Today I have touched on a subject that I consider somewhat tricky, of those who give talk, I hope in positive , and that there are very different opinions. I'm going to talk about EVIL cameras (mirrorless or CSC) and SLR cameras (DSLR), are they better than others? Or are they simply for different photographic profiles? SLR or EVIL, let's see it.
EVIL cameras are mainly defined by not having a mirror as they have the Réfex or DSLR cameras. This fact conditions its main characteristics and is the most obvious difference with SLR cameras.
Having no mirror, they can afford to have a smaller size and, therefore, less weight. This makes them perfect cameras for those who value the comfort of lightness. They are ideal to always carry them and not miss any photographic opportunity. Especially for those who enjoy travel photography, or street photography, but in general for all types of photography.
Smaller size and lighter than SLR
In this sense, they are the same as any SLR camera and a notable difference between its competitors in size and weight such as the Bridge (which does not allow exchanging the lenses).
Although the range of lenses available for these cameras began to be one of its first drawbacks, today we can say that there is a market more than enough to meet the needs of any type of photographer.
By removing the mirror, a vulnerable mechanical element is also removed and therefore makes them more resistant.
The mirror is likely to lose its initial calibration as time or small daily shocks and its own long-term use, are happening. With Evil, you avoid this particular problem.
Lacking a mirror, we cannot use the system used by SLR cameras, which is to project the image from the mirror to the sensor to see exactly what happens in front of the lens.
That is why most cameras without a mirror or EVIL are equipped with a digital viewfinder (even some models do without the viewfinder directly).
The electronic viewfinders are small miniature screens that allow you to see directly on the screen the results of the image at the level of exposure and depth of field (focus) similar to the Live View of the SLR cameras.
The viewfinder is going to taste, but for those who are learning (and for those who are not also), it can be very practical to be able to see the result of the live image before pressing the shutter.
Being constantly using both the electronic viewfinder and the screen, these cameras use more batteries than a conventional SLR.
While it is true that this is solved by buying some replacement batteries, it is a factor that you must take into account to avoid surprises.
Each model has, however, its own characteristics and its own battery models, so generalizing is always difficult ;-).
EVIL, CSC, mirrorless, or mirrorless camera
Many people who buy a camera without a mirror precisely because of its size, will think that this is a point that does not deserve criticism.
It is true, for many not, but for many others who value a good grip on the camera, enough space to handle the dials with comfort and some more body, this may be a decisive point when it comes to getting an EVIL or a SLR.
It should be added that many of them allow you to add a grip to increase this grip and improve your ergonomics. But this makes them lose lightness, which is still one of their strengths.
It will depend on the user and what is comfortable for him (it will even depend simply on the size of the photographer's hands), finding what type of camera best suits his way of working and understanding the photographic equipment.
In mirrorless or EVIL format, we can find three types of sensor:
The 4/3 micro sensor (typical of the Olympus and Panasonic brands) somewhat smaller than the APS-C (typical of low-to-high-range SLRs).
The APS-C sensor, typical of the rest of low or medium range brands in both SLR and EVIL.
The Full Frame sensor, typical of high-end cameras and, for now, only present in the Sony, Canon and Nikon brands in mirrorless version .
I do not know if it is very bold to say that I do not believe that there is EVIL of low range, but rather that they have opted to start directly in a mid-range to professional.
This means that, despite the size of the sensors, it is difficult to find an EVIL with poor image quality.
That said, you already know that at a lower sensor, generally worse sensitivity, so if you are a fan of photographs in low light situations , it is better to opt for sensors larger than the micro 4/3. Otherwise it will be difficult to appreciate the difference.
It is not difficult to see the bet that the cameras do without a mirror to enter directly from the eyes to the heart It is difficult not to see any of these beautiful cameras and not to sigh at their beautiful designs.
Not to mention, of course, its size and weight, which makes them portable and comfortable, ideal companions of your photographic exits or your everyday easier.
A point in favor (more) of these cameras without a mirror, is the good overall quality of the lenses manufactured for them.
Although, at the moment, there are no manufacturers of other brands, which offers less variety of choice than with any SLR camera, it is true that they have not been dedicated to cover low ranges of lenses.
This may be noticed in the price competitiveness with respect to the lenses for SLR, but it makes sure you make a good purchase even with the objectives of the kit (this is not usually the case for SLR cameras).
EVIL high end camera
SLR cameras almost need no introduction. They have been in the market for many years and have always been in good health in it. Even when the new and amazing technologies make our mobile phones authentic and superb cameras.
For the same reason that the mirrorless ones are smaller, the SLRs (even their smaller models) need a larger body to hold the mirror and a sensor of at least APS-C or Full Frame.
For some this is an advantage since, in general, it provides them with better ergonomics and comfort in handling the dials. For whom weight and size is a priority, this is obviously a disadvantage.
The mirror increases the size of the SLR body
Taking so much time in the market is what you have. The variety of optics of SLR cameras is, today, unbeatable in this regard by mirrorless cameras.
And whenever there is a greater offer, there is also more price competition. That is, it is much easier for brands to lower prices for competitiveness or when they take out new models. In addition there is more second-hand market and more brands than the camera itself in question to choose from.
Whether fair or not, the truth is that having references to something in the long term is still a guarantee. Just as the feedback of the more users is better when we want to decide when choosing our photographic material.
In this field, the SLRs are still the veterans simply because they have been in the market for a longer time;
Now, mirrorless users do not stop growing, as well as their opinions, their feedback , and the time that these EVILs are in the market just makes them play in their favor in the long term.
Comparing cameras of similar characteristics, today, SLRs still retain a faster focusing speed than EVILs, although it is true that EVILs tend to be faster in terms of frames per second and have sufficient focus points to cover mostly all the framing.
Perhaps those of you who were born with a Smartphone under your arm, are unconditional fans of the electronic viewfinder, but there are also those who infinitely prefer to see the scene as it is presented before the objective and not by a mini LCD screen.
I think that more than quality it is a matter of personal taste, hobbies, or personal purisms
Direct consequence of not working with an electronic viewfinder but with an optical one and not depending so much on the LCD screen is a noticeable longer battery life.
Optical viewfinder
The price was one of the biggest drawbacks when it came to getting a camera without a mirror, because not only were the cameras much more expensive, but their objectives were unattainable for many. This has changed radically in recent times and prices have been fairly matched.
Although comparisons should always be made between cameras of similar characteristics. Getting compared in general is quite complicated by the multitude of models, prices and features that exist of both types of camera.
I believe that EVILs have not only come to stay but are completely at the level of SLR cameras in practically all the proposed areas. And yes, many times above.
Now, do I think that EVILs are going to unseat SLR? Only time can predict this answer, although for the moment I doubt it enough. There are still lovers and new users of the SLR everywhere, just as those who fall in love with the mirrorless grow every day.
For the moment, I only see different profiles of photographer with different needs and priorities that, thankfully, thanks to these wonderful ones without a mirror, you have a place to choose without fear of being wrong.
Sometimes, beyond the megapixels or the technical specifications, what hooks us to one type or another is simply the feeling it gives us when we hold it, how we feel when we photograph with it, when we handle it.
I see the infinite benefits of EVIL, I see its modernity, its quality, its many facilities, I see how they adapt to the new times, I see them contemporary and modern. And pretty, very pretty.
Now, when I pick up my heavy and sturdy SLR at the most I can't, with that heavy goal at the most I can't, I know that today I wouldn't change it for anything. What I say, are simply totally subjective sensations and concrete ways of working. I know a lot of people who think that taking that mamotreto with me is a punishment .
Difficult choice, don't you think? What do you think? Are you sensations or overwhelming objectivity? Is it the decisive weight for you? You can tell us in comments. Thank you and see you next time. Oh, and if it has been useful, do not hesitate to share .