aukey kit macro


    This seems to me to be one of the most complete kits as it includes: a 12x magnification telephoto lens, a wide angle lens (0.65x), a macro lens (12x, minimum focusing distance 10-25 mm), a fisheye lens (180 degrees ), a star filter lens (so lights emit flashes of light instead of looking like dots), five caps, cleaning cloth, two clips, instruction manual, pouch, and wireless shutter release.


    This kit includes 7 lenses: Telephoto (2x zoom), Fisheye lens (198°), Macro (15x), Wide Angle (0.63X), Super Wide 0.36X lens, CPL (Polarizer) lens ) and kaleidoscopic lens (allows you to see a series of superimposed images of the scene). And the case seems very practical and safe for the lenses.


    This is the same type as the one with which I took the photograph of the leaf. It's not a big deal, it's true, but with that ridiculous price, I think that if you want to play, experiment or even if you need it for some of your work, it can come in handy. You just have to know what it is for and how far it can go. Don't expect to remove the black background because it looks just like you would look through a microscope (low quality of course ? ).

    I leave you with these options. Although there is more. If they have caught your attention even a little, I recommend that you take a look and choose the option that best suits you. You will see how you discover a before and after in the possibilities of your mobile to photograph.

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