You can't imagine how easy it is to clone yourself in a photo with a single shot without having to juggle Photoshop or any other self-respecting editor. Let alone resort to genetic cloning ? . If you want to delve deeper into mobile photography, you cannot miss the mega guide that we have prepared for you with all the tips and tricks and this one with the best photography applications for your mobile.

And if you feel like playing, if you want to surprise or need to appear twice (you or whoever) in the image, you are in the right place because I am going to teach you a trick that is as easy as it is effective. And you can have a photo like this. I promise it's not twins ? and the photo isn't retouched. Magic? No. Do you want to know how?

By the way, the sign isn't retouched either, it's like that, just like that, double, go left or right, you're going to the beach ? .


mobile phone with a panoramic function and a subject that is willing to take your photo or appear in it. And nothing more. Easy, right?


Yes, the trick to clone yourself is in the panorama function. If you don't do it as panoramic photography there are other ways to achieve it. As for example with free applications like Clone Camera for Androidor iOS. They are very improvable versions but they do their job (more or less…). Then you have to pay with which you can do more than two exhibitions.

  • Clone Camera Pro (iOS):€2.29.
  • Clone Your Self Camera Pro (Android):€20.99 (Yes, this is much more expensive, if you know of a cheaper one, we invite you to leave it in the comments ? ). You can see how it works in the following video:


As I told you, the idea of this article is to explain how to clone yourself without applications, in case you can't download it, don't want it or you like the effect of this panoramic trick more. So let's see how it's done.

Try not to leave the yellow line

1.Put the mobile camera in panoramic mode. Have the subject move to the left of the frame and remain still. Start panning by moving your phone to the right and following the line that appears on your screen, like the yellow one in this screenshot on the right.

What if you don't follow the line right? You can see an example in the following photo, look at the edge of the pool:

Effects of not following the line indicating the panorama well

2.Once the subject is out of the camera's angle of view, stop, and have the model walk behind you as quickly as possible to the right of the frame, out of the camera's angle of view .

While you keep the mobile as static as possible, the person portrayed passes behind you to stand on the right

3. When it remains immobile in the position you have decided, continue the panoramic view trying to follow the line as much as possible, as I have mentioned before. Leave the space that you consider to the right of the person you just cloned and for the panorama.

And that's it. Easy, right?


Now that you know the trick, let's go with some tips to make your photo more attractive:

  • Establish in advance the points where the subject has to be placed, especially so that it serves as a guide for the subject and does not slip into the angle of vision when moving to the right or you will have to repeat. But also to achieve the best possible composition.
  • Look for attractive backgrounds. Backgrounds that do not distract and that accompany the scene and/or the protagonists.
  • Take care of the composition. Pay attention when framing, your image will be more interesting. Try to leave space to the left and right of the subject, if you look at the photograph above, you will see that there is hardly any space on the right and it is overwhelming.
  • Tells a story. Try not to limit yourself to cloning, take advantage of the fact that there are two characters (or more on the scene to tell something). Otherwise, your photo will have little interest. Have them argue among themselves (conflicts are always the sauce of any story) or interact in some way. Let them be two different characters in the same narrative.
  • Another idea is to make a series as if it were a comic, several photographs that come together to tell a story together.
  • The more your subject runs to get past you, the smoother the pan will be and the less noticeable it will be in the center.
  • Be careful with the lines, so it doesn't happen to you with this example. The less time you stay in the center, the better result you will have. Also take care of the height from which you take the photos or the distortion will be greater. If you look at the first photo with the Beach sign, the ground also has lines and you don't notice the curve or distortion of the lines as much as in the next image, because this one was taken from a higher point and the first one from a lower angle, more parallel to the scene.
  • When waiting in the center the mobile has moved too much and it shows in the ground lines
    • Avoid the waves of the sea and other elements that move while doing the panorama, better static backgrounds.
    In this case, the transition in the center is barely noticeable.
    • Once you have your photo you can crop it to improve the framing or get the image to have the dimensions that interest you.
    • You can also edit it to taste like any other image.

    These are just some ideas, your imagination can go even further. Let her work and, if you feel like it, you can share the results with us.

    If you found this article interesting, useful or practical, don't forget to share it on your favorite social network. Surely one of your contacts would like to try it. And in this hemisphere, there are many people on vacation at the beach or wherever (and boring) for sure they find it refreshing ? . Thank you and see you soon.

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