Thanks to the collaboration of some VIP Readers of this blog, today we have this small-big collage whose sentimental value for me exceeds any suspicion. Readers from different places and ages have participated in it. Going receiving your collaborations with the hand of each one of you was a real pleasure for me. You who are always there, behind your computer screen, reading, sometimes in silence and other times commenting and actively participating in this blog.
Today I can say that I have something more from you than that attention that you give me every time you read something of mine, today I have something more from you than those flattering words and encouraging comments that you leave me at the end of each article. Today I have your hand from you, the one that caresses the mouse with interest while you are reading this, that hand that takes photos and yearns to learn and improve...
In your hands I have been able to read a thousand messages: smiling hands, big and thick hands, or small and delicate, drawn hands, with Hena, with engagement rings or with messages of love... Each hand gave me a different and unique story.
I will never tire of repeating it: I want to thank you for always being there.

PS: Can you identify your hand?