In this article we tell you everything you need to know to choose your next memory cards for yourself. At the end of it we propose some recommendations of brands that we use in our day to day and whose results we love. If you want to see them look at the end of the article . If you take a look through the blog to those "essentials" that as a photographer you must make room in your backpack, you will always find something like, "take extra memory cards", "never go out without a memory card game of more ”, etc. So far, maybe tomorrow you are going on a trip and these essentials have come to your mind, or you have begun to photograph in RAW format after having read so many bonanzas about it, and you have noticed that the images occupy three times that before , so that the capacity of your card has become obsolete, so you have finally decided to pay attention to us and go for a new card to your usual store. We are not going to fool ourselves, you have not even thought that there could be too many options in this regard, you have only thought perhaps about the storage capacity and with that idea you stand at the counter (or in front of your computer) willing to make an easy purchase and fast It is here when, too late, you realize that there are many different varied characteristics that you probably had not imagined. I'm wrong? Well, luckily you have come to this article with which I propose that the next time you go for a new card, you are an expert or expert in the field. Let's go there.


This is the first question you should ask yourself. It is usually recommended that you have several of smaller capacity in case you lose one of the cards or it is damaged in some way. So you avoid losing all the work you have done, having distributed its content. However, if you are very disorganized, it may be difficult for you to handle more than one card, so you can cross your fingers and work with a large capacity pair.


Look at the specifications of your camera to see what type of cards are compatible , what capacity and what is the maximum speed it accepts. Not all of them are compatible and many times the result is that you don't recognize them or that you buy exceptional cards (and faces) that your camera is unable to take advantage of. So to avoid wasting time and money, learn what kind of cards your camera accepts before going on the adventure of buying a new one. Now, we are going to get that basic information to help you buy your card, trying not to get into too many formalities.


Now, we are going to get that basic information to help you buy your card, trying not to get into too many formalities.


For digital cameras, you most likely need SD (Secure Digital) or SDHC cards . The latter, are the “improved” version of the SD, are newer and more capable of providing more speed and capacity (SD High Capacity) than the previous ones in general. That does not imply that there are no fast SD or good capabilities, it will depend on the model and your needs but, in general, the SDHC were created as an improved version of the SD.
Although there are many types of cards, the most common for SLR cameras are SD and SDHC


This is probably the most (or the only) feature we have in mind when buying a new memory card. Once you have identified which is the maximum that your equipment accepts, you will know in which maximum capacities you move, and above all, what minimums you need. As I have told you before, it is usually recommended to have more than one card with a lower capacity than just a large one. However, if you have decided to go to work in RAW or the one you have has run out of size, you will need to increase the capacity, so you already have an approximate necessary capacity between the maximum and the minimum you need


The speed of a memory card refers to the speed of writing and reading the information on the card . It is very important that you consider it especially if you usually shoot in a burst or video , since it is in these situations where you will need faster cards. If your camera accepts SDHC format it is very likely that it will also work correctly with SD, but remember that a card “inferior” to its performance can cause your camera to lose speed. That is, you may have a very high frame rate per second, but if your card is slow, it will be of little use. Or on the contrary, if your camera accepts SDHC but you do not plan to use RAW or burst shooting, or HD video as a priority, it is best that you save the money to invest in something else; with a good SD it will be more than enough Here you have the equivalences for SDHC cards and their corresponding minimum transfer speeds at which they reproduce or record the information.
Class Speed
Class 2 2 MB / s
Class 4 4 MB / s
Class 6 6 MB / s
Class 10 10 MB / s
If instead you think of an SD card , keep in mind that the numbering corresponding to the speed speaks of maximum transfer , there is no reference to the minimum as in the previous case, do not be fooled


There are many brands in the market and very different prices. Unfortunately, very cheap is rarely good in this case, so try to focus on well-known brands, and with good references to make sure that what you are buying is really what you believe. Look at the end of the article, where we recommend some options.


It will be of little use to you to have several memory cards if you do not take care of them properly, so I leave you some quick tips so that you try to give your cards the best possible life
  • Keep them protected in a case, purse and so on. Not only will you prevent them from being grated or dirty, but it will help you keep them organized and not get lost.
  • Be sure to eject it correctly once you have downloaded it to your computer.
  • Do not delete photos directly from the camera as you reduce the life of the card. It is preferable that you delete them all at once once you have successfully downloaded them.
  • And of course ... treat it carefully, do not force it when inserting or removing it from the camera or passing it to other devices.
Caring for your memory cards is essential


Do not become obsessed, the capacities and speeds increase constantly every few months, if the price of the card you want seems barbaric, wait a bit, or buy the previous one, do not become obsessed with being “up to date” and go shopping more according to your needs, than according to the market.


If you are looking for a good memory card, you can try these. Any of them will work very well as long as you need an SD.
  • 16 GB Transcend
  • 32 GB Transcend
If your camera has another type of memory card, other than SD, you should find virtually any type of card on Amazon . I hope that with these basic tips you go with a determined step to acquire your next card, I hope to partially avoid stuttering and the “well, no idea” “I didn't even know there was that possibility” that I personally had the first time I bought a replacement for my camera. If so, if you think it will be useful and you think that someone else will benefit from these indications, please share it on Facebook, Twitter and / or Google +. Thank you very much for reading and see you next time!
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