In the world of photography, not everything is limited to Nikon and Canon, in fact, there are a large number of alternatives with which you will even be able to obtain better results.
Just as I previously showed you the best lenses for your Nikon , Canon and Sony SLRs , in today's article, it is time for you to learn about the 5 best lenses, but for Pentax SLR cameras.
Making yourself a “Pentax dream kit” so you can set out in search of your next great shot is much easier and less expensive than you might imagine. You do not believe me? Take a look at the following article and you will see it.
And if what you want is to delve into the brand, don't miss our mega-guide to Pentax cameras and lenses.

The prince of Pentax lenses will allow you to take very natural photographs thanks not only to its brightness (maximum aperture of f/1.8) but also to rounded diaphragm blades that cause a very soft and natural blur or "bokeh", ideal for that you use it in portrait photography or in social.
This objective is designed only so that you can use it on cameras with an APS-C size sensor, so its real or effective focal length is equivalent to 75mm (50 mm x 1.5, which is the Pentax crop factor).
Because it is a fixed or "prime" objective, both its weight and its dimensions are less than those "zoom" objectives that are built with more elements, both mechanical and optical. Its weight is practically non-existent (122g) mainly thanks to the fact that its construction is very plastic.
Its focus motor is really fast and precise, and in its new version (improved from the previous one), it is also very quiet.
How do you do with yours? It is very easy, on Amazon you can get it for less than 200 euros.


There are few objectives on the market as complete, versatile and of quality as this objective that Pentax puts at your disposal so that you can use it both to photograph landscapes , to perform social events, to take impressive portraits , or even to take detailed photographs.
Again, this lens is only available for APS-C format cameras, so its effective focal length is actually 24-75mm (multiply by 1.5 which is the brand's crop factor).
What is the best thing about this lens? The luminosity of this objective, the product of a maximum aperture of f/2.8, makes it an essential tool so that you can defeat your worst enemy: darkness .
If you are a photographer with a Pentax reflex and need a "zoom" lens that guarantees greater sharpness in your photos than the kit lens that comes with your camera, do not hesitate to invest directly in this lens.
How much does it cost? maybe 900 euroThey may seem a bit excessive, but if you take into account the large number of situations in which you can use it, photo by photo you will see the magnificent investment you have made.

PENTAX HD DA 55-300MM F/4.5-6.3 ED PLM WR RE

This SMC DA 55-300 mm telephoto lens from Pentax is designed for all those photographers who love wildlife, adventures and nature who require a flexible lens that is capable of adapting to the different situations that may arise in such situations. conditions.
The quality of its construction is in line with all the products that Pentax launches on the market: robust and of surprising quality, it is not for nothing that Pentax camera users are so loyal to the brand. In this case, its construction is a perfect mix between metal and plastic that will guarantee you a solid product, but one that you can work with.
One of the weak points of this lens is its focus, or rather, its lack of it since it does not have a built-in motor, which makes it somewhat slow and noisy when focusing with the camera's internal motor.
Despite this, thanks to its quality/price ratio, it is one of the best lenses you can get for an APS-C format Pentax SLR.
How to get it? You can get yours for about 500-600 euroson Amazon.


When it comes to shooting landscapes, the Pentax SMC DA 12-24mm is the solution. This objective is the result of the joint work of two great brands that have given so much joy to this beautiful profession: the quality of Pentax and the robustness of Tokina.
This lens was also designed for medium format or APS-C cameras, so its effective focal length is actually 18-36mm, which, although it may not seem "so wide" to you, will allow you to capture spectacular landscapes.
Like most of the brand's lenses, the Pentax SMC 12-24mm does not have an internal focus motor incorporated, so its autofocus system will depend exclusively on your camera, which can mean that, depending on the model, it can present some focus problems, although nothing serious.
The construction quality of this objective is excellent thanks to the combination of metal and plastic that will guarantee robustness and comfort when working with it. One of its main advantages is that the front lens does not rotate when focusing, which will be very useful when it comes to mastering landscape photography using filters .
You can get one of these lenses on Amazon for approximately 800-1000 euros.


If you were thinking of getting started in the world of close-up photography , this Pentax objective will allow you to do it in a big way.
The Pentax SMC-D is a top-of-the-line macro lens, at an unbeatable price: 500-600 euroson Amazon and that, despite not having been designed for “Full Frame” or full format cameras, it is still an ideal lens for the most demanding photographers.
Unlike its predecessor, the body of this model is somewhat less robust since, having replaced metal with plastic, its weight has been considerably reduced, but be careful that this does not mean that it is not durable since the exterior of the It is itself weather-sealed, protecting it from water and dust .
Being designed for APS-C sensor cameras, its effective focal length is equivalent to 150mm (100mm x 1.5) which will allow you to work more comfortably and without running the risk of scaring away your subjects while trying to take a macro shot of them.
This model does not have an internal focus motor, so it will depend on the focus motor of your camera.
If you have a Pentax reflex camera and you were wanting to enlarge the family of objectives, this is your opportunity and if you have already put together your "ideal team" of objectives to turn your ideas into a photographed reality, do not hesitate to tell us which objectives You've done it.
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