It is very possible that advertising photography has caught your attention throughout your photographic gait and even before. If so, photography has fulfilled its function because, in reality, that is what it is; to get your attention Yours and everyone who watches her :).
Although I dare to ensure that as a photographer or photographer, with that you do not have enough, surely you want to know how it has been done, how that or that effect has been achieved, what is the previous idea or intention of the image.
Advertising photography is undoubtedly something complex and deep, with many branches of specialization . We are going to try to see them all in a general way so that, if you are considering entering the world of advertising photography, you know more or less where to direct your steps.
Advertising is based on transmitting a message to a group of people with a specific intent, usually to consume a product or experience. Advertising photography is based on visual impact; it seeks that the image does not go unnoticed and that the message is deeply sealed in the one who observes it. Normally looking for an attractive product, an idyllic situation, a way of life that seduces and excites us, in short, seeks to convince us that we really need that product for our well-being or happiness.WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO BE AN ADVERTISING PHOTOGRAPHER?
While most photographers or advertising photographers specialize in a particular type of photography and probably require specific knowledge to develop their work, there are common characteristics that an advertising photographer should have.- High technical knowledge: an advertising photographer must be able to get everything they ask for at the image level. Therefore, a high level of technical knowledge is essential. Master light , composition , color, movement, etc. It is a basic requirement for this type of photography.
- Knowledge of the photographic equipment: knowing how to perfectly use different types of cameras that may be needed, the best lenses, tripods, flashes, etc.
- Be creative: the originality is a staple of advertising photography. It is there where mostly the force of its impact lies . Therefore, being highly creative and imaginative is an essential quality.
- High degree of responsibility: the photographer is part of the process and is ultimately responsible for the result, so his level of responsibility is very high. It is usually left in the hands of the photographer to everything that
- Knowing how to improvise: you will have to make decisions and solve all the problems that may arise along the way to get your image, so knowing how to improvise will be very useful.
- Have adaptability: everything goes a bit along the same lines; solve problems that may occur quickly, be able to invent and adapt to everything that arises.
- Gift of people: in general, all photographers, we will need this feature, but in advertising photography you will have to deal with a lot of people, not only with your client, but also with all the people who may be involved in the whole image process . Depending on the complexity of the order, they will be more or less, but, in general, it is a type of photography in which you will deal with many people.
As I advanced at the beginning, people usually specialize, since it is a specific and complex field. The most common types of photography are the following:PRODUCT PHOTOGRAPHY
The product photography is a classic advertising photography. We find product photography wherever we look around: in food packaging, magazines, restaurants, in shop windows, etc. The general idea is that the product must appear in perfect condition and desirable.FASHION
Fashion photography goes far beyond showing us a dress or pants, which too;), but in general, it seeks to convey a way of life, try to get us excited and want to have what we are seeing. Within fashion photography, you can cover parades, editorials, catalogs, campaigns, etc.OF FOOD
You will have already realized that gastronomic photography is an art, with it comes true that of "eating by the eyes" and is that the objective of this type of photography is this, show the food in the most appetizing way possible .CORPORATE
Brand images of several companies. Consulting, universities, schools, construction and companies of all kinds. They are usually intended for their web pages.ADVERTISING PHOTOGRAPHY PROCESS
When I say that you have to have the gift of people to work especially in advertising photography, it is because you usually have to intervene in the whole creative process from the beginning to the end, with the number of people that entails, involved with the photographer to get the final result. Although it is obvious that it is not the same to photograph the product of the bar menu next to the house or your friend's handmade bracelets, than to work for Coca-Cola, we are going to put ourselves in the case of a great brand to see broad features all the steps that are followed in the usual way 1. Briefing. Collect all the information related to the image you want to achieve: target audience, customer objectives, strategies, etc. 2. Idea. The briefing is reflected in a specific idea in the form of a sketch, this could be done by the photographer himself, an advertising agency, or both. Here you must see the layout and composition of the elements (logos, product, etc.). 3. Planning: Once we have the clear sketch, it's up to the photographer to capture that idea in a photograph:- Locate the ideal place to do the session
- Obtain the necessary permits
- Hire the ideal people in case they should appear in the photos by casting
- Hire the necessary assistants to form the work team, etc.