I know how strange it is to find an article about photography, in a photography blog, without the article having a single illustrative photograph. It's like visiting a library and finding it empty of books ?
Unless the books are hidden behind a second wall, well hidden, out of reach of prying hands.

Insignificant facts like the fall of a few drops of water , the cruel and capricious fate of a tree leaf or the endless wait of a goose for a crumb of bread contain unique moments in your life. Your little and insignificant experiences are your "personalized" version of the world, only you live what you live in the precise way in which you live it. Only you see what you see from wherever you are . From your hiding behind the visor you dominate the world, your world. Everything that comes under your control becomes immortal and contagiously human, expressive, alive: Pipo's challenging look at his basket , Rafaela's questions that remain unanswered., or Jacobo 's very serious and ambitious plans for the future .

Among all the forms of communication that have existed and will continue to exist, I believe that the photographic expression is the most sincere. Every time you shoot with your camera you capture a promise , you portray a hope , you share an emotion . You turn into memories stories that very few paid attention to.

Faced with the uncertain and hidden face of the future , the unattainable dreams of people, the fears that precede great leaps , the long , anguishing and murderous waits , or the cold moments of bewilderment and blindness , there are the small moments full of laughter . the warm afternoons with grandma or the fidelity promises you made to your best friend one day . It's the legacy, your emotional legacy as a photographer.

Every time you take a photo, believe me, you modify to a lesser or greater extent the life of one, tens or even thousands of people, those who see, enjoy and live each one of your photographs.
Each one of the photos that you have just seen in this text (you have clicked on the links right?) has given rise to an avalanche of connections between your neurons. You have just lived 19 little stories. You already know Jacob. You hadn't even noticed.
That is the power that photography hides.

If you have a camera, that is the power you have .

Thank you for continuing to take photos, for continuing to create emotions, capturing light and telling stories. Above all, thank you for sharing your hobby with me.


  • Postscript 1: All the photographs you have seen in this article were taken, in their entirety, with a 50mm lens ? If you want to know why I call it the King of Lenses, follow this link .
  • Postscript 2: Share this article. Go ?

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