If you thought that the world began and ended with that uncomfortable and often ugly strap that they give you with your camera, nothing could be further from the truth, luckily for us, there are countless better options to transport our camera, whatever the type In other words, more comfortable, more resistant options and with a much cooler and more personalized design than you can imagine.
What's more, not everything begins and ends with the camera hanging around your neck, there are many options even to carry it up and down, almost as many as there are photographers in the world. Well, maybe I'm exaggerating a bit, but there are many and yes, surely there is one that is ideal for you ? .
These are the classic ones, the ones we all have and have had, this is the ugly one (oh no!) that they gave you with your brand new SLR, which scratches you, bothers you and does not help you feel like going out for a walk with your camera.
Luckily there are much better versions, better materials and better designs. Because this is the strap format that I think we all have (and should have) regardless of whether we also use other formats.
You have cotton with leather, only leather, neoprene... and with hundreds of designs and prices.
This one, for example, is on Amazon and only costs €7.49.

You also have the finest and most resistant leather type this one that you can find for N/Aon Amazon.
Or if you prefer this one, made with neoprene and which adds some small pockets where you can store small objects such as memory cards. You have it on Amazon for €17.99.
I don't recommend them too much for those who have a heavy SLR because you can end up with a mess on your wrist ? , but they are ideal for small compact cameras or small cameras in general. Not so much perhaps to carry it hanging (or yes), but as an anti-fall or anti-theft insurance .
Carrying the camera tight on your wrist will save you more than one trouble, so if you have a compact one of those that goes with you everywhere in your pocket and you thought that a strap was not necessary... Well, for me it is highly recommended that you get with one ? .
You have this one, for example, made of rope and leather for N/A.

Or a slightly more expensive version €39.99.

If you are looking for a wrist strap for an SLR, there are also those, don't worry, because if what you like is to carry the camera in your hand, this option is very interesting.
You have this style, which holds the camera to the wrist and turns the hand onto the camera for a better grip. Its price: on Amazon.

Another version is the one that offers us the hand-camera grip but without the wrist part. Especially for large and heavy cameras, it gives us security when holding them and allows us to rest our hand a bit. There are all kinds and prices, but I have one that looks like this one and I'm very happy with it, so this is the one I propose ? . You can find it on Amazon for N/A.

Another version to carry the camera is to carry it on the shoulder like this one here. It fits well and distributes the weight better, it allows you to have your hands free and, best of all, it has many and very good reviews on Amazon. And all for N/A.

The harnesses are designed, above all, for those people who need to carry more than one body at a time. This way you can free your hands, distribute the weight evenly and avoid typical pain (which you probably already know) in the neck, shoulder or back, and at the same time have both cameras available quickly and comfortably. You can find many types and prices, such as this one on Amazon for €26.99.

This is another harness that you can find for around €45.53.

Every photographer is different, right? The good thing is that for almost each one of us (and us) there is the perfect travel complement. And if you find the strap or the system that best suits you, believe me, the relationship with your camera will improve and your photography, consequently, too. Because everything we do, all the steps we take, should focus on facilitating our relationship with our camera. And the more comfortable our system is to carry it, the less lazy you will be to go for a walk with a camera in hand (or on your shoulder, or around your neck... ? ).